Big happenings within the next few weeks, I'm talking real big. Keep an eye out
Big happenings within the next few weeks, I'm talking real big. Keep an eye out
Identify yourself
What you know OP???
You mean like Trump becoming president?
100+ death toll Happening before the inauguration if digits
fucking hell
It is I, KEK.
Shit. Trips. Kek has forsaken us!!
I believe a nation will fall
Explosions in New York.
America or leafland?
i hope i am one of them
It can't fall if its already down
Leave New York alone I have to go there all the time lately.
Big happenings regarding nonwhites in Europe
wew lad
Visitors coming
If triples mass shooting in Sweden
If post ends in 93 we get a happening tomorrow.
oh shit you just had to awaken him didn't you?
Would you two care to give us some subtle hint at thine sources?
South East from Sweden
A nation will fall at the hands of non-whites in Europe?
Oh goodness gracious
Hi Satan
Uh oh
Well, 100 people around the world will die att some point before the the inauguration
So you are technically correct
>So you are technically correct
Kek's sense of humor everyone!
benevolent ayys?
Just waiting for a happening man, I've got some family in Europe and they say something is really off
If Doubles Germanistan falls and Brazil is White
Hahaha shit, white people will be force fed red pills in the new current year
>I've got some family in Europe and they say something is really off
Two ships sighted off the port bow?
I mean, they will probably change immigration policies at some point.
But did they mention what exactly seemed off?
Immediately threw me back to Silent Hill 2 on Playstation 2
"This town...there's something... 'wrong' with it."
cant wait desu
It's not government shit, but like a "general feel of happening". They're in small farming towns mostly, but roads blocked off, roads completely silent through the day (they claim it's very irregular for them), shit like that.
>but roads blocked off, roads completely silent through the day
Hmm. But not government blocked?
Apparently not. Also when I said roads empty, I meant unrelated to the blockages
only whites get digits
If doubles, white nationalist uprising successfully overthrows French or German regime
Well shit
Holy shit checked
Well, commercial throughputs being empty might indicate changes in shipping routes.
Which could mean either >internment time, or the entirely pedestrian >cold winter demands.
Sounds good.
I'd say you were right if not for how scared they actually seem. Idk, I'm really trying to avoid being on some /x/ tier overthink, but in hearing from them it seems more is up than bad weather and shipping
>on some /x/ tier overthink
Well what do they believe it is? Surely they'd have theories living there.
Military movements wouldn't usually be too silent if they were closing roads and moving der missiles.
wew lad.
Sadly, I feel like this man as well.
Buckle up, 2017 is gonna be a bumpy ride
If digits, trump will only benefit from the blatant attempts to dethrone him.
Yeah leaf it up I really don't blame you at this point, my fucking MLA just defunded science fair for the local musical, we need to go
Close. We'll call it 'mostly' benefit.
Yes yes yes. 101 add me to the body count. I want to be part of history.
if digits Trump k
They seem to think it's either other people also feeling something off and staying in as well, or people getting together for some reason unknown to them. I could shoot them a text and see what they're thinking lately
When will KEK be made flesh? When will KEK walk among us? Or is he already here?
>I could shoot them a text and see what they're thinking lately
Why not? It's your thread OP.
I want some nuclear happening. It would have lasted for more than couple of weeks. There would be infos about mutant children births one year after the happening so we would have possibility of celebrating an anniversary.
Well I'll be damned, they are within a few km of a reactor so who knows what 2017 has planned!
Russia will hack us to death, digits willing
we gonna die
Chicago on fire
KEK is a generous god. KEK is a river unto his people. KEK will be here soon. Can you not feel his presence already? He is making the world so that he may born back into it. Praise KEK
if digits, its a nuke happening
the world is but a big explosion. we sort of drift in the blasts but as individuals we are almost indestructible. sometimes we control the world and sometimes we are powerless.
trump will be president either way and the golden age of humanity will start. Remember the signs. He is kek's chosen. his age is all 7's on the date he becomes president, his very name means "great leader chosen by god".
I think we can ride it out and not worry too much, and possibly see some serious shit on the way.
well this is interesting.
lets hope it's blm.
I don't believe modern reactors are built to be able to violently melt down.
You mostly see that in old Eastern ones.
But they could always transport 'dark materiels' there.
Okay, heard back from him. He said today the town centre was completely empty, went for a walk with his kids but went straight the fuck home. Internet shaky, but he said he was worried as there's been a huge spike in tire slashings. I doubt it's connected though, probably paranoid
Kek wills it
>probably paranoid
To be honest? Seems like it. It's January. How much traffic he expect outside?
oh fug
if doubles USA turn into imperial.
If doubles nuke
Terrorist attack?
Kek answer our prayers plz
If digits, France pulls out of Eurozone
I visited for Christmas / New Years around this time in 05, the town was honestly pretty lively. Times have changed though, why go out when you can just watch tv etc.
I'd sum it up to crazy too, if it weren't that whole side of the family making a fuss
well he didn't get digits so no worries bro.
if double digits, muslims and atheists become extinct.
If digits 2017 is the end of the left
nuke in late 2017
Nuke tomorrow.
If digits, Merkel is removed from office
>needing digits for that
doubles fir nuke tommorow
if double, Hillary dies of heart attack.
Dillard's sale if digits.
Nice try, deplorable