For context, I was fucking around with my friend's Tinder, he has a whoopee cushion costume on in his profile pic. Called herself an "entrepreneur" in her bio. I wrote almost everything except for the "damn?" and the last response. Enjoy Sup Forums
pathetic white boy
she btfo'd you and that same day she got blacked and she ENJOYED every second of it.
go ahead and keep crying
Kill yourself please
Actually that's the last one, I don't need my friends response. But what do you think Sup Forums, did I strike a nerve?
whoops posted it anyway. I'm dumb but hope you enjoyed
>minority titles
This is how they think.
Jesus Christ man, you pissed her off
kek have a bump
You didn't just dodge a bullet, you prevented a one-sided nuclear exchange.
Damn dat ass don't look disabled to me
You should have said
1. I assume anyone who lists their occupation as "entrepreneur" is unemployed regardless of their gender. Successful entrepreneurs would list the successful business they started as their occupation.
2. Entrepreneurs didn't build the ground I walk on. Mexicans and hardworking blue collar men did.
3. Will you please be my girlfriend?
wow you got wrecked she's hot gtfo off pol now
She wouldn't type that much for you unless she wanted straight up dick
My friend attempting to take over the bantz. I'm eager to see where this goes
Oh snap.
Claim that you're a light skinned Muslim who had to leave Palestine because of her people.
You aren't being funny go to /r9k/ with this shit
If you're socially programmed how can you be held accountable for your actions?
fuck I"m supposed to go to bed but that was bretty good awaiting response.
>just 5 more minutes I swear
>Who you calling a bigot? You're the ignorant white male harassing females on Tinder while you jack off in a whoopee cushion costume. As a disabled, queer, Jewish female, I possess more minority titles and identities than you could ever come close to during your priveleged male existence. You made your views quite clear when you initiated a conversation insinuating that a female cannot be an entrepeneur. Your inherently misogynist, societally-programmed male mind believes that a female would only use that occupation to 'hide' unemployment. I suggest you think twice before outright criticizing the entrepeneurs who every day invest their blood, sweat, tears, time, and money, into building the ground your sorry ass walks on every day. You, sir, are priveleged to walk on that ground and exist in a world made by entrepeneurs. You inserted yourself here, like the kind of tool I would expect to be lurking on Tinder. I suggest you leave, bigot.
This could be a pasta to rival Gorilla Warfare
>Who you calling a bigot?
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
>As a disabled, queer, Jewish female, I possess more minority titles and identities than you could ever come close to during your priveleged male existence.
>I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target.
Fucking pottery
of course
I keked. And so did KEK
my friend actually is half Turkish so that would work
no response yet I'm afraid
Sometimes less is more.
I forgot
>I suggest you leave, bigot.
>You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>as a disabled queer Jewish female
And let the oppression Olympics begin
Get the fuck outta here with that yelling faggot chink.
Humor evolves past the point of mindless yelling when you become 14 years old, stop watching that shit, or GTFO MY BOARD
>that response
>its not even ironic
everyone in her life probably finds her incredibly annoying
wtf i love disabled, queer, Jewish females now!
Ask her to name one company she's created and has seen success.
>tfw OP thinks the girl is flirtatiously bantering with him when in fact she just insulted the fuck out of him and hates him 4 realz
my buddy isn't the best at this but I'm feeding him your suggestions. her response was meh
this is comedy gold
I don't think anyone is that dense, I thought she was sharing some bantz when she said disabled, queer jew, as a joke to outcompete but as soon as she went on about females not being about entreprenuers it became abundantly clear she gets triggered by literally everything. Also no one writes bantz that long, she just wrote a column of asspain
>I'm sorry, maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Can't we work this out? For every problem there is a final solution.
inb4 she says
>Hey, want to meetup this weekend?
The fact that she hasn't just ended the convo means she's probably into someone who is challenging her.
I can't tell which one is the Sup Forums troll.
It'll go over her head, she's too dense.
This isn't bantz anymore,
When appropriate ask her if her disability is mental
wait, ask if her disability is being female
> You wouldn't be asking that if I was a male and you know it
You wouldn't be talking to a Muslim like that face to face and you know it.
seems like she likes someone shit talking her
Holy shit, this is a goddess here.
That means no manlet children.
I love tall bitches. Fucking womanlets are always after me because I'm tall myself. It's annoying as fuck
US army everyone
I-I really thought she was kidding...
If she's still talking to you she wants to have her rape fantasy fulfilled by you desu senpai, tell this bitch to meet you somewhere for a """""debate""""
Where do you live that people unironically talk like this?
*should of
KEK fun might be over lads
>Urge to make 'grammar nazi' pun rising
That's what you get, you privileged male.
Check 'em.
>I posses more minority titles and identities
Holy kek, this can't be real
i lost my shit at her fucking occuptation. made some retarded snort chuckle into laugh noise. i wasnt expecting a fucking petcare place for single parents that only hires females or whatever the fuck she said.
>certified minority and women owned childcare and petcare provider, with a focus on helping single parents and innovating early childhood development and training for future providers and ECE teachers.
>only hire women
>engaged to a muslim
so this is the power of social justice...
please pay your respects to my friend's account
What terms of services did you violate?
RIP in piece
It's like a badge of honor these days.
no u
>you need to suspend your subscription yourself
Doesn't matter where they live. Tinder is the only place they have left to fill their sad fuck lives with heavy LARPing no one would ever believe so they can get validation from other sad fucks.
You know Barney from HIMYM? Same thing, except the exact opposite from Legen... wait for it...
> please pay your respects to my friend's account
You did him a favor. No F
>colors coloring books and glues sea shells and beads on them
You know, I thought you were being trolled by some Sup Forums-tier based qt3.14
Then I read the posts past this. Sad!
first milo, now this
> Can you think of any other ways to leech money off of idiots, mr goldberg?
>Entrepreneur is code for unemployed.
For men it is, you dipshit. For women it's whore/madam.
>When you haven't told anyone that you rule the whole universe in 5 minutes
>I possess more minority titles and identities
So now they are openly playing pokemon with oppressed catagories.
wow kinda seemed like she was into it tbqh
should have asked if you could meet up for an interview for the nanny job then charmed her
No way it's that fucking quick acting, also not after 1 report. Also I'm pretty sure it blocks people and unmatches when you report.
ultimate jewery
if she was into it he wouldn't of just lost his account
no, just 2 Sup Forumstards shitposting at each other
> die juden
Every fucking time
yeah that's why i'm a bit surprised she reported him after she eased up a little bit half way through
SJW merit badges.
> I possess
Holy Moses that's the most Jewish way to talk about minority titles. Dear god she sounds like she's directly attacking his credit score with that line
swear on my soul it wasn't. in fact my friend is generally a reddit fag but I guess he was feeling edgy tonight, we do this shit regularly
all tall goddesses belong to manlets
>that face
better double-wrap it
she has a fat face. probably 200 lbs