When did you realize that this board is retarded?

Just wanna hear your opinions Sup Forums. Hopefully there's still a few sane people left on this board.


The flat earth and NASA threads really put things into perspective

i always thought this place was satire

A month before I realized that this board is always right

Idk man, I think it started off as satire and attracted people who believe the bullshit.


It has its moments.

It's fun being one of those moments.

Just because you're shit, shitpost and argue badly doesn't mean we all do.

Kill yourself spideman poster.

When the redditor fags flooded it with their cuck mentality. They will be converted or annihilated.

Cool post bro

>"What a shitty hunter, am I right?" Asks the gazelle, as the cheetah's teeth tear needle holes in its throat

See you tomorrow

>A month before I realized that this board is always right
Once I realized Sup Forums is always right for the wrong reasons. It's nice that I have somewhere that's so contrarian, because it lets me find news sources that, while I don't agree with them, gives me a wider angle to view an issue over.

Just then.. Actually.

>Go onto a "But like... what if the child consents though?" satire thread
>There are actually fucking dozens of people liking and supporting the idea of having sex/wanting to date 14 YEAR OLDS unironically.

>Scroll through just fucking one page and tell me the amount of retarded fucking threads you can see right now

>There was a thread about girls on Sup Forums, Some user mentions they're a chick, And they get a quadrillion (You)'s

>Shills fucking everywhere

I hate this stupid fucking website.

Still its one of the few places to get contrarian viewpoints (disputable now though), so we must remain.

I've known it from the start but it's still great in a lot of ways

This site is good to see how people occasionally really think, but it also drowns you in thoughts and images that you really should not be exposed to 24/7. Use the site sparingly, and realize the real world is not actually as horrible as everything in here. I do really like to see just how much fucking bullshit the media spews sometimes, and Sup Forums immediately catches them on this bullshit, especially the Treyvon crap.

Just curious, but why do you think its great?

When I saw you posted here.

Glad I convinced you.

this site is certainly full of shit but You get news FAST.so fast By the time normal people begin talking about it you can fucking debunk evry letter of it fast.

could do without the flagrant racism, and each nigger H8 thread i see kills me a bit inside (I'm black, sue me) but meh.

retarded that this board is always being dumb but at the same time there are still lots of good discussion and a great amount of wisdom and info. Sup Forums is extremely brutal and honest about the truth and that's why it is good.

I'll bet you're a lefty fag though, man did we run those tards out good.

Any large gathering of people is destined to trend towards stupidity. That being said Sup Forums gets off pretty lightly for all its traffic.

>flat earth slide thread is guarantee replies
>other /x/ tier threads gaining more attention
>leaf shitposting
Popularity killed it for me.

>this board is retarded
>give me your opinions

What in the fuck is going on

It's strange how I've seen better Islam threads than any other topic. Some people seem to actually know the history of the religion, the middle-east, scholars etc.