Californians, gather round

Im stuck in Los angeles, in my grand parents house for many year

I have money saved from my job to move out, and I want to head to central america to be with my fellow conservative white people

Question is, what state? Where shall we migrate fellow californians?

Migrate to the gas chamber you filthy californian

I-Im one of the good ones sir,

I tried to spread Fascism but was attacked by numales, Wojak's Infantry unit 818 sir

*Reads ops post, sees central America... fellow white people. Think wut the fugg?*

Are you talking about Iowa or Nicaragua?

I meant to say Midwest


>live in Texas
>first Californian I have ever seen in my life has fucking nail polish
>has brows trimmed
>talks like a fag

yeah, no

we have enough dildo waving anti-gun fags from California already

Im trying to get away from those people

im a refugee man

I wont go to texas, I want an all white state with affordable living

yeah kys cali scum. t. washingtonian

San diego here. I'm gonna be moving to Mississippi pretty soon. I'm tried of the crazy taxes, drought and expensive rent over here.
Gonna go live with my dad is mississippi for awhile. Maybe get a place in gulfport.
Fuck cali.

>monterey county here (Salinas)
Stay away we have guns here. Also i fucking hate fresno people

I like living in LA. Its tough being a comservative but i dont let ot get to me. My gf and friends dont agree with me politically on anything but we still appreciate each other and ger along.

Monterey is so gorgeous and I love the Steinbeck museum in Salinas. He's a personal hero of mine

thats faggot dude

disregard the female before you get blue pilled and blue balled

California is a virus, we need to get on our horses and ride into the east like our ancestors. We will ride across the basin, to calico and hit the saloon

Bozeman Montana.

Montana seems like a good choice

I wanted to be in tornado alley though, are those all black areas?

San Francisco here.

just end it all

916 representing. We move to the north, like redding and the surrounding area. It'll be relatively safe in the event of a nuclear war

look at all the jobs

for those of us still here that aren't in the gay area or El Eh, how do we make California great again?

besides the obvious answer of nuking the aforementioned areas?

>mfw I live near LA and will be moving to Tennessee soon

Feels good to get off of a sinking ship


There are no black people in Montana
Actually in Bozeman there's a labor shortage right now, skilled and unskilled. 3-20 years ago you'd be correct.

916 here too. Even Auburn and higher are pretty based

I'll be moving to Australia in about 40 years.

You from SFV?

I lived/grew up in LA county for 25 years and moved to western VA last year. Except for my family that still lives there, I don't miss it at all.