What was worse? WWI or WWII?
What was worse? WWI or WWII?
eastern front of ww2>ww1>rest of ww2
which is worse, having a fat man shit diarrhoea into your mouth or having a dog vomit into your mouth?
don't let it happen.
the jews will win.
the best of the goyim will die.
Trench warfare was the worst thing mankind has ever seen. WWI was by far worse
You didn't spend much time in the trenches, lad.
WW2 Eastern front was monstrously worse.
Elaborate then, faggot
Yah but at least we didn't get fed piecemeal into machine guns for 4 years.
How much time did you spend in either place?
WWII had better memes
But wwII
Probably WWI just because it was the first mechanized war
I think WW2 was arguably worse, as it made white nationalism almost impossible to express
If it wasn't so bad, why did Hitler REFUSE to perform trench warfare when it could have helped prolong the war? Same reason he didn't use Mustard/Sarin gas even though it was used in WW1, he had experienced that shit himself in WW1 and had a very strong connection to the common infantryman and did not want that generation of men to experience the same level of horrors that they did.
Not really. WW2 eastern front merely matched the western front.
Stalingrad almost got close to verdun
ww2 was cooler
From a soldier perspective, WW1 was worse. Was such a more mechanical war, and there were still outdated tactics, and the prevelence of trench warfare, that changed everything. WW1 was basically one large statement for 4 years, where the lines didn't move 10 miles, but millions died, and best tactic anyone could think of is in the beginning, charging machine guns, or later, taking potshots and surviving mortar. WW2 was way faster, and had way more room for heroism, and actual circumstances of fighting for survival, rather than just being another rat.
From a civilian perspective, WW2 was immensely worse because fighting actually took place where people lived, and it involved total destruction of countries.
Hitler also avoided development of nuclear weapons for similar reasons. Americans didn't give a fuck. Kek we barely did shit in either war but when we braught our balls out the world knew
What? Just go read up on the conditions on both. The conditions on the Eastern front, trench warfare was conducted and ultimate lead to brutal and merciless killing. At least you were only on the front for a few days in WWI before going back to the rear.
Do I need to translate in Niggerese?
Stalingrad and Verdun are not very comparable. Germans lost more men than were killed in the entire Battle of Verdun.
In the next week
In general, WW1. The Eastern-front, especially during the Winter, must have been even worse, though.
The Pacific War was pretty brutal too, we saw levels of hatred and brutality there like on the Eastern Front
The Eastern Front saw some of the most destructive losses of human life human history ever saw, and under the weight of the massive casualties, the complete loss of any empathy for human life, lack of self-preservation on the Russian side, and the freezing temperatures, and all the war crimes. The Eastern Front of WWII was literally hell on earth.
Trenches in WW1 were bad, but the Eastern Front stripped people of their humanity real quick and turned them into animals.
Depends on where but Pacific WW2. Especially islands like peleliu and Iwo Jima. Continuous combat, I'll go insane.
Fuckin leaf you didn't explain shit about the eastern front of ww2
>google it
I swear you fucking leafs are getting worse. I hate you all. Maybe even almost as much as I hate niggers
Ww2 had more deaths so yeah
eastern front military casualties: 15 million
western front military casualties: 8 million
ww1 military casualties: 11 million
eastern front was the worst you niggers the numbers do not lie
Mustard gas alone make ww1 the worst.
I cant imagine a worse way to die
I'm not your history teacher.
God dammit I will murder every single fucking leaf with my bare hands. I will kill you all
Vietnam desu
>enemies all around but no idea where
>no real reason for fighting
Oh boo hoo
Neither compare to the american civil war
Napoleon went into Russia with 700k French Soldiers
Only 35k survived.
>the numbers don't lie
>six million jews!
If you were lucky enough to be the 80,000 that actually died from it that is. Wasn't just mustard gas either, it was a much of shit.
Battlefield 1 was pretty bad desu
looked good though
>half the teams are niggers
>no France or Russia
>France and Russia debatably the two most important allied powers
>Left out of the game
I'd say the Iraq war was the worst. Just look at how many soldiers ended their lives after.
He was talking about military deaths not the holocaust you literal retard
Have you ever actually studied the World Wars?
At verdun the forests were blasted away by artillery fire.
The ground became giant craters full of blood and guts/muddy water that soldiers drowned in.
The battle of Somme was just as bad if not worse, soldiers corpses piled up and were blasted into the ground by artillery to the point of near obliteration.
The ground was full of guts and bones.
That's just WW1. WW2 was worse because it was a war of extermination which caused death on a scale not fathomable by most humans.
And even then the French had cleared the way for a smooth US victory, but you fags just couldn't do it.
They're adding them into the game in the next DLC, for a small fee though of course.
Remember people, when you see a leaf posting in other threads and they seem normal, they aren't. It is these people. If you think some leafs may have a decent opinion or maybe their post is worth bringing into the discussion, you are the same as people who think "not all blacks are niggers"
A leaf is a leaf. There are no good leaf posts
Civil War was nothing. People munched on food and watched the festivities.
Game released early becuase muh monies.
Completely random character models, leading to black germans, roaches saying in a British accent "jerry! Spot on!",
Planes looking the same.
Dlc finally lets you play as two of the other nations in the war.
Also, ea is a bowl of diarrhea soup
You're the retard.
Do you not study history, user?
All combat numbers are fluffed by their respective governments much like the holocaust numbers were fluffed.
I am sorry you're too ignorant to understand the comparison.
syphilis or gonorrhea?
That's still no excuse. They should have been in the game from the absolute start, instead of adding nations like the US & Italy who didn't do much in comparison to Russia & France.
It's kind of telling that in the main game during the Gallipoli level there are some African and Indian npc soldiers and they have appropriate foreign accents
then in the multiplayer the black British and German classes sound the same as everyone else
it makes me think it was probably a last minute change to score some diversity points
Dunno, he seems to be having fun. :D
The dog vomit is much better desu
I look at battlefield 1 and see a game 1/3 finished with shoved in SJW history, with
>muh experimental weapons
For good measure, so that every battle is tossing gas grenades and sprint firing with 60 pound machine guns at targets 500 meters away. Oh, and the 20 mph tanks that move like go carts.
Much worse.
WW1 was worst because large scale chemical warfare was used for the first time and Europeans invented Plastic Surgery for the survivors.
The pacific in the jungles especially with the dysentery and all other diseases coupled with modern warfare would of been hellish.
It was.
They had to hold everything back not to include female soldiers, it was a serious debate they had, with many for it because Russia once had like 1 female reserve unit hundreds of miles away from battle.
Don't even start on the stronk woymn Bedouin in a country starting its ultra-orthodox doctrine known as Salafi Islam, perhaps you've heard of it.
this is maximum wrong
WW2 ... the advent of atomic/nuclear weapons and the Cold War.
World war one was fucked. Fighting over the same grounds for months on end is horrible.
Here is an extract out of 'Now it can be told' by Philip Gibbs, it sheds some light on the conditions that the soldiers were in: "The worst school of war for the sons of gentlemen was, in those early
days, and for long afterward, Hooge. That was the devil's playground
and his chamber of horrors, wherein he devised merry tortures for
young Christian men. It was not far out of Ypres, to the left of the
Menin road, and to the north of Zouave Wood and Sanctuary Wood. For a
time there was a chateau there called the White Chateau, with
excellent stables and good accommodation for one of our brigade
staffs, until one of our generals was killed and others wounded by a
shell, which broke up their conference. Afterward there was no
chateau, but only a rubble of bricks banked up with sandbags and deep
mine-craters filled with stinking water slopping over from the
Bellewarde Lake and low-lying pools. Bodies, and bits of bodies, and
clots of blood, and green metallic-looking slime, made by explosive
gases, were floating on the surface of that water below the crater
banks when I first passed that way, and so it was always. Our men
lived there and died there within a few yards of the enemy, crouched
below the sand-bags and burrowed in the sides of the crater. Lice
crawled over them in legions. Human flesh, rotting and stinking, mere
pulp, was pasted into the mud-banks. If they dug to get deeper cover
their shovels went into the softness of dead bodies who had been their
comrades. Scraps of flesh, booted legs, blackened hands, eyeless
heads, came falling over them when the enemy trench-mortared their
position or blew up a new mine-shaft."
The designer of BF1 is a swede cuck, the writer is a gay Hillary supporter.
I really doubt it's possible to make the distinction. Each was absolutely almost inhumanly horrible, just in their own terrible, terrible ways.
There was at least some glory in ww2.
WWw2was fought over stupid family rivalries
Muh Harlem hellfighters
I enjoy the game but I had yo suspend my disbelief.
If I think of it as a weird steam punk alternate reality its pretty fun. But all the experimental weapons and diversity get a little ridiculous.
Also the level of hate between the Allies and Japan was unprecedented
It became a common thing for US Soldiers/Marines and Aussies to just put down any jap they saw, whether they were wounded or surrendering, on sight
For the soldier? WW1 had notoriously shit fighting conditions.
For humanity? WW2. The heroes lost.
>There was at least some glory in ww2.
>WWw2was fought over stupid family rivalries
Did you have a fucking stroke user?
For pure psychological terror? Probably WWI
Fire up those neurons and think - about 100 years ago, YOU could have been out there in the trenches at places like Verdun. Hope you're ready to charge no mans land.
WWwwwwwwww222222 ewwwwasssss aaaaaaaa bbaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddd warrrrrrrrrrrrrrr helpppppppppppppppppp hlpppppppppp
It makes you think how whites went from being absolutely brutal on the Eastern Front, to what they are now just 70 years later. I guess media propaganda really is much more powerful than anything else combined.
WWI, because WWII would never have happened without WWI to cripple and hijack Germany.
Americans weren't. French did, while the rest of the world got their diaries and lunches ready for the grand adventure that war was supposed to be. Granted, UK and Russia got their shit ready in due time, but France pretty much took the full force of the war and held their own.
I've heard pretty convincing arguments to Great War being in its entirety a machination to massacre a troublesome generation. The theory postulates that the mindless loss of human lives in the "tactics" of that time weren't coincidental but actually purposeful.
>What was worse? WWI or WWII?
Same war really.
Thegreateststorynevertold dot com
WW2 was worse because it's not over yet. Germany is still getting fucked, we are still being fed lies, and no one knows the truth.
Millions of woman were raped in Germany by Russians after the war. It is sick. It made me cry watching this documentary, not just cry but weep. Hitler was the final stand for a free world, today we are economically enslaved and are being whittled away with race mixing and mass inmigration. The end will not come swift, this war will go until Europe is destroyed.
And the three blade knife.
source on hitler refusing to use trench warfare? I'm not calling you out, I'd just find it interesting to read. I figured armored units and better radio comms lead to trenchlines being broken more often, leading to less trenches.
I'd take my chances in WW2. Psychologically, trench warfare and shell shock seals it for me. At least in WW2 there's mobility. You'd take artillery rounds here and there, but the entire war wouldn't be 80% that.
There is no source that I'm aware of.
The development of armored vehicles made trenches obsolete.
Although they were still used in many cases.
>What was worse? WWI or WWII?
In terms of protracted, miserable, insanity inducing conditions for most soldiers it would be WWI - only parts of the Eastern front/Stalingrad matched it in WWII.
But overall WWII in every other respect.
>WW2 was worse because it's not over yet.
And WW2 was a direct continuation of WW1. We're still living in the idiocy of 1914.
What do we do? Taking a red pill like Pol has been feeding me these past years eventually leads to a feeling of absolute loss. It's so incredible to zoom out and see the whole picture, know the real story, spot every attack on Christianity and every occult or pedo reference on TV.
I can only hope that Trump will save America, and that Germany will wake up. But being as all education and media is being controlled in Germany until 2099 as per the allies post war I almost feel it will be too late.
>that burnt jap
My country is just cucks. WW1 was worse cause you had people that were not cucks fighting in the trenches(Canadians).
didnt brits had another million soldiers right next to french in west front ww1? they also took it like champs imho.
Fucking jew wars for zion.
Britain definitely took a hot load of german seed, but it was all in Frances' ass.
Maybe it's because of shit american history classes, but the very little i did learn of WW1, it focused on US, UK, Germany, and a bit of Russia. You'd think that those were the only countries involved. Then I dig a little and realize how fucked France was from the get-go. Everyone knew this war was coming, and everyone knew France was the first target, and most countries just kinda wanted to see how things played out as Belgium was rolled over and trenches were dug in French soil and the meat grinding began.
No fucking wonder France gave up at the onset of WW2. If I'd just taken an absolute asspounding from Germany and barely scrapped by a victory at the cost of millions of lives, only to see a fully geared and motivated Germany knocking again with even more power, I'd roll over too.
thank god for trump. start to get another Hitler
He probably was stuck like that and the marines took bets to see how long he'd last, it takes some real hate to set a man on fire like that and watch
This was true in so many nations, in hindsight WW1 was nothing but a massive meat grinder.
WWI, because there's nothing worse than sitting for weeks in a dirty trench that smells like poo and dead bodies.