Just remember you're insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Stop being a lil bitch over petty shit.
cool vid:
Just remember you're insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Stop being a lil bitch over petty shit.
cool vid:
You are insignificant.
u 2
You sound very self absorbed.
The universe isn't that big when you can teleport anywhere instantly.
You do sound self absorbed. Kind of narcistic like Obama.
Wrong place to post this, OP. Go over to /lgbt/
>"you literally mean nothing"
>tells me what to do
No u
i will have my revenge
>grand scheme of things
There is no grand scheme you schmuck! The grand scheme is as insignificant as we are. you know what humanity and the universe have in common? neither the universe nor humanity has an advantage over the other, they are equal due to the innate triviality that they both share as well as the universes forefathers, of which bare the same fucking triviality.
>dude empty space with small amounts of rock and gas means so much more than you lmao
The insignificance of space and by extension the insignificance of humans is a meme pushed by bourgeoisie intelligentsia and primarily consumed by marijuana enthusiasts who have lost their ability for introspection because of their chronic drug use. Thinkers have known since ancient times that the inner world is infinitely greater than the physical and by denying this you deny yourself the most important aspect of the human experience.
What if the grand scheme of things is insignificant to me?
*significance of space
Cry more.
Is a happy end still happy if you know it's the end?
*exhales bong hit*
Faaar out man
Regardless of how insignificant life is, people are still annoying as fucking shit.
>dude there's like stars outside so don't take anything seriously xD
If I could, I would lynch everyone who thinks the way you do.
End it. Kill yourself.
Also this
If you don't know it's the end you cannot assign any thing to it. So yes.
R 3
woah dude chill ok?
The universe is a complexity producing engine.
We stand at the top of this hierarchy of complexity, as language using culture creating conscious beings (given what we know)...
So no, we aren't insignificant. Simply observe how the universe has become more complex over time and realize that humanity is situated at the front of it all.
Pce bro
Then why dont you kys if nothing matters?
Things matter because it causes emotion and we measure how much it matters by how much of an effect it has on the person experiencing it.
Everything on this world matters, it doesnt matter how big the universe is compared to us, we still feel emotion and can suffer and be in blissful joy. That matters.
>dude stop trying, just rrreeellllaaxxxx xD
For the record I know you're probably baiting/fucking around and that's ok because this is Sup Forums, but 90% of the problems we have in this world stem from people not giving a shit, and laughing at anyone who does.
This is one of the most red pilled facts,, that we are all so tiny, our problems are so tiny in comparison to the grandeur of the universe. You can be and do what you want. Be what you want to be. What people think of you doesn't matter. Follow your gut. Go to Wendy's. Or don't. Who fuckin cares.