>tfw you realize all the buttrapings you're gonna get in prison bc even your gang disowned you
Tfw you realize all the buttrapings you're gonna get in prison bc even your gang disowned you
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That guy in video is a gangbanger and shit but he's alright
To me he seems like if he grew up in a white area with white people he wouldn't have turned out to be a gang member like he is
At the very least it's refreshing to see someone in the black community despite it being a bad role model saying wtf we doing. This is too much. Not even al Sharron or spike Lee making videos like this
Hopefully he gets cornered in the shower by this guy.
you do realise this incident put there shit nigger gang that no one ever heard of on a international level? Now hundrends of thousands of people know about the poo bear gang. Why did you think they did that? For attention. Did they get the attention? Yes. It was a mission
acomplished for them, now there just doing damage control to not get V8 but this is what they wanted from the start.
>Niggers are stupid
>But they are smart enough for Psyops and conspiracy theory
Alright, Rare Flag.
Yeah, the guy in the video kinda made me realize that there are black kids who are smart and moral enough to cut it in society, but are herded into a pipeline of street gangs and doomed to niggerdom in cities like Chicago and Detroit.
Buttrapings by who? The majority of the prison population is black and latin and this guy took a shit on Donald Trump and his voters.
The inmates will give him a medal in prision and all the snacks
That guy can get a shank shoved into his neck. The criminal in OPs pic is beyond safe in Cook County
Even people in prison have a moral code (barely, but its there)
Pedo's, rapists, women murderers etc. have a rough time.
You get one guy with a special needs sibling or child and he gets wind of this? It's ogre.
That 18 year old isnt any of those so i guess he will have an easy time.
Blacks dont talk to skinheads either way
Has to be a white guy. Blacks wont care or give a shit
People in prison gangs don't respect or protect criminals who hurt innocent people, let alone disabled people, and the Facebook video means there isn't a shadow of a doubt that they committed the crime they got convicted for.
It's going to be open season on these four.
That part was not premeditated, just a lucky side effect for the, what was it, poo butt gang.
But your point is taken
Did you mean to say niggers?
If not, get out.
They didn't pedo, rape or murder anyone though.
Who said anything about prison gangs? What weight do they hold in a place like Chicago where they have over 9000 gangs?
Racist blacks will protect him and he'll stick in that section. The prison is full of youths over there, hes good with all this national clout he just got.
Might drop the mixtape when he gets home.
Skinheads are useless in Chicago so sorry to kill your fantasy
Dont tell me what to do. kys
being a gangbanger, white trash, lazy fruitpicker is never alright. You're still the worst of your race, whatever it may happen to be.
If you're a net drain on society, you're trash and dregs that need to be left in the gutter. This guy trying to save fave and disavow thuglife and ignorance gives him no excuse. He's still ghetto trash worthy of prison.
I've been in Cook County and they'll put him in isolation for sure with all the pedos. He might not even survive processing.
Trust me, whole of Chicago knows about this shit, even the nigs and prison inmates. When I was there I saw a white kid get his shoes stolen and beaten up just because some mexicans thought he looked like a snitch. It's fucking animals out there but once people know the evil you done, you have to watch yourself 24/7 because it just goes up another level.
He won't be in Chicago after his conviction-- hate crimes are a federal offense.
PBG was known to anyone who follows Chiraq and its music. Theyre the only people who matter to them. You think they give a fuck what people think who dont care about them or buy their music?
Its still in state, same shit.
Whites wont touch him to forfil some Nazi crap. If they do its full on racewars in prison.
Whites arent that stupid, they're outnumbered
You sound like a child. The only thing that makes you different to the niggers in the video is that they had the balls to go out and do the shot they spoke of instead of being a bitch on their computer. You're lower than them
All men are created equal. Thats what you cucks cant understand
this, the guy in the video is clearly a halfway smart black guy. You can tell just by how he talks.
Unfortunately he has been condemned to niggerdom because he grew up around niggers who created that society for him. You didn't have blacks acting like this prior to the 60s. Not that there were no criminal blacks prior, but black gangs did not start until after the black panthers.
Gangs are a result of marxism straight up
*lights blunt*
aight first and fo most
Being created equal and being equal are two different things cunt.
Its really not but ok
It's seems that he Livestreams so we should try to raid him. Think he's probably on periscope
>being (((created)))
>All men are created equal.
Thomas Jefferson was wrong. It's okay to admit it, he isn't god and he was a shit president.
>he posts pictures of failures
>he thinks people are of equal value
top kek
>but black gangs did not start until after the black panthers.
>During the 1920s and 1930s, African American organized crime was centered in New York's Harlem where the numbers racket was largely controlled by Casper Holstein and the "Madam Queen of Policy", Stephanie St. Clair.
>a foreigner too stupid to understand context
My response counters his argument as opposed to yours which introduces a new one. Stop being so fucking stupid and edgy you mutt
They abused a mentally handicapped guy. Anyone with a tard kid or sibling is going to have it out for them. Also probably aryan brotherhood if there is a group of them in chicago's prisons.
>the poo bear gang
Fuck off Hitler lover
Your country is literally a joke. Not a single world class city inland
Let me get this right. They're in a gang called pooh bear gang? Why are niggers so uncreative?
>abide by my arbitrary rule set in order for me to consider you relevant
No thanks cunt. Maybe you should clean house first
>"i aint racist, my girlfriend is white"
of course she is... fucking white women are the front runners for white genocide
They have a friend the nickname Pooh Bear. Probably for being fat, slow and dopey. He was killed. Out of love for their friend they created a gang for him using his name. Its not unique. They do it for blocks as well. There is both a JoJoWorld and JoJo gang too for Lil JoJo.
he's afraid, you can hear it in his voice. he hears the "fuck trump" (notice that's all he references, not "fuck white people"), and thinks now trumps men in the whitehouse/doj will not take kindly to their nigger asses. he's trying to avoid a crackdown targeting his gang. distancing himself from the perpetrators. little does he know this is trumps america now, his niggerly ways will no longer be tolerated. straighten up and fly right little black boy, or you'll be joining you "shorties" in cell block D!!
>spends 30 seconds getting his stupid blunt lit
Goddamn could he not be fucked to spend 5 minutes editing a video?
I get what he's driving at, he doesn't seem disingenuous.
Of course thats why he's scared. Do you think you're dmart for figuring this out? Trump isn't going to do shit. This is local level and cracking down too hard makes his position tumultuous. This thread truly makes me realise how young Sup Forums is. So many >opinions
They need to be tougher. since that's the rule of the street, similar rule animals have, but unlike animals, they fight innocents and not other males. I wonder if any of them had any proper parenting.
Prisoners will give him props for hating trump, then tell him to bend over so he learns his position in the the prison hierarchy.
I think it was a livestream that some lazy nigger recorded his stream and uploaded it to Jewtube for schillings
What a retard you are
I read most of the shit here while laughing my ass off at how lunatic and out of touch with reality you all are
you just noticed this place was filled with lowlife losers? congrats! Stay there,you're one of them
He doesn't seem like a racist against whites; we probably shouldn't do anything to change that.
I'm all for raiding Youtube comments on PBG videos though.
PBG's are gangster deciples they're just a sect of gd's
I'm still waiting for democrats/CNN to blame Russia for this
>Chicago torture video suspects charged with hate crimes after police say beating not about race
>police say beating not about race
I bet prison skinheads are already waiting to shiv them the second they're booked.
>a fucking leaf
Gas the leaves, tree war now
>Bigotry of low expectations
The fact that he is displaying an IQ of perhaps over 80 is not something for which to praise him.
Okay wait a minute, He's not doing this as a plea attempt to reduce his sentence by legal advisement, he's more upset what his "senpai" thinks of him??
>I'm 15 and am still in my edgy phase
We know
>Nazi Lowriders
>much of the NLR's upper echelon is composed of Hispanics. Due to their extreme underground ties with other hardcore, racial organizations (such as Combat 18 B/H.), experts say, "you must be at least half white blood but no black blood", meaning accepted Latino members must be only of Spanish, Mexican or Puerto Rican descent, or be at least half Caucasian. All must show loyalty to the white race and subscribe to an ideology of hatred, especially against blacks and "race traitors"
What exactly is edgy about my comment? This idiot isn't 'halfway smart'.
is this going to be the black man's "I got one black friend"?
are you sure you're not the nigger? He's not the guy that tortured the kid.
sorry i can't tell all dread locked shitty haired aids spreading simians apart, leaf.
seems like a humble guy
He's saying their gang disavows the kidnapping. He is deeply concerned by the radicalization of young gang-members, and that they are a gang of peace. Some niggers are smart enough to make this point, but it's as hollow as ever.
I think he's surprised to see a nigger disavow nigger behavior, it's actually a pretty rare sight, especially coming from a gangbanger like Kemo
But trust me, I live in Chicago, I've hung out with people like this, literally all they care about is different ways to rob you. It's almost an artform for them. Like, if you were there talking with him and thinking "wow, this guy's not so bad after all" you'll be surprised to find out as he's talking about shit and smoking the blunt, he's thinking how easy can I hit a stain on this kid.
>i hate all blacks
>all blacks are niggers
>im a bottom feeder white
>but at least im better than ...... "NIGGERS".....
Real brave, real smart, real strong. Most blacks are niggers. Not all niggers are black. Not all blacks are niggers.
If your dad was absent, your mother was crying about not being able to feed your brothers and sisters who you loved due to her shitty actions, not yours or theirs, and all you wanted to do was go to school which was two blocks over but controlled by two different gangs and your home block controlled by another youd sell drugs and join a gang too to stop your mum crying and feed your family. Stop being a cunt
The numbers racket is a white collar crime, they weren't exactly dealing smack or shooting people
That was the Italians
The numbers racket is what blacks ran in Harlem before crack came out
>it's actually a pretty rare sight
It's not rare. It's just a more eloquent form of their normal denial tactic. Deny, deny, deny. The truth doesn't matter, what matters is we din do nuffin.
People who don't live around blacks have no idea this is a thing and it does lower their guard. In reality this is a common personality type. They still have no morals and they will happily sucker punch you and steal your wallet like any other. They just use long-winded rambling to deflect blame, and they will not stop talking until you give up.
>Greentexting imaginary quotes you thought up yourself
Are you retarded? My statement is that this guy is nothing even approaching 'smart'. There is no evidence proving otherwise.
>Mfw these nigger gangs eventually will come to understand what happens when you push whites too far.
Oh, we feel you, G, we feel you...
That's my point
Crack was a CIA Psyop anyway
>w-what? s-stop inferring what i implied
Fuck off cunt.
Blacks are all special needs kids
I misunderstood your post. Sorry. Guess we're on yhe same page.
>its an episode of whites pretend to know about prison culture
Just stop. Its cringe to read
What skinheads are still alive in Cook County?
Yall dumb
Must suck being black in a black place you gotta be a thug nigga to survive
Black culture is cancerous
>Babby's first argument
The fact you know so much about this gang ooba booga bullshit means you actually follow black hip hop. This immediately renders you a fucking retard whose opinion means less than shit.
bro watch malcolm x
spike lees only good movie
I'd drink a beer with that gang member.
>g-guily by association
Nope. Try again.
I bet you sit at home with grandiose fantasies of becoming some anti-black icon leading his people but you havent even read The Art of War yet.
>what do you mean know something about subversive media? Pffft thats for fags user. I live in ignorance and thats why I think I know everything
Absolute genius
>People in his gang do some retard shit
>uuh mayne we dun like dem they goofy
"Must suck being black in a black place you gotta be a thug nigga to survive"
I wish there was some way we could pick out the intelligent ones like we do with the athletes in the NBA/NFL Draft, and then we could get them out of their toxic environment before the nigger culture corrupts them.
If the white guy is retarded, can he even vote?
The guy would just as easily crack your head open instead of a beer if he thinks you have any kind of money on you
It wouldn't matter in the long term. Their children would adopt the same old ways because they didn't grow up in the crime-filled environment. They would become parasites and abusers again over time.
It's genetic, and OP's link is not an example of intelligence or self-awareness. It's a typical disavowal like a politician would do.
>I bet you haven't even read the Art of War yet.
Now THAT'S edge.
Back to fucking reddit m8. Defend your bulls in an environment better suited to you.
Has anyone got a story on the blond fashy goy haircut cop at the Chicago BLMkidnapping press conference & the woll smith eyes. He kept telling the White commander cop Duffin of Chicago what to say about how the local cops arrested the 4 blacks.
". I believe your call was -- criminal damage to property was the assignment. " with guidance Officer Fashy Goy.
>he thinks the art of war isnt prescribed reading for anyone in powerful enough business or military positions
user... I don't know what to tell you. Except that I find that post almost hilarious
Doubly funny that you think reading classical literature is "edgy"
Is there a DIO gang too?
Cringy as fuck lmao
a perfect verse for you
>when you are weak, make the enemy think you are strong
thats why its good stuff. also you are clearly from reddit
Classic Sweden knowing his place, good little whitey
Sure. They all dream of being a superstar gangster
The gangbanger in OP only has an 8th grade education, yet he slips up on dumbing down to his audience, and uses 4/5 syllable words sometimes. Stupid people don't do that.
The dude is smart; get over it.
I've lived around blacks all my life. This is a common thing. There is nothing to "get over," you are completely wrong because you have no prior experience with this.