Obama's legacy?
Obama who?
first black president, last black president
if if if if if if we
Birthed the most autistic poster on Sup Forums.
>Buchannan's legacy?
There's one thing everyone in the world can agree on.
The first black president of the United States was a resounding success for humanity.
meme magic
okie doke
one will be honored as a catalyst and hero for a great nation, the other will be memorized begrudgingly as the 44th president
Saving the US from a recession
Cutting the deficit in half
The paris climate accord
Legalizing gay marriage
The affordable care act
Taking away uranium from iran
Declaring a shit ton of region as protected nature areas
>Cried on national television.
>Inflamed and divided/polarized race relations.
>obongo health care which isn't free.
Kanye west 2020
I think he set a good example for American negros by being very white-presenting in public and not talking like a nigger. I also respect him for throwing a few jabs at Israel. But I will always despise him for setting the agenda of accelerated social liberalism and racial animosity.
Congratulations on your legacy nigger! You restarted the cold war, fucked race relations, had one of the most corrupt administrations in US history and so much more fucked shit.
>Restarted the cold war
That's just wrong.
>Fucked race relations
Trump did that during his campaign, not Obama
>One of the most corrupt administration
Not even close. there was some corruption for sure, but Bush and H.W bush were far more corrupt.
Well. He stopped the Cuba embargo. That's something I guess.
Bush in blackface.
>Obama's Legacy
Drone Wars, ISIS, the NSA, the expansion of executive power, 20 Trillion in debt.
Terrorism in syria existed before obama and it will exist after obama.
If US troops stayed in iraq, the rise in terrorism in the region would have targeted them.
Normally I stand with Israel but your a dirty shill
The most anti British president ever.
If i was a shill i wouldn't say that there was corruption in the obama administration.
It's just that he is not one of the most corrupt when you look at other presidents
>Restarted the cold war
>That's just wrong.
The Obama 2012 campaign called; they want their foreign policy back.
>Fucked race relations
>Trump did that during his campaign, not Obama
There's standard progressive idiocy and there's this. Ok, user, ok sure - race relations from 2008-2016 were wonderful and steadily improving until big bad The Donald turned up. Your opinion is entirely backed up by reality.
First black president, public health care, same sex marriage
Predecessor to the last white male president :)
>Terrorism in syria existed before obama and it will exist after obama.
Sure it existed; but who would have thought that giving a bunch of random jihadis military hardware and a shit load of money in a half assed attempt at regime change could possibly backfire
>if, then a fallacy!
there have been nonstop race riots and a carefully covered up race war going on in the united states for the past 4 years. Donald trump has nothing to do with that.
He made this possible.
Thanks Obama.
Thanks Obama for proving to the world that black leaders are shit tier... never again!
There wasn't a race war, just some acts of violence by extremists.
And btw, you are aware trump campaigns is directly positively related in rise of hate crimes? go read some data
What is that image from?
terrorism in syria did exist.
but isis didnt.
What did exist, was "the surge".
David Petraeus was the american general in charge of "the surge". A huge part of "the surge" although underreported, was simply paying off sunni minorities in iraq. The pay offs were not arbirary, sunni minorities were paid to self-police, self-report and generally cooerce the sunni minority into cooperation.
What obama did, apart from rebranding the radical sunnis (al queda) into isis, critically was moving David Petraeus from his counter-insurgency position of bribing extremists to head of the CIA.
David Petraeus was not a lefty, and his major accomplishment was his work in iraq, why the CIA? Now from here everything is conjecture. But this is about as cut and dry as it gets.