My little brother said a holocaust survivor came to their class to tell them his story.
Why Sup Forums thinks an old man was lying?
What's about the number tatoos which nazis gave jews on their arms?
My little brother said a holocaust survivor came to their class to tell them his story.
Why Sup Forums thinks an old man was lying?
What's about the number tatoos which nazis gave jews on their arms?
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People were captive and branded (branded in one camp btw), that doesn't mean they were gased.
>lots of people saying it happened
>therefore it must be true
Pic related. I don't give a fuck if people were kicked out of their homes 70 years ago. You use the holocaust to justify doing the same shit to Palestinians
>Be 13 y/o me
>A holocaust survivor came to our class to tell his story
>During his horrific story, my friend started making faces at me trying to get me to laugh
I still feel bad
Man, those holocaust survivors ought to be getting pretty old...
Thats his hiscore, its how many jews he killed.
you need to label your workers so you dont lose them.
>Lets find someone who got gased and can tell us
We have material proof and even precise documentation of EVERYTHING, exept mass killings.
>but, but, that's soo awful they were ashamed and didn't want to document it
My ass, Japs documented their experimentations on russian and chinese prisonners very well.
You put people in a camp to deport them (like we do with refugees), you are unable to do so because of the geopolitical situation. You consider them sub-human so you use them as free labor and you don't care if they die in the process. There are mass waves of diseases so you must sanitize everything because you don't want to loose the workforce.
Allies bomb your supply chain so you feed your people before feeding who you consider to be sub-humans. Conditions go worse, a lot of people die, you cremate them because living in a pile of bodies is bad for diseases prevention.
Everything can be explained without gas chambers. And the explainations are generaly closer to the documentations we found. So as long as you can't prove muh 6 millions (numbers probably inflated at least 10 times) and the will to genocide them there is just nothing backing up gas chambers claims.
And at first there were no such claims, even jews said they saw no gas chambers, but avter the mass publication of some stories and the trials a lot of them "recovered their memory".
After that, all camps were considered death camps. Then they were visited by allied troops to verify the claim, all camps visited were deemed not death camps.
All the "death camps" we know today have been modified by the soviet occupation before anyone else could analyse them. And magicaly all gas chambers have been repurposed or destroyed in the mean time. How unfortunate.
I'm not saying it didn't happend, I'm saying I don't know and I have been presented more proofs that this entire thing is fishy than proofs that it happened.
>tfw allies bombed supply lines and killed more camp people than any german could
allies are the real heroes
>What's about the number tatoos which nazis gave jews on their arms?
Yep. First thing I'd do if I wanted to kill Joos is to create an elaborate scheme involving tattoos and rollercoasters.
Wouldn't just shoot them in the face.
No how, no way.
jews really are rats arent they.
That would have been innefficent. They created the gas chambers because it is clean, and quick and extremly efficent. Plus they let the jews work until they almost died, so they got even more efficency out of that.
Also: My history teacher had a very good explanation for gas chambers: Concern about the well being of the enforcers. Would you rather shoot someone in the back of the head or pull a lever and not have to look at it?
You have that backwards, Shlomo. We dont believe the holocaust happened because you havent proved it happened.
You claim that 6 million died, where are the remains? Where's the list of names of the 6 million? Why does the "gas chamber" at auschwitz have a drafty wooden door with a single pane of glass and opens the incorrect way? Why did auschwitz have a swimming pool, brothel, theater, soccer team, rabbit breeding, allow prisoners postcards and stamps to write home with the help of the auschwitz post office? If concentration camps like auschwitz were as "survivers" called them "efficient slaughterhouses", where their sole purpose was to kill as many as they can, as fast as they can , why were most prisoners allowed to die slowly from typhoi- i mean starve? I can go on all night.
Go on please, I'd love to have even more arguments than I already have to defend Faurisson
they did document their experiments i.e. the experiment for extreme cold or something
You can take my word for it, or you can put in a few keystrokes and discover the lies on your own
Not only that.
Look up "philosophy of a knife" it's a semi fiction but it gives you a good idea.
Also, Unit 731.
It was a secret unit, yet they kept good note of what they did.
Why do you fags deny this shit happened? fucking Nazis loved their records and kept track of every fucking little thing.
Its possible find how much fucking toilet paper Auschwitz used, if you dig deep enough.
fucking faggots all of you
German History professors would shit on your logic and piss on your facts
They certainly couldn't shit on it using "facts". Perhaps they could use Progressive Leftist tactics? Things that avoid facts? Because the only way to prove gassings is to avoid all facts.
Good guy Nazis give Jewish cowards who don't want to fight Communists for their country somewhere to go make shoes during the war.
After the war lizard man Zionist elders convince any shoemaker who survived Communist insurgency to tell lies for shekels.
Fuck off Jew. Your lies have no power here.
Get a load of this.
Ok, you got a gas chamber with a shitty wooden door with a single pane of glass
You with me?
They tell us, that jews were herded into this building, then, gas was pumped in...
Still there?
Now. On the roof of the gas chamber, you have these poorly carved out vents, where they also tell us that nazis, with no masks on, and while there's a breeze, dumped poison pellets that will kill you just by being near it into the gas chamber...
Good, you havent left yet.
Now, in the pic, you see a chimney, that chimney isnt even a chimney, its just like the pic says, its fake. See the hospital thats not even 100 yards away? Ask yourself, why would they be fucking around with highly poisonous gasses, or pellets in a non air tight building, endangering everyone else?
If you watch videos on youtube, PEOPLE WHO WORK THERE even say the crudely carved out vents on the roof were done YEARS LATER
There sure are a lot of Holocaust survivors.
How many fucking survivors were there?
I had some holocaust survivor visit my school in 2007, I take it this is a regular thing that occurs.
>oy vey dis shit totally happened so we need to ship out some tatted up old jews to schools to convince the goyim further
They seem to have achieved immortality.
>How many fucking survivors were there?
quite a lot. One survivor also visited my school and she was hell bent on the fact that her fiance had ratted her out or something. So like a couple years ago some people looked into it and it came out he didn't even rat her out but she refused to believe he didn't.
The people who were actually there are almost all gone, as age takes them. so, they get actors, or their children get tattoos carry the lie further.
I'm willing to bet cash money that the numbers these shysters have tattooed cannot be traced anywhere. Remember, the nazis were meticulous in keeping records, but somehow a lot of their records magically vanished....
This. Ask him how Woodstock was while he's at it.
the holocaust was real.
my gramps refused to talk about it but i know he was in the camps.
i saw his blood type tattooed under his arm and we arent even jewish...
fuck denialists
The cyanide gas supposedly used would not have cleared the gas chamber or the victims' skin in the time reported (entering the chamber unprotected 20 minutes later). Cyanide is lethal on physical contact, picking up bodies that had just been gassed with it would have poisoned the people picking up the bodies.
ya we had one come to my highschool around that time too. I remember being ridiculed because I pointed out she would have been 11 months old at end of the war.
Heres that cheap ass wooden door i was talking about
>Hillary, when she learned that these numbers are the passwords for her server started to kill us
I guess nobody say that nazis don't make jewish gaz pie but most of people can't believe that they make it by using 6kk jews.
Different kind of gas
"How can people kill themselves with their car exhaust in a leaky garage?"
>shipping millions of people across hundreds of miles just to have half of them killed in the most comical way immediately upon arrival
Your history teacher's explanation rests upon the assumption that the gas chambers were real. But even if we were to believe that German soldiers were queasy about executions (something every soldier was expected to do, given the order)- that still doesn't explain why they would use gas chambers in particular. There are much more efficient methods of mass execution that don't involve the numerous logistical challenges that came with operating and maintaining gas chambers. Hell, just shoving them all into a room and depriving them of oxygen would have been more efficient if Germany was really concerned about the effect mass execution would have on German soldiers.
But regardless. Lampshades made of skin, rollercoasters of death, mobile gas vans, comic book villain guards, jewish sausages, dogs raping women ... surely you can't read about all this and have SOME doubt toward the authenticity of the holocaust claim.
Subtle lol.
This past veteran's day, I met a man who was an American Airman who was shot down and spent time in a POW Stalag. One of the teachers said it was Stalag 17, which is unlikely because XVII was for Russian POWs, not Americans. HE said that he was put into a concentration camp, because prior to the end of WW2, a concentration camp was literally just that, a place where a group of people are concentrated, it doesn't have the horrors that are associated with that word today. All the kids gathered around him when he said that were astounded that he survived, because they have no idea what a stalag is, no idea what a concentration camp is, and are 100% sold on the "all death camps" nonsense.
When Jewish/Israeli children are taken on their heritage tour, they are taken to Auschwitz where they are traumatized, either by the stories, or for those who don't feel a personal attachment or just view it as ancient history, by the Jewish guides who take them aside and berate and yell and scream at them until they start crying. You know, Brainwashing techniques.
They supposedly used Zyklon B, an insecticide, in the "gas chambers", when no chemical residue was left on the walls of the chambers. This leads me to believe that the so called "concentration camps" were actually work camps. The pictures shown as "evidence" show corpses that are shrunken and emaciated. This indicates that they died of hunger or disease, which can be explained by the Allied bombing of German supply lines, which would have caused supply shortages in the camps. The use of a chemical weapon to kill massive amounts of people would certainly leave damage to the skin in some form.
How did he survive DEATH camp?
>Zyklon B
Zyklon B was the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide invented in Germany in the early 1920s. It consisted of hydrogen cyanide, a cautionary eye irritant, and one of several adsorbents such as diatomaceous earth.
>muh antisemitism
>muh holocaust
Its called "running a hose from your car exhaust into the car where you are sitting , turning the car on, breathing the exhaust, and dying"
My grandmother was gassed six times in Bergen-Belsen. She still has nightmares about the horror.
Mongoloids like you are on the mental level of flat-earthers.
To you, every kind of photo, eye-witness and any other kind of evidence is forged. I can't even begin to count how much of strong material is avaible to view. I've visited Auschwitz and the aura itself of this place says enough, trust me, I'm a meme magician.
Your lump of dead cells you call your brains wouldn't admit to holocaust if you fucking travelled in time and seen it for yourself.
I don't know what kind of intellectual lobotomy you went trough in your lives, but holocaust deniers and flat earthers get no empathy from me because they are basically retarded, and should be legally named so.
Get a load of this kike.
Oy vey
It was real in their minds. That's all that matters, right kike?
I'm a Germanic Jew descendant and I find it cringe as fuck and forced milking of atrocity.
Lel, beat me to it
What atrocity you filthy subhuman?
Enjoy the small selection of factual published documents, recalling the disgusting treatment of Jewish prisoners of war in the work camps.
There's literally not a single jew in my hometown, the jewish minority owned 60% of bussinesess before WWII and we had a synagogue.
Now what is left is ruins, and there is basically no minorities here.
If the only argument about you is that I'ma a kike, that says more about you than me.
O, you know, hundreds of thousands to millions of innocent Jews killed because of the faggot Communist ones.
Yeah as much as Sup Forums doesn't want to admit it. It happened. Honestly, I don't get it. They hate Jews but won't admit that the white man killed millions of them. Is this something these autistic cunts would celebrate?
The holocaust didn't happen, famalamwhambamthankyouma'am
Good point. If people were gassed to death, why haven't anyone who was gassed visited classrooms?
>There's literally not a single jew in my hometown, the jewish minority owned 60% of bussinesess before WWII and we had a synagogue.
>Implying that they didn't rush off to Israel instead of staying behind under Commie Control.
Sup Forums values the truth, senpai. Even if we are denied the highscore.
You can keep telling yourself that it happened. But that only tells us you haven't looked into the evidence.
show me a photo of a jew being gassed
Then where did most of my extended family go to after the war? Like how the fuck did millions of people disappear?
An old man who was there because he tried to escape from a POW camp (italians soldiers abroad were taken as pow by the german soldiers en masse after the armistice with the USA) but he managed to avoid being executed by proving that the soldiers that were supposed to watch hem opened the camp's gate when they fled from some allied bombardments
long story short, he wasn't one of the gassed, but he had the job to take the bodies from the gas chambers to the incinerators, they also had to break a lot of bones 'cause people hugging while dying + rigor mortis and shit
he lives in my hometown and visited from time to time. He ain't a like nor has a like name, and I never heard of kikes ever having a community in my hometown
Uh, Israel? I don't know. Are you really implying that the disappearance of millions of Jews is evidence of a German-led mass extermination event? That's quite a logical leap. How do you know they just didn't move out of the country after the war?
>there weren't 6million jews in the whole of Europe
>Germans killed more jews than alive..
They even killed my dead grandparents! Before they were born! Then they put ME in the gas chamber
>I've visited Auschwitz and the aura itself of this place says enough
The "aura" of the place is a 60+ year fabrication spearheaded by Jewish/Israeli guides intent on fooling you with movie magic.
Well, at least he lived to see a better day. Not all are so lucky in this world.
Low quality bait, but thake that (you) for the SS blood group tat.
But they never spoke to any of us again? They died.
OK? Then I guess they died in the war. Plenty of Jews starved to death or died of disease in the camps.
The holocaust did happen and I am very sorry for it.
Never again.
What about the mass shootings?
Israelies have schools?
I think a bunch of Jews lied about being victims of it and now they're fake stories are being used to discredit real ones. The hall of cost happened, just not every story is true.
How much did a jew on a concentration camp really know about what was going around especially outside the camp?
As far as he knows it may be true, he doesn't personally know 6 million Jews and he probably knows someone who died
By the time they got rescued they were willing to believe anything they got told
What did he tell them?
What mass shootings? No one here is denying that Jews were shot by Germans. All we are objecting to is this ridiculous claim of a mass extermination event using gas chambers and other comical execution methods.
Of course it fucking happened, only the stupidest of the stupid deny it entirely. Its the events, statistics, deaths that have been completely altered and blown out of proportion. We're mostly revisionists, not full blown denialists. Learn the difference!
It's Orwellian, soon they will all be dead and since everything related can't be questioned and all evidence has been destroyed once the survivors die nobody will be able to prove it didn't happen
Reminds me
>Be in History Highschool class
>Start talking about the nahzees
>Somehow discussion devolves into "what if the nazis were still alive and invaded?"
>Teacher starts going on about how most of us would be put into camps
>Points out how I wouldn't since I have blue eyes and blonde hair
>Does the same for my friend
>Asks us both if we'd sacrifice ourselves to save our classmates
>We just look over to one another and grin without answering
>Teacher gets so much sand in his vagina he changes the subject
>number has only 6 digits
but 6,000,000 has 7 digits!
i guess they never ovened that many of you fucks after all
>Enslave a new
>Jew can produce more food than he consumes
>Kill a new
>You now have to deal with his body
>Enslave 100 Jews
>100 Jews can make quite a bit of food
>Kill 100 Jews in a gas chamber
>You now have to deal with 100 dead bodys
Shut up polak, show me a photo that proves gas chamber existed, I won't say you fabricated it.
>can't even begin to count the strong(evidence)
>main example "evil aura"
fucking kek
Denying the holocaust, was about trolling jews and triggering SJW's.
Retarded Stromfags/Americans/Mudslimes rolled in here thinking it genuinly didn't happen, this is even better because it trolls them into losing their social lives and status.
Why would you tattoo a man before throwing him into an oven?
6 digits for 6 million
that's almost convincing
Maybe it was meant as pricetag on the lampshades.
stale pasta m8
oy vey leaf don't think critically!!
The holocaust happened, but the numbers are highly exaggerated
Oh shit ID.
>What up Vin Diesel