How do I debate these new age atheists uncle Sup Forums? They're so smug and claim everything we worship is just a ripoff of paganism and other pre biblical shit . I need some ammo, help pls
How do I debate these new age atheists uncle Sup Forums...
My friend showed me some comedian. He was some australian prick that made the news for some gun control bit he did where he made up the numbers.
Anyway, the whole thing was fine, but the last 5 minutes was him lashing out at religion as the only source of strife in the world. How the world would be better if every religion was destroyed. The crowd just cheered like they won the lottery. My friend was laughing the entire time. That's how I found out he was an athiest.
Christians are retarded.
You can't, because they're right and you're wrong. God does not exist and you're worshipping a dead Jew on a stick. Get a grip, Christcuck.
>How do I debate these new age atheists
Don't bother - they're fuckwits. Trust me - I used to be one.
jim jefferies, he's pretty redpilled as well
>How do I debate
You flail your arms and screech autistically using circular logic and strawmen like all thiests
>claim everything we worship is just a ripoff of paganism and other pre biblical shit
they're right and you're a retard
Everything you worship is just a ripoff of paganism and other pre biblical shit.
Tell them you are Jewish and any criticism of your faith is hateful antisemitism.
With facts? Debate them about what?
Religion is fairy tales. The only true religion is National Socialism.
Ask them who made the big bang
Regardless of the existence of god, the set of rules isn't really that bad an idea. Almost more like common sense laws. Don't kill, don't kill, don't commit adultry. Easy.
>Needing to ask an anime board for justification on your shitty religion because you can't rationalize any comebacks yourself.
Off yourself.
You have a mind virus in your head. You fell for the religonjew and now you're working backwards to justify an "unquestionable" meme conclusion.
Make a thread larping as an atheist and see how people reply to you.
Anyone who labels their atheism is delusional. It's an absence of belief, not a set of things you do and don't believe in.
>don't do these few things that make sense
>and these other arbitrary ones
>oh and no shellfish
>but selling your children into slavery is fine
Yeanah you're a cunt.
You know most of those 'rules' aren't even applicable in any sense? If you had any knowledge of the Bible Jesus' sacrifice makes all of those moot.
2017 atheist
I thought the only reasonable stance is agnostic
>It's an absence of belief,
Maybe it used to be but today atheism is the belief that god does not exist.
It's literally a science worshiping cult. If Neil Denigger Tyson told atheists that reproduction was anti-science and they should devote themselves to a life of chastity and waved a couple of bullsit papers in their face they would cut their cocks off.
>don't take any of it literally why would you do that
>but you should take these parts literally
not only does he avoid identifying as an atheist to avoid the debate entirely, you're just making up definitions of words
theism - belief in a deity or god(s)
a - absence of
literally can't be what you think it is
Actually pick up a book and read retard.
Learn more than they do about mystery religion and pagan shit so u can understand and dismantle what they say.
Actually look at the words of Jesus and compare.
Christianity itself does take a lot from mystery religion and pagan shit.
Christ's words and deeds are completely original tho.
If you dont have knowledge, even retards like the ones ur talking about will walk all over u
And atheists are ants, apparently.
agnosticism is the belief that nothing is really known or can be known about the existence of god
atheism doesn't assume that, it's just a lack of any belief for whatever reason
i.e. the lack of evidence means we cannot know anything about god vs the lack of evidence means we just haven't found any evidence of god/s
if you had any self awareness you'd see why people make fun of atheists on here
I'm Agnostic myself. I went through the le ebin fedora atheist phase myself until I took some time from consuming all those dank memes and pondered a bit about this.
Atheists believe there is no god, and the existence of god itself makes no sense.
The idea that I have is that there may be something higher than us, but we truly don't have a way to prove it. If it truly is some greater cosmic entity, or it's the ayylmaos we have no way to know, but there are many civilizations that whorship something higher than themselves, whether it's the primal force of nature, a single god, multiple gods. Some even go as far as to determine that polytheistic religions are a different representation of the same deity.
While me being western tilts me into being more biased towards christian, I don't fully grasp the concept infinity. I can understand the mathematical notion of infinity, but I can't fully grasp the infinity of space, and for this reason I can't either fully understand the infinity of power, being and consiousness of the christian god.
This said, I think religions can be a both source of strife and peace. Do you remember those videos that went around were Steve Harvey said he couldn't trust someone who doesn't believe in God because he didn't know where his moral "barometer" was? Think about this, there are people whose only reason to not go postal on everyone else is the ultimate fear of being punished for all eternity for their wrongdoings.
>doing retarded shit to prove you're not a retard
Yes. Everyone should educate themselves on the topic of conspiracies so that they can debate the truthers and illuminati "experts" too.
Wait I'm on pol.
well they're right, no intelligent adult actually believes in religion, they just go along with it because its the glue that holds society together, so tell them to just keep their non-belief to themselves for the good of all the retards out there like most religious people in the west
>Atheists believe there is no god, and the existence of god itself makes no sense.
Believe what you like, but stop lying by way of ignorance.
People you've met who identify as atheists may believe this, I'm not doubting your anecdotal evidence or life experience, but you clearly don't know what the word means.
I find it interesting that you choose to not believe in the christian god because you cannot identify with or understand the concept of ininite power/compassion. When did you realise this?
there's no ammo to be had, they're correct
>no intelligent person
Actually plenty do. Don't dismiss somebody as unintelligent just because of their beliefs. Do it when they say stupid shit.
I'm not saying that they believe there is not god as if it was what they worship. I'm using "believe" to say it's what they think.
>When did you realize this
I guess it's because I'm looking at the literal definition of infinity, and being unable to quantify what infinite power means. I understand the concept of infinite compassion, but as for power i can't.
Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
It's actually the opposite.
The Mazzaroth was bastardized and is the source of the false gods of the pantheon.
Also, the giants in Canaan that were eradicated by Joshua and the Jews are the inspiration for the giants of Greek myth.
Satan confused shitbag scientist.
>degenerate drug addled leftist gun fearing Trump hating aethist
>red pilled
The fact that you are both aware of your own bias and unperturbed by it despite the fact the you are literally fishing for information to confirm your bias (instead of questioning the bias) is fucking hilarious.
Meme on
I used to be an atheist but now I unironically worship our one true God
>I'm not saying that they believe there is not god as if it was what they worship
I see the confusion; but that's besides the point I was making. Atheists don't believe one thing, they can believe anything they like, the term atheist only represents people with a lack of belief in god.
i.e. You might be an atheist because you feel god wronged you, and you lost your faith. You also might be an atheist because you were abused by a priest and lost your faith. You also might be an atheist because you read the bible and found it contradicts basic human decency as we know it in modern times. etc.
There's not any one belief or origin that defines all atheists.
>I understand the concept of infinite compassion, but as for power i can't.
What's the sticking point for you? I like to think of it as being able to create infinite universes all with infinitely varying conditions and constraints, while at the same time causing those not to exist. Seems like the easiest way to encompass everything that could and could not happen.
>a man who shoved a "vibrator egg" up his ass
>I like to think of it as being able to create infinite universes
That's exactly what I can't understand. Being infinite and being able to create infinite infinities. How can you tie infinity to something that should be quantifyiable? If god can create infinity, does god represent infinity +1? Can he only create infinity or infinity-1, or can he create infinity+2?
If god is infinity, are there more gods? And are they equally infinite as him? And how do you explain the existence of god? Did it appear out of nowhere? Was it created by something? If it was created by something, is that something's power infinity to the power of god's infinity? Or is god the conscious representation of existence itself?
The quickest way to answer those questions is all at once; Yes. If you can imagine it, it's part of the infinitely powerful being.
I like to think of it like this:
A man holding a bag that contains the universe, even himself and the bag. Does the bag inside the universe contain another universe? Yes. It's an infinite regress, like the one you mentioned about which god created god. If god can exist without having been created then why can't the universe?
The answer of course is that there's no reason it can't, but that doesn't really help explain the idea, so assuming god had to have a creator, and that creator had to have had a creator you end up with an infinite line of creators.
It's not meant to sit comfortably in the mind, that's why it succeeds in creating feelings of confusion and -when prompted- awe.
Are you trying to say that backing up your reason for what you believe isn't something that gets done on Sup Forums?
Colour me surprised mate.
Think of it as a 4d shape. We cant see them as aw hole shape. We can only see parts of it at once. God is the same way. There concepts of him that our human mind cannot grasp. Jesus himself said if we struggle with his earthly concepts then the heavenly ones will just confuse us.
Our faith isnt totally blind but there are certain things we have to accept that we just might not be able to fully comprehend till later. If that seems like a cop out than ask yourself if there has ever been something God has done in your life that made no sense till he reveals its purpose.
Your trust is not misplaced. Nor is your skepticism. Have you prayed for answers?
I didn't know so many polfags let themselves be kiked by (((atheism))) heresy/marxism.