Serious question, how much of the alt-right is actually racist...

Serious question, how much of the alt-right is actually racist? As opposed to edgy memesters and misguied fools who just want to be anti establisment?

Who wore it better

Everyone is racist. Almost everyone here is honest about it.

I'd say the civic nationalists here are still the majority, but like the libertarians before them they are slowly losing ground to the ethno nationalists.

All of it. In fact, everyone with agency is racist- even you.

I think its wrong to think of it in terms or racist/not racist
I think its more of a scale of how racist you are. Kind of like the Kinsey scale. Except you replace "Straight" with racist and "Homosexual" with homosexual

I don't even know if I'm alt-right or not.

Do you have to be a nazi to be alt-right? Because I'm not.

Kinda hard to not be BTFO when Reality isn't on your side.

Do you hate Jews?

Oh also, anyone is this thread using alt-right is a paid shill or a retard.
Let you be the judge of which is worse.

How much of the alt-right are heavy and open racists who would actually act on it outside of the internet?

You mean unprovoked?

I can answer this: 0%

If they're ACTUALLY racist they aren't alt-right.

They're just a confused conservative imitating a bunch of trolls because Poe's law is hilarious.

I voted for Trump because watching him piss of the Dems for 4 years is going to be priceless.

He was the first Internet Troll 4 President. That's why he won.

Republicans + Trolls > Dems

Man, I'm just referring to anyone that calls themselves alt-right, I hate the term but it won't fade anytime soon.

>Except you replace "Straight" with racist and "Homosexual" with homosexual

This. Dangerous ground we're on.

who is the op character

>ethno-nationalism is dangerous

Not if we kill all the niggers and kikes you idiot

Live Wire

I'm white, and while I don't believe I'm superior to other races, I do believe it's important for people to retain their cultures and their homelands, which is why I'm incredibly against illegal immigration in the US and all the refugees in Europe.
I also firmly believe that race-mixing will ultimately destroy "diversity" by making us all the same color.

Good luck with that.

Anyway, why do you need to kill them if they're inferior?

If they're inferior, wouldn't in an free society, everyone finds themselves in their place?

And if this isn't an free society (affirmative action, unchecked immigration) then all you need to do is make it free, and then the low IQ people will find themselves on the bottom and the high IQ at the top.

The whole idea of genocide is pointless and just makes you an evil boogeyman for everyone who isn't an ethno-nationalist.

Which is why civic-nationalism is so much better. We don't need to genocide people to make a stable society.

most of my racism is ironic shit-posting but i still think shame is super important to creating functional societies so i applaud all of the actual racists that post here

Stop using alt-right here.

Very few here identify with that term. It was just a label the media used to bait and switch, first get sheep to self-associate with the label ... then connect it with white nationalists. Good plan. The Overton window has to be shifted so far right that white nationalist is simply an acceptable view to hold (not necessarily the dominant view, but acceptable nonetheless). In the long term the media's alt-right spiel will help with that.

Almost all here hide their power level in public, the economic penalties for not following the status quo are too big for now.

It's just a buzzword

Everyone discriminates and has preference.

If you think you don't discriminate, please, by all means step on the gas when traffic light's red.

why do i know where that pic is from

the alt right doesn't exist.

racism is a buzzword.

where's it from, leaf?

t. reddit

DC, live wire

Nobody hates Jews. Not even actual Nazis hated Jews.
If I defend myself from a pitbull trying to tear out my throat, does that mean I hate dogs?

I'm racist to a degree of not wanting to deny the physiological and psychological differences races and also I only associate with other white people when possible

nah son i know WHERE its from

>Anyway, why do you need to kill them if they're inferior?
Because they're detrimental to white society. It has nothing to do with inferiority.

I'm more left-leaning than most of Sup Forums. I don't call people slurs even online, and I've never advocated for killing anyone. But I would say I'm probably a racist too. I believe everyone's a little bit racist sometimes. I think the entire social justice movement is extremely racist while pretending not to be, and this is one of the main reasons why I oppose it.

I would rather have open discussion where everyone's allowed to speak their mind, instead of everyone having to walk over eggshells because some people are overly eager about using pejorative labels instead of coming up with counter-arguments.

If they're inferior, how the hell can they harm you?

I mean, I know you're going to say it's not about inferiority, but I'm making the point that if they're so far below you, they shouldn't pose a threat.

And maybe for certain countries it could work, but for places like America with a long history of diverse ethnicities, that shit isn't going to fly.

close petrotrin first syrian-senpai

Racism is factually correct. Anyone who has looked at the information on race with an open mind will become racist.

>long history of diverse ethnicities

excluding the slaves, where can this be seen pre 1965 immigration act? unless you count the diversity of Europeans equal to global importing of nigs, poos, mestizos and Arabs

I do just edgy but by doing it continously the racism slowly creeped inside me
Wtf i hate niggers now

100% of the alt-right are race realists by definition of the movement.

Inferior doesn't mean "less capable", it means "worth less". Fuck you and your rhetoric..

>If they're inferior, how the hell can they harm you?
Same way a million rats in your house can harm you or a gorillion bacteria in your body.

Just here for the banter and Kek

You come to an understanding how fucking easy it is to ruin your family tree and genetics by breeding with someone who is a different race than you.

There is no identity in a society where we are all mixed up. There is no reason to work if there are a majority of people living off the money you work hard for.

We work together in our own societies, because becoming peaceful with other races will never work.

>a long history of diverse ethnicities
What the fuck are you talking about? This "diversity" did not exist until our immigration policies changed in the 60s. It goes back one or two generations. This is a completely new thing, you just think it's always been this way because that's what they teach in schools. You have no idea what America was like.

I think he meant different flavors of white (e.g. Irish, Italians, Polish)

Nu/pol/ isn't half as racist as they used to be
This pathetic board is so cucked now they actually support lsrael

>tfw French, Anglo, Briton mutt
My ancestors fucked my shit up.


>America didn't have black people back then
>America didn't have chinese people back then

What is the transcontinental railroad and what is the south?

Please tell me you're pretending to be retarded. It's not like I'm saying America hasn't always been a white majority country, but to say that sizable minority groups is a recent thing is beyond retarded.

>This pathetic board is so cucked now they actually support lsrael
Unless you're planning o genociding them all you haveto come to terms with some form of containment area.

Nobody here supports Israel. Only people baiting say that and you are either encouraging them or spreading disinfomation.

>serious question

>buying chinese slave labor is "having a diverse community"
Don't play dumb. This is the weakest excuse I've seen all evening.

>be unironically racist
>dont support most of the values of the alt-right

Everyone focuses on the alt-right. Why not fucus on the right-right? Or far right?

Go to top of their subreddit.
They are all bunch of neo Nazi idiots.
Neo Nazi manchildren have ruined quite good idea of positive ethnonationalism and made it a taboo topic yet again.
Fuck them, I hope they all get cancer.

not an argument

>waah waah why are they using the same smearing campaign they've used for decades once again waah now I can't be seen with these people despite essentially sharing their views

alt right, tea party, etc are all fake and gay labels the intelligence agencies love to use to cause division and keep the status quo. treaty of versalles.

stop categorizing yourself. if you dont like racism, write a book or make memes for your specific issue

ps ron paul could have made america great again because hes a financial wizard. but he was labeled a racist in the primary 2008.

id let a racist fix the financial cartel 247365. id vote for a businessman to lead america. id vote for a doctor to fix my adhd.

jk western medicine is poison

From my personal experience with mudslimes I can say that I've become racist before coming here. I've met some good Arabs but that can't change the general rule.

>Something unlimited

Both of them should give you what you want

yeah hentai slave trainer, so bad they never end any game.

I wouldn't call myself racist, I give everyone an equal chance as an individual....But:
>Is it racist to mention that black people are 14% of the murca population but cause 50% of the crime?
>Is it racist to mention that in Britain, Muslims are much more likely to commit sex crimes against young girls
>Is it racist to mention that Jewish people are massively overrepresented at the highest tiers of banking, politics, and media?

Baby if that's wrong I don't wanna be right.

Nationalism will always be a taboo thanks to morons like you.
You aren't making any progress.

The meaning of "racism" is pretty wacky. It doesn't really mean anything anymore, if it ever did. People don't use a concrete definition, they just "mean what they mean," so for all intents and purposes yes that would all be racist.

When they call you racist, they're right because it only means whatever they want it to mean. There is no defense against it because there is no logic behind it. You're better off just accepting being called racist for seeking the truth.

You suffer from the misconception that your grand form of nationalism wouldn't be smeared the same way they're smearing whatever's the nationalist flavor of the month.

You're an imbecile.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

Civic nationalism will eventually give us what we have now as time advances. Sure it will work in the short run but as mohhammed al ehmed shits out 10 kids that the state needs to take care of as if they were white, and, as nigger Tyrone leaves his wife pregnent little Tyrone Jr will grow up to be fucked up like the nigglets you see today.
In conclusiom, civic nationalism will not solve anything in the long run and will eventually lead to what we have today. Is this really that hard to understand mr. Goldstein?
The only way to secure the future of white cultures and traditions is through deportation. If they do not follow orders then we can use deadly force if neccessary. Let those shitty lib cucks traitors go to Africa with them, always kill a traitor before an enemy

It wasn't smeared until you guys started sperging about neo Nazi bullshit.
Hillary's speech was nothing. It was you who fucked up afterwards.

i miss sedition and obscenity laws

easier days. more logic. everything was about ideas in full. nowadays a single word will get the cops called on you and all they can do is violence

It's all satire and ironing. :)

>It wasn't smeared until

Genuine racist here. I want Europe to return to being at least 95% white. I want no niggers here at all, only a few choice East Asians and Poo's. I genuinely believe that there is a scale of superiority amongst races and white people are at the top. I want a white, Christian only state to be created to become our Israel.

as long as we seek respectability or are afraid of being taboo or offensive or losing our jobs or any kind of persecution we will fail. The whole point of the nazi shit is a post-ironic attempt to lower the bar of what the general population is willing to tolerate from the right.

>then all you need to do is make it free

One problem. We live in a democracy. All the shitskins, spics and jews vote for their own racial interests. This is why Civic Nationalism is garbage, period. If you aren't a nationalist for your own race, you're a nationalist for someone else's race. Unless EVERYONE disavows racial interests you gain nothing by doing it yourself.

They will vote to diminish your freedoms and they will vote to redistribute your wealth to them and they will vote and vote and vote until you're living in South Africa, and then they will torture you to death because you have nothing left for them to steal.

they will always, ALWAYS call you hitler. Even if you're George W. "Compassionate Conservative" Bush. If you don't want to end all white people you are hitler. Bar none. So you might as well embrace it.