This is Miss Helsinki.
This is Miss Helsinki
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What syndrome is that?
Come home white man
Literally does not matter. I wouldn't give a shit if it got nuked.
This cant be real...
post prrofs i demand PROOFS
Why are there no James Bond type supervillian organizations that arbitrarily pick capital cities and threaten to nuke them unless they get cash? I would join right the fuck up as an anonymous henchman.
Good chances it's Stockholm's
Hahahahaha they have to be joking. Based Finns picking the ugliest jew nosed nigger they can find to plant the image that non-whites are ugly, but appease the degenerate liberals at the same time. Good work.
>white person in south africa
why are you still there?
Busted-up ass hoe disorder
Black women are pretty much guaranteed "Miss [Country]" at this point.
>Based Finns picking the ugliest jew nosed nigger they can find to plant the image that non-whites are ugly, but appease the degenerate liberals at the same time.
Well you got
>appease the degenerate liberals
that part right
He blesses you
Why'd you mirror the image?
literal abo-tier level of fucking monkey
she's not even a good looking black woman.
Do black women scare you? Every gook I've ever worked with is fucking terrified of niggers.
Dammit, Suomi
That's easily explained by the high Asian IQ.
No fucking way OP!
Holy shit.
I can find better looking girls in my neighborhood and I am A FUCKING PAJEET
Don't save these Tumblr gifs my man
Maybe she's very talented and has a great personality. It's not always about looks you guise.
Seriously though how can you make that nose miss of anything.
not even worth
You have all underestimated Finlands cuck-level.
I have done some autistic research on Finnish dating sites, dating apps (sex apps), looking at Finnish girls' jewbook friends etc.
The foreigners are DOMINATING.
Pro-tip: Visit Helsinki. Place is worse than Berlin and Paris combined when adjusted to size of country etc.
What's up with all the alien girls?
... shes a fucking uggo. How did that happen? I mean, there are plenty of "visuably pleasing" shitskins around, but that thing is almost on an abo level.
All capital cities are shit
She is ugly but finns are cucks what can you say?
That's because you live in a marxist shit hole.
>top left didn't win
Pro tip: this is mainly a problem in helsinki. The niggers wont survive away from nightclubs and other degenerate shit.
But of course you cant forget your own cuckiness and call everyone else cucks. I have herad pretty bad shit about oslo too.
And they picked the fucking nigger out of all these qts?!
That blonde is hot
Its a combo of ultra-feminism, socialism and autism. They've already slept with a bunch of Finnish men so now they go for foreigners because TV has made them think that foreigners are charming perfect lovers. They also go for third-world men because muh progressivism. Lots come from divorced families so they don't appreciate any traditional values. People outside Helsinki are way more red-pilled and anti-immigration, especially men.
t. finnish guy who left
How many are actual finnish girls?
Fucking hell.
Nuke the site from orbit! Btw, check out the trannies they've picked up the two years earlier.
>yellow chink on the left
Were the memes true all along?
If gooks are so scared of niggers then why did they just make one miss Helsinki
The sun is so bright in Finland, it gives you a natural tan
I don't see any Finnish features too, they look like Swedes and Slavs trying to cope with the Anglo beauty industry
I am sorry I have to agree with you. The more next to the centre you live the more you are a virtue signalling liberal shit. Go to Vantaa and people are already lighting torches and having stakes at hand
Hahahaha, this isn't real, is it? Holy shit
>But of course you cant forget your own cuckiness and call everyone else cucks. I have herad pretty bad shit about oslo too.
I have absolutely no problem about acknowledging my own country cuck-level.
I know we have a huge problem here, not only in the capital.
But there is a tendency that people underestimate Finland's cuck-level, even though you have major problems.
Global Warming is real.
How did the one sitting down in the middle not win? She's in a totally different league compared to the others.
It's beyond a racist issue. She's just plain ugly, even by black standards. Why do people have to ruin everything with diversity? It's not like there are no beauty pageants held in Africa for African women to justify her winning one in a predominantly white country, for white women.
It's another "let's celebrate ugliness so we can feel better about ourselves" episode.
This is very real. But you must remember this "beauty" pageant is run by this woman.
This, I see sheboons at bus stops cuter than her, what the fuck.
scandinavian "wanna be like merica" syndrome
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it's all about when you look at the person behind the whole pageant. It is to make her feel better about herself.
Why cant Western people do some enrichment too? Our educated flip-women are god tier in genes. Our country won Miss Universe last year.
Here is one example
Are there any prominent marxists you know of in Finland? Like an equivalent to Barbara Spectre etc.
Who owns you media?
more like Israel, not "is real"
Why is the (((media))) trying to portray sheboons as attractive so desperately?
>look amazing
>get random text tattooed on
>All cities are shit
Fixed that for you. It's from cities where all these faggot feminism muslim-huggers come from
It's fucking hilarious when they do shit like this. It's like electing an obese monster as miss universe and it's nothing but pity and disingenuous.
You can't really take pride in the 'accomplishment' as all anyone see's is something that occurred out of pity and doesn't help things whatsoever.
Jesus christ what the fuck is that
The people running beauty pageants are the same ones who'd do shit like this in high school.
For some reason, I doubt it's necessarily malicious/anti-European intentions so much as people who want to be good anti-racists and think "wow look a black person can actually manage to wipe their ass. They deserve an award"
>finnish women
I didn't have my hopes up that high to begin with
No way she could've made the TOP 100 if she was in >>Finland. :^)
imagine being one of the white girls having to pretend that chimp is attractive.
it's an insult to their beauty really.
Jesus christ , from all these gorgeous women they chose her?The fuck is wrong with them?!
I love how the girl on the right looks like she's cringing internally.
Pretty much this. Everyone knows she won simply because of pity and the overflowing necessity of virtue signalling.
Was expecting a reply or your mother dies shop.
>the random comas
>'the things fear'
>the wisdom to know the difference?
I googled the finals of my own country. Apparently you just need the token nigger.
>the random comas
a leaf - the post
this finnish happening is truly one those rare moments where Sven gets to have his tears of schadenfreude for the week
Has anybody noticed how small her head is compared to the other two? It's creepy how noticeable it is
this desu
None of them even look Finnish, lmao
That's a niggress
Severely underrated
Aha what the fuck.
That poor girl on the right.
lmao you don't know?
Women, being whores don't have problems fucking their giant dildoes with a nigger attached to them.
Men aren't falling for that shit though, which is why they are trying to push the nigress ((((beauty)))) so hard.
The funny thing is, it's not even racism or whatever. She's just fucking ugly
Literally every one of those women is better looking.
This is straight up "WELL DONE FOR BEING BLACK" isn't it? They can't keep getting away with this.