>tfw this is already international news
>tfw kikebook, goytube, and twatter failed to censor this
I LOVE YOU Sup Forums
>tfw this is already international news
>tfw kikebook, goytube, and twatter failed to censor this
I LOVE YOU Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Its quite amazing actually.
How many people come on Sup Forums?
We truly are legion.
Day of the rope when?
did they say the RACES? and that he's and hate crime against a white?
if it were 4 whites and an autistic black it would have been international news within a few hours.
Yeah and its fucking unbelievable. The news said that those 4 niggers charged with hate crime
You would not believe some of the people on here
>have 300mil guns
>not allowed to protect yourself from niggnogs and liberals
keep shooting innawoods, while your black masters having fun with white girls
>failed to censor
nigger they were suceful, did you saw the news? They blurried the faces and kept spamming "Tortured a man".
The original vid is far worse than what their "experts" talk with the video silenced going on... Those niggers kidnapped, conmit hate crime, ORININATED in his face and injected him fucking HEROIN for DAYS just because he was white and a trump supporter, they said their reasons in the vid
That doesnt taste like winning but a big control damage job by (((them)))
I've been waiting 5 years
fuck up you inferior flip cunt
They can't silence everyone.
>blurred his face out
Hey at least he made the fire arrows video!
Wait a while.
Remember that shitpost:
>Fuck drumpf and fuck white people.
Don't you have some prostitutes to feed and broken glass to step on
Local TV laws. Cant show gory shit on Flip TV
But you can shoot junkies in the street. Makes total sense. Thanks Duerte.
It's a retarded person. A retard going through torture with people who he thought were friends is already traumatic enough, they don't need everyone trying to contact him for interviews too. I'm sure hes already at 1000% tard meltdown.
>fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Memes becoming real
>injected him fucking HEROIN for DAYS
wait what, is that true?
The poor guy was a literal retard. People defend themselves with guns all the time
You have no idea who is on here.
I know many.. powerful people who visit and contribute here.
The time is now.
The fire rises.
Didn't see a single mention on the local news here.
Feels cucked man
Godbless America.
No, they are making that shit up. He was held hostage for 48 hours, what they did within those hours has yet to be disclosed fully and seeing as they mindraped a retard I doubt hes really all that willing to disclose what they did to him that wasn't recorded in a 30 minute facebook video.
What is true is that facebook removed the video straight out, and refused to trend the topic untill US news outlets kept fanning the fire under facebooks ass. It's funny though facebook claims that gore videos are okay as long as they spread awareness, but when it comes to this where it shows the act of what niggers actually do and how maybe JUST maybe those niggers who get shot by cops are actually no good assholes who are no better than the spooky white hooded ghosts of times long gone, they censor that shit immedately. Zuckerberg loves him some BBC.
On a side note obongos comment in all of this? He blames previous racial tentions for these actions and clearly this is just surfacing from that, and ends his statement with "The good news is that the next generation that's coming behind us ... have smarter, better, more thoughtful attitudes about race." These niggers ARE the next generation, they are all 18-24, and the king nigger thinks that the next generation has better atitudes? They are throwing riot hissy fits because they didn't get their way. We are fucked.
Not here either.
Just to give you an idea, three people from my team and a deputy director and two senior brass were laughing at trump memes over lunch last November. I work for a security agency. i doubt they post due to time/availability but they all knew what Sup Forums was.
Look at this assumption making faggot. Spend a bit more effort reading before commenting you retarded russian mongoloid
blame the media for that censor
> mindraped a retard
if they have the same IQ of someone who is mentally challenged, were they even aware he was mentally challenged?
Nothing over here. Our national broadcast company is silent.
Yes, he was lured by a familiar friend whom he hung out with a few times. So the retard trusted him and apparently was school mates with him at a point.
at least they respected his geneva convention rights and provided him with drinking water
In fairness, our media doesnt censor international news that much. They just love to gangbang on Duterte like MSM on Trump
Msm would never skip this story, it's too juicy you retard
This would hv never be censored, you stupid Philippine.
All media want this juicy shit.
Yup, too juicy. It's just a matter of what narrative the media wants to push. Media here is too busy grilling Digong
>"It's not our belief that this was a racially motivated crime. This was more of a vulnerable-victim motivated crime," the prosecutor said.
Kek, you can't make this shit up.
Triple doubles, nice
Literally never because white people fucking suck
You're more retarded than the kid tied up in the corner. I
What would you say to the cops if they found you beaten and tortured?
you will never be white lmao
>Get one of your own tortured made fun of and pretty much raped depending on how you look at it
>Black police officers tell you its not a hate crime
>They made a disabled white trump supporter drink out of a toilet say "I love black people" and cut off his hair with a knife to the point of him bleeding from the head
>White people do nothing
Yeah, i guess i could be a rice dick degenerate though.
Mostly a lot of racial slurs, screaming, rage and then stating how I want to murder those god damn apes myself.
If that ever fucking happened to me they better wish they kill me or I'd fucking wait until they are all getting out of prison and murder them straight out.
Then again I'm also an able bodied white person who is coherent and not retarded. Niggers are scum and pick on things weaker than them in packs for ensured victory.
I'd also then go to the press and say that this whole thing has made me incredibly racist and that I demand apologies from the black community for conditioning those children to be victims in today's society and taking out their boogeyman anger on an innocent white man.
But hey, this is just one big power tip fantasy.
They cut him damn there to the bone. Look how white the cut is, you only see that when you have went deep af.
And white people did fucking nothing.
Just like how white people will do nothing against the one sided race war blm is holding.
Even if trump is able to deport the illegals already here we only get a few %'s more white and what then? White trash is very common and white people are dying out by the day.
Unless you expect a baby boomer generation with trump but i don't think there's much chance of that...
Unless trump some how becomes one of the best presidents ever and does the most out of any president in one term i'm just going to submit.
But yeah i guess white american's have to go to the jobs they don't have because of illegals so they can't riot....
Eric Trump shitposts here