
>>bong woman marries shitskin and moves to middle east

fucking up on so many levels , that takes skill and dedication

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nothing of value was lost

hey at least she will lose some weight. id be interested in seeing the after pictures.

Based Islam.


they can keep her.

Sup Forums agreeing with Islam? Really? It's the year 2017, we don't do that kind of shit here.

May her beheading be swift.

>moves to middle east
literally suicidal

She thought she had fallen into a barrel of halal meatpoles but all she will be sucking now is her thumb

>black commits crime
>every other black protects him

>white does nothing wrong
>every white says she deserved it

Gee I wonder who will win the race war




burn the coal...

Thinking it has less to do with people agreeing with Islam and more along the lines of this dumb, dumb bitch got exactly what she signed up for

she wanted islam, cunts need to take responsibility for their decisions

anti women faggots

We don't care for traitors



Because blacks dindu noffin always.

Assets are assets for a reason, they don't fuck about and get killed in the process. If you continually show support for someone who has committed a fuckup then you will lose.


undernourished pork

>dumb, ugly cunt falls for the diversity meme
>marries a goatfucker
>moves with him to a goatfucker country
>she's so far out from reality and consequences that she thinks feminist sexual liberation (aka: being a whore) is tolerated in Islamic countries

Sup Forums has being fueled by daily doses of shadenfreude since it's beginning.

he was just trying to save her from diabeetus

Good , it's their country with their laws i see nothing wrong with this

that guy had no standards, her head looks like a balloon

She was fat



>cheats on shitskin
What? She dared to speak to another man or something?
These apes hit women for anything. If she cheated she would be dead.

this. she's basically the equivalent of shitskins going to germany starting to rape people.
just because shit was allowed in your country doesn't mean you can practise it in another

I wish you could do that to cheating whores in western countries.

lol women

if only they knew all this shit that they're trying to pull is only going to land them back to pre-suffrage livestock person state

Burn the kebab, pay the tab.

Nothing of value was lost.

end female suffrage now!


women who cheat their husbands within marriage must be punished very harsh.

bitch thought based Shiekh Mustafa is like cucked John. She got what she deserves.

>we don't do that kind of shit here.

Which is why western women have caused the refugees to come in, and become such degenerate promiscuous whores.

based kebab and islam

I'm laughing because there were literally 100s of these fats pigs in london walking around the streets at 7am from the clubs while i was having an english breakfast.

I have never seen so many unhealthy fat fucks in my life, not even Australia is that bad.

>such as thrown into a shitskin country like Turkey and forced to live under the poverty line

>nothing wrong
>marrying a shitskin and cheating
>nothing wrong

>not even Australia is that bad
boy, you are right about that

"sweden is saudi arabia of feminism" -julian assange

>race traitors

>shitskin lecturing us about values

>He also denied he had destroyed her passport, insisting his wife had accidentally ruined the official document by hiding it in an oven and then forgetting it was there.

My favourite part.

>dindu nofin


>three meals of rice and water a day

She might loose some weight, although it would be a waste of time. She is tainted now.

>Yeah, come on guys it's (the current year) get your shit together

Thats what happens when you muddy the waters

Good riddance!

>snow nigger losing his country and getting cucked by his own women and jungle niggers

>marries muslim
>nothing wrong

Yeah, well, you see...

And mind that, he is right

It's an eyeopener.

the last 3 digits of your post is where you end up working once you can get in a white country


I feel bad for the guy having married such a homely porker in the first place.

>burn the kebab
>wear the hijab

Dumb bitch


Still, she is a white person, which makes her a blood relative. I don't like shitskins treating our people the way they treat eachother. I say nuke Bahrain or wherever it is, whether or not they hand her back over.

>spamming your only quads

it's literally shit, Apu

I may not, but I respect other peoples right to engage in a political system if all involved where over 18, fully consenting and not indoctrinated under the age of 18.
It's not islam itself I hate, it's those that force it onto other (Which happens to be a part of islam, that I hate).
Anyway, she was happy with it, she can't fucking call backsies.
I feel sad for the millions of women who never had a choice to leave, but someone so fucking dumb they enter the system?
Fuck her. Let her be a warning to others and maybe a message that we need to evacuate the nonconsenting from islam.

>burn the oil... pay the...?

s-soul?... no ;^(

>betrays her race and county
>proceeds to betray even her SHITSKIN HUSBAND

Good. Bitch gets what she signed up for.

Goddamn, man up bitch and stop bowing down

I make 40k dollars a year and life is cheaper so 30k dollars in turkey is like 100k dollars in sweden. I drive 2015 bmw m3 and have a crazy social life. I visit your countries as a tourist in summer. now you can go back watching somalian and afghan guys fucking swedish girls hard.

Is there seriously anyone here that would give her a cheeky root let alone marry her?

No wonder she married this guy. It's just like when losers in Western countries marry Chinese or SE Asian women. They have no other choice.

>surviving on three bowls of rice a day
What? Besides, she clearly has at least 1000 lbs of fat to lose.

No. With the welfare state we do not have any natural selection for whites anymorey ultimately resulting in degenerates poluting the white race. Removing degenerates like this in title is the least we can do to improve the white race.


The weird thing is why would that guy marry her?
Sure he is a shitskin but he could get something above a 2/10. It's not like she is rich either, looking at her trashy clothes and tattoo.

Good riddance. Got rid of both of em.


she's ugly af no wonder noone here wanted to marry here good riddance

>I make 40 dollars a year and life is cheaper so 30 dollars in turkey is like 100 rupies in sweden. I drive 2015 bmw m3 gokart and have a crazy social life. I visit your countries as a terrorist in summer. now I can go back watching somalian and afghan guys fucking turkish guys covered in oil hard.

>Belgicuck telling Poland to man the fuck up



At least the Bush pig will lose some Fucking weight.

burn the oil, pay with toil?


Blacks don't protect their own women from being hoes.

>you can't practice rape in German

If you're German, lmao

Deserves everything.
Porker probably looks better now

holy bagface batman

>three meals of rice and water a day

probably needs to go on a diet desu

>mikor svédeknél több a segíj

>csak nyaralas

>cheats on shitskin
People can't hide who they are for too long

>purdé lopott egy extra kanna internetet

At least they have countries too lose, Poojet.

>Muh bimmer

The only thing worse and more cliche, you could have bought, would be an m4


Maybe he wanted UK (ie UK and EU) citizenship? But they went to live in the shithole he crawled out of anyway.

I think he just had severe white fever and since pretty much zero white women are interested in non-whites and Islamic shitskins even less so, he had to take one of the only women desperate enough for love to want him. The cheating only suggests it further because she needed to feel the extra validation because his "love" obviously wasn't meeting her high needs stemming from daddy issues.

Conclusion: she's fucked in the head

>protects him
>uses any excuse to loot and chimp out
Pick one.

>huu, de merges valaki

Gondolj arra, hogy szarra kuratta magat a kis kurva mielott lelepett Svajcba. Tapasztalat nelkul nem megy ez.

Mig Jozsi ingyen baszta, ott mar fizetnek erte.

Tessek, jobban erzed magad? Mert ha tudnad, hogy balkezes zold szemu vagyok, meg az is kiderul, hogy benned tobb a Torok, mint bennem...

She is ugly as fuck. How is it possible for her to cheat?

Damn, why do they always have to take the good ones?

Which probably made him all the more mad when she cheated on him. Like damn, cheating is one thing. But to cheat on someone who's objectively a lot more attractive than you? Shieeeet

That being said, those savages blame women when they get raped, so maybe she didn't actually cheat willingly.

Either way, moving to the ME is fucking retarded.

That guy is hot AF. How can one end up being attracted to a -999/10 pommie women?