>not waifu material
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Compensation claim incoming in 3 2 1 ....
>tfw this is my fetish
>She decides to piss herself
Tfw not there to lick it up
>mfw imagining her pissing herself wearing what she's wearing in the photo
Dammit OP you tricked me, the actual olympian is nowhere near as attractive as the girl in the OP photo. I've been bamboozled.
More girls should piss themselves for political reason tbqh senpai
calm down
I read this whole fucking article and the story is that they had a disabled toilet on the train, but it happened to be out of order.
Jesus Christ. She cries throughout the whole thing about how society is trying to keep her down and no human being should have to face such indignity. Well, guess what? Sometimes toilets are broken. They can't go around cancelling trains because princess pissy pants won't be able to get on.
If you are disabled and you can't control your bladder then sometimes you're going to piss yourself. The entire world can't be made to cater to your problems.
>pissing yourself is now activism
>its actually some nigger
goddamnit, there goes my erection
yeah same here. I'd totally let OPs pic piss in my mouth
As a (forced) member of the disabled community I hate this nigger
wheelies, pissing herself or both?
>be in Bongdonistan for a trip
>decide to have lunch in a little Mexican restaurant and order a burrito
>Person serving me has full mop too and giant holes in their ears
>Eat burrito like a man and get sauce all over my hands
>Look for a place to wash up
>Sign posted saying that they do not offer restrooms as the size of the establishment cannot accommodate disabled size restrooms and it would be unfair/illegal to only offer standard restrooms
>Leave as quickly as possible
>long train journey
>be cripple
>unsure of toilet situation
>wear diaper
>problem solved
>want to travel up north to visit family
>train is full of black women with no legs pissing on themselves
so some engeneer is working to design those retard chariots just so some disabled fucks that shit themselves on the train can raise their own esteem by participating in retard olimpics?
>Be riding black woman with no legs
>Trains all around me can't stop pissing themselves
Hold on, didn't we meme that into existence? Peeing against suicide or some shit like that?
>tfw no omorashi gf
>a restaurant with no toilets
Should've just pissed all over the place.
so, the toilet for disabled people was out of order (possibly because something is broken, right?) and the train was understaffed. Instead of asking some of the other travellers politely to help her to get to the other toilet (which was working, but too far away for her), she pissed herself and cried about it? What a fucking retarded nigger sheboon. I hate this fucking victim mentality.
>"covering her face with her hoodie after the incident in case anyone recognised her"
>tells the newspaper about it and gives her name for attention
fucking hell