Are teachers redpilled?
Think about it... they must notice the intelligence gap between white and shitskin students through assignments and tests.
Plus they constantly have to deal with niggers being niggers.
Are teachers secretly giving out small doses of redpills? (obviously not big ones because they'd get fired)
Have you ever had a teacher that tried to redpill your class? Discuss
Are teachers redpilled?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not the most retarded of liberal scum
A life of going from school > university > school doesn't really expose someone to the real world.
Also they're all women.
What's the equation
>they must notice the intelligence gap between white and shitskin students
No they don't. They rationalize it as "the education system is RACIST" and so they created common core to dumb down whites, to the blacks' advantage
Unless the proff asked for a parametric equation I'd give this cunt a zero
>8th grade american history (in south east usa)
>history teacher has us watch the birth of a nation in class
Wolfram Alpha used to have a "Sad frog curve" but now if you try to graph it you get a mysterious "server not available right now :^)" error
Teachers are so bluepilled...
Worked for me.
Now that's an equation
Holy shit fuckin ayy thats an equation!
Your science is faulty
That's fucking cancer
Nigger spotted
Almost all teachers i has so far were as redpilled as they could Show 1 teacher(ethic class) showed us with evidence how fucked up and wrong it is to believe in islam with Most Students in the class beeing muslims and no one of them could Defend ist he Even asked them to defend themselves and there was just silence it was brutal and i had to kek so hard the whole discussion
Sorry for the wrong grammar im on my phone and autocorrect is a pain
Yes I have. I had a teacher who is constantly dropping small red pills, just enough ones to get us to really think. Off they are redpilled but also opportunist, what would you chose? Tell the truth and get fired or keep being blind and get paid? Imagine you have a family too.
No. Here in France they're known for being lefty as fuck.
My high school philosophy teacher was incredibly redpilled though
I was friend with an elderly italian/history/latin teacher and she told me to never trust chinese. Told me how she had to promote chinese kids since they did not know italian but these chinese kids could easily speak italian outside school. She is the kind who believes in the chinese are slowly conquering the world .
And then there are the current 40-50 years old teachers who barely know about USA but say that Hillary is a saint while Trump is a nazist.
>they must notice...
>As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information; the facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures -- Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it - until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom.
>Yuri Bezmenov
Former teacher here, and yes, you get redpilled as fuck.
The problem is that education is the most PC shit that exists, so unless you want to be canned immediately there is fuck all you can do about it.
Is a student a moron and/or a little shit? Well that's your problem and your responsibility. But honestly i blame the parents. Not only do they take zero responsibility for their kids education, they also expect the school to raise them and teach them manners. It's also fantastic when they get all prissy and indignant at a parent/teacher conference where you have to tell them their little snotty whelp has the reading comprehension of a Border Collie
Everyone in the staff room know it, the principal know it, the fucking cleaner knows it, but it can't be talked about. How the fuck are you supposed to teach a class when some kids are almost at high school level in maths and reading while some are barley able to wipe their own ass?
Fuck that shit
Never become a teacher
>Soviet Union
>concentration camp
what a retard
My teacher of christianity did so kinda, he always he stories about jews and how you shouldn't trust them because if you did one harm they'd find you.
Kept speaking about how antwerp is completely run by jews eventhough they have their own section. They have their tentacles in everything
1st they are not comparible
2nd it was closed in 50`s
Our teachers make kids pray to Allah....
Teacher here, yes I am. Although most teachers have a 1984 kind of bluepilling where they know the truth but still massively push the liberal agenda.
we'll start by removing that eyesore on the lawn and planting a tree. maybe after that do some homework.
>mfw wanna be an engaging history teacher, promoting critical thinking
>terrified of liberal colleagues and administrators
>common core
h-hold me
My econ teacher was pretty redpilled this year destroying arguements from both sides of the election, ultimately he sounded like he and his family voted trump, not for climate hoax or making america great but as a "big middle finger" to the Democrats. Teacher pretty cool too except he's a raiders fan. Good think i have to take two more courses this semester with him.
yes they are you commie
No. Teachers are libcucks and jews pushing for globalism, multiculturalism, and all other forms of evil and degeneracy.
you are retarded if you think common core was created by teachers, most of them fucking hate it. the older ones anyway, the younger ones don't know any better, so they're mostly blue pilled, but the older teachers who actually went in when it was a respectable proffession, and since then witnessed to death of free thought in the public school systems are very scarily red pilled.
>walk into final
>sit down and wait anxiously
>teacher walks around passing out the test
>"Okay you may begin. You have 2 hours"
>flip open test
>4 pages
>all blank except the first
>this equation printed on half of the page
>"Take the second derivative of x(t) with respect to t"
Some of them, yes. I work with teachers and there are certain ones that have long since stopped giving a shit. Those are the ones that are most likely redpilled. Unfortunately, they're also not effective.
If you're teaching history just use primary sources that disagree with one another so kids are forced to think critically. As long as you're hitting the checkmarks in your curriculum and getting good results and not outright preaching you'll be fine.
My government/history teacher dropped the red pill regularly and was an avid gun collector who wore a ponytail and cowboy boots.
>some intern spent his entire 3 months at Wolfram doing this one equation
man this is the only trump policy i can't get behind. removal of common core.
as a mathematician, i'm a bit biased because i know that common core is designed to teach more mathematical intuition than arithmetic, which are wholly distinct. one is a body of knowledge, while the other is simply a skill that you can train at.
if you have this body of knowledge taht common core endeavours to instill, you will find it much more natural to learn advanced mathematics, such as number theroy, and abstract algebra: stuff that the technology of the future is built with.
this knowledge is 10x more valuable than an engineering skill
The education system is a joke. Kids think history is:
>Date --- Event
>Date --- Event
>Memorize this vocabulary
and they fucking hate it. They never learn the importance of history
Yeah I absolutely don't want to preach because that would make me no better than the SJW excuses for teachers. I just want to teach objectively, and am terrified of the administration/an expansion of common core mandating the specifics of what I have to teach, aka social justice revisionist history, and being under threat of being fired if I don't
Not in America, and particularly not in California.
There's actually nothing that prevents undocumented children from attending our public schools, and as a result the LAUSD welcomes immigrant kiddos so they get extra money for student attendance. Less ayylmaos = less wages for teachers and layoffs happen.
LAUSD is a very corrupt institution. I went through high school in classes of 35-50 people and often it was chaos, with yelling and throwing stuff across the class room.
M8 did 4 years Marine corps and am going to uni to try and become a social studies teacher. How else am I going to make changes if not from within the system?
think common core is good? it's long but listen to this.
It's been fucking disastrous for America.
Critical thinking in history usually means students will have to question our role in colonization etc., the white guilt narrative so to speak
I know mate, to me history is just stories. It's story telling. I fancy myself to be engaging when delving into something where I have interest, and I am good at connecting historical stories to overall relevancy, context, and significance. I just want to be the engaging history teacher who gets kids thinking and have them realize how important history is. If you can't see why history is important you probably aren't studying it correctly, and that's the message I want to impart
Most of the kids that would want to become mathematicians figured out that type of intuition themselves as they learned arithmetic though.
I'd tell other kids my methods of approximating things and they'd just get confused
>considered doing something with history at uni
>be in grade 12
>already liked nazis and shit anyway, and realised they weren't monsters until the war
>do some debate
>get told im on the nazi team (had to defend nazis coming to power while the other team told me how it was bad)
>win the debate
>class flips shit
>bitches literally tell me im an asshole for defending them
>lol fuck this im defending myself
>''get fucked cunt, none of you poofters wanted to be on this team so you fuck wits made me do it, go eat a bag of cement and harden the fuck up you soft cunts, maybe if you had half a fucking brain you would be such a dropkick and be able to win a debate against someone who did his debate this morning whilst hungover'' (ill try to find the report thing the school sent home, it had this writen down)
>teacher laughed and told me to calm down
>nobody in the class did anything, because they knew I was ''looser'' kid and they were all rich snobs.
but ya that experience put me off uni all together. I remember another time some moron came up to me and said I was racist for skateboarding because its a white perosn sport''
where the fuck do these idiots get the nerve?
My perspective is we need to view history in a balanced way. Historically we have always had the same issue, a skewed view of history. Either we only looked at the good things, or only looked at the bad things (like nowadays). I want to show both the good and the bad
ur dumb if you think those aren't computer generated. they just draw it vectorally probably and let the computer calculate the formulae
>they're all women
Mostly true for elementary school and middle school. High school has plenty of male teachers.
My nigger. Shit won't change if education is dominated by the social justice Marxists.
>have children to do your part physically
>work to do your part societally
It's our duty, brother
Destroy the system and/or make your own.
Common Core exists to teach mental shortcuts like 35+47 = 40 + 42 = 82
Colonization was never bad imo, just part of the zeitgeist. Also why should us whites be ashamed of decisions that were made by a small ruling elite, same goes for slavery.
i know what you're saying, but most normies don't give common core an honest try because the teachers, who grew up in new math and other systems, are also not very enthusiastic about it. it trickles down to the kids, and in the way they deliver the content.
the problem is systemic. in theory it would create a nation of people capable of monopolizing science, but in practice people can't be arsed.
yeah like that's a realisitc possibility singapore
don't spread disinformation. you can disagree that monopolizing science is a good thing, but don't use wrong arguments like "the purpose of common core is to make kids better at arithmetic". arithmetic is completely separate from mathematics.
I am, but what says
99.9% aren't. Being from STEM and then turned to education, I have to be very careful all the time, cause "poor kids don't know any better" and "it's the system".
It's usually gypsy kids and migrants, ofc
I agree with you. Places visited and ruled by colonial powers generally had their standards of living increase by every metric. If possible when tenured, maybe I can lay out a prompt asking students to weigh the pros and cons of colonial rule, but it would be risky. I would in general simply state the facts of what happened and not over emphasize the crocodile tears as your average progressive white guilt ridden teacher would
This is correct. When teachers become redpilled they stop caring about teaching. You can't blame them, I wouldn't care either if I were forced to teach a bunch of feral shitskins.
No. The profession is generally dominated by women and lefties even my supposedly Christian RE teacher said we should be "homophobic". Some male teachers I've encountered have been slightly redpilled though but they're not preachy usually like the socialist ones.
teachers like learning so much that they start learning things that aren't true
Whats your STEM degree?
This user nailed it
computer engineering, it has nothing to do with my job now that I teach foreign languages (English and German)
>Are teachers redpilled?
No, they are the most brainwashed liberal scum on the entire earth
my professor last semester went on Sup Forums I think. Someone in class had to use her laptop to present something in class and had to google search "Australia" and the first line that comes up was Australian shitposters
It also exists to totally alter the way math is done. For example, the stacking method of arithmetic is forbidden, and for elementary school math the children must draw out problems with cubes (representing 1,000), squares (100), lines (10), and dots (1). They must then combine these shapes into a simplified form. Only then may addition take place.
Not only that, but something like 50/180 school days are dedicated to testing for fucking elementary school kids.
And for English, the classics are being removed in favor of either sexualized fantasies or politically skewed works
wow, fpbp indeed
>but common core would require me doing things i didn't learn in school for a minute
ok man, i'm a mathematician. i can tell that you aren't. do you really think you understand what common core is all about?
The important question not answered
Kekked my abo friend. Any more fun stories?
Are there people actually defending common core ITT? Do you have any fucking clue what you're talking about, or do you just assume that Americans are resisting it because hurr durr they're lazy
look at video I linked above to actually hear it being broken down
Enormously more realistic than "changing the system from within" and it's happening all over the world in various spheres.
Colonization still exists but it is only bad in this age if it is done by whites. Just look at Indonesia, the Javanese now directly control all the islands that were never Javanese to begin with. There are hundreds of different peoples in Indonesia but when the Dutch ruled over them it was bad now that the Javanese rule it's somehow not bad
What is incorrect with the video I linked?
And how the hell would you know about American common core?
common core exists to prep and expose kids to real abstract mathematics, and get them understanding math in their own intuitive sense.
it will literally create a generation of people with more mental power. imagine if the average person was a mathematical whiz. that's what common core results in when it's done with gusto.
pretty easy final desu senpai
because i'm american doing a phd in mathematics in australia
Have you ever taught any math/science? Ive considered the transition and I think it would benefit students tremendously to have a teacher with an engineering background, but I worry the gap in math/science/logic and the lack of a problem solving mindset is so extreme it would suck.
I believe the Chinese are colonizing East Africa and filling it with factories. At least the Europeans built schools and hospitals, the Chinese just pay them an extra few cents and work them to death
actually it's pretty simple as long as it's mainly additions or subtractions. It'd just be long af.
Just a thing that bothers me is that there are some theta's taht you could simplify by putting a square or a cube.
No. Not at all.
My mom is an elementary school teacher and a Trump supporter. All her colleagues shamed her for asking the simple question of their two new Syrian "refugees" were here legally because "No person is illegal".
I'm a professor and I have to hide my power level and pretend to be a filthy liberal for fear of losing my chance at tenure. Once I'm tenured maybe I can stop lying, but I'm worried it will hurt my publication chances of I become known as a wrong-thinking person. I already have a hard time getting pubs because the data I collect don't support shitty take narratives.
>labor camps aren't comparable to labor camps
can you really not do this 2 step calculus problem?
I'm not saying it's hard, just tedious as fuck to go through the whole thing twice and keep track of signs.
>elementary school kids are totally capable of abstract math
>let's not even allow them to learn the basic mechanisms of arithmetic, eg stacking, they MUST be abstract
>they also must spend 1/4 of the year testing, meaning the class is centered on teaching tests
I'm sure it will work out great. Like how the rates of self harm depression and anxiety are skyrocketing due to "feeling dumb" (forced to do abstract math at a premature age) and "insane pressure" (constant pressure of tests)
But it's all worth it to reach your utopia isn't it, you fucking Marxist?
No, most teachers are bluepilled to shit by your standards. A mix of the kind of softheartedness that you more or less need to want to become a teacher in the first place and years in higher education, which is obviously liberal as shit. A dash of supporting the union doesn't hurt either.
Some of your teachers will likely be more conservative, but they do typically avoid saying anything because they have a bit more self-awareness than your liberal teachers and don't want to create tension between themselves and liberal parents/coworkers.
Common Core is bad for a number of reasons I've articulated on this board before. If I had to briefly summarize the primary points, they would be as follows
>Takes way too much time to design a Custom Curriculum tying every lesson to the standards, so your district forces you to teach from the (shitty) textbook
>Designed around assessment rather than actual learning, so teachers emphasize test scores over real learning (because they have to)
>Students are expected to be masters of all in math, being able to use 12 different ways to do, say, the same multiplication problem, and are penalized for not using the "correct" method for a given problem even when they could easily get the correct answer with their method of preference.
I could go on, but at this point I doubt you care.
There's a significant quote from a certain famous German leader. Something along the line that if you deny a people access to their history you kill the people.
probably 3/4 of the teachers and profs I know are liberal shills
>Once I'm tenured maybe I can stop lying,
hoo boy, one of my old profs did just that, but he was already a top professor in the department when i got there.
late 50s, based as all get out. desu, a lot of people in the math department were pretty redpilled, and some were hardcore meme level conservative. i maintain that mathematics is one of the most redpilled sectors of academia
What do you teach lad?
only private lessons, I chose something I was good at (languages) and made it my job.
I have had to do a few remedial classes for some students who can't learn with the psychobitch in chemistry, so I feel for them
>Are teachers redpilled?
No no no no no NO
The majority of teachers are tremendous Liberals and the ones who aren't are brain dead gym teachers.
The problem is language too. Like the Australian user said, mathematics =/= arithmetic and it should be worded like that as it was years ago.
Mathematics should incorporate more of the logic and reasoning that is mathematics instead of "yeah learn this SOH CAH TOA thing to calculate these cookie cutter questions in a test".
The thing most people don't get is that a lot of mathematicians and such aren't autistic folk who can recite pi to 1000 dp or multiply any two numbers in an instant. It's a completely foreign field to pretty much anything I personally did at school and you wouldn't even know if you were good at it or enjoyed it.