post balls please
Post balls please
Feel free to contribute
This is not even that far away from the truth
So ronery
Im out. Have some cringe.
That's fucking brilliant
As is this one, top notch!
I only deal it the best memes
These are OC
Kek, saved
based fins
Worth reading.
Top tier, thanks
Fresh off the press for the thread
Another new one
Maybe I need to edit in his face
These are bad. You let the fame get to you
Sigh, I know. Don't save them.
It is autistic, but I really keked
Straight outta /dfg/
Brevity is the soul of wit.
No one left with any maymay-balls?
Anyone have a blank ball face? I want to make some.
Anyone got the Sup Forums one where it says "when the Holocaust didn't happen but you also can't wait for it to happen again"?
is there an American ball?
i actually work in billing at a private ambulance service and thats not how it works lol. we bill the same as the fire depts EMS transport
how does such bounce even exist
t. Alberto Barbossa
>when your growls are interpreted as the first steps to communication by the local tribe, so you are lynched because of that
I'm surprised nothing has happened yet.
>straya flag
>expansion pack webpage
Every criticism of ancap is one these ridiculous strawmen
some shitty oc i made
They're actually really useful as an exercise in finding logical fallacies.
I suppose so, it's just slightly annoying in actual conversation about anarcho-capitalism when people just spout these as a substitute for an actual argument.
This one NEVER fails to make me laugh
I like this one
Ancap is its own criticism
another non-argument, well done
it's amazing but I wish there were more anarcho transhumanist balls out there
I only ever see the same 5
Hypothesis: The lack of good anarcho transhumanism memes may be proof that it is a valid philosophy?
If somebody is using memes as a substitute for rational discussion, then they're just not worth engaging.
Try not to get frustrated by the irrationality of arguments. I stopped having "debates" with people a long time ago because It's not particularly constructive. Debate leads to people rationalizing their own previously held beliefs in order to "win" the argument. Calm discussion is much more useful as an exploration of their understanding of the subject and you can also stand to learn something as well from them.
that's why they're funny
you aren't going to stage your ancap revolution in a fucking memeball thread you dense cunt, your lack of a sense of humor is in violation of the NAP
Top Kek.
everything looks exactly the same
Need more
If you actually listen to some Pinochet speeches, he adresses the communists in Chile as "Marxist agression" or something like that. Either way
>Sup Forums is one person
in a democracy all voters are agressors that want to enslave you through the state
Kek. I love murdering people in villages while they are asleep to level up butchering. Even though i don't know what ir does.
Increases the drops from butchering I believe. Not like it matters since I powerlevel my stats and become a necromancer
What flag is that?
>william gibson makes polandballs now
How do you feel about diversity in human villages? Lizard people are living here and i can't stand their "sssss" accent. Dwarfs and Elves are brotier.
Except Allende didn't get more than 50℅ of the votes. He even imported firearms that only the communist party could use.
There is a lot of things that people don't know because you only get the marxist version of the history.
>Allende wuz gud boi dindu nuffin. He just need mo monee for dem public sscools and shiet.
Allende imported weapons from cubans and the communist party was armed to the teeth. Infact, it was the women who protested constantly because they couldn't feed their children because of food shortages and long ass queus. When they protested the commies threw them potatoes with blades. People were BEGGING the military to do something.
How do i know this? My grandma is chilean. She has 12 children to take care. She showed me her scars she got from the peaceful gommies.