Would you rather be ruled by jews or chinks?
Would you rather be ruled by jews or chinks?
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it'll be a new experience
Chinks, I'd just correct their engrish.
Jews. Google bear bile before you answer the roach's question
Jews, no question.
Chink civilization is like an ant colony.
Money > Everything else.
Hi Zhang
Do I want to become a slave for a communist regime or do I want to become a slave for a capitalist regime ?
Decisions, decisions...
Well seeing as we're already ruled by jews, might as well keep it that way.
Asians over arabs.
So I'd take the chinks over your brethren in Israel.
There are billions of Chinese but only millions of Jews, so the latter.
Being ruled by us is like being forced to eat your favorite foods everyday till you want to die.
jews would rip apart the fabric of our being until there is nothing left of our humanity. chinks would at least have us getting shit done
Jew here, how ruled by Jews do you think SA? is I haven't got my Jewish handout yet and I'm a little pissed off. Had to go through the Employment Equity grinder and work for blacks and Gentiles like everyone else.
shit analogy
isn't that just a torture method you faggots invented
>implying you're not a english teacher
No what I meant is life will be too stable, too boring, it would be like a breath of fresh air at first but everything will start to taste like rice.
living in asian society is like having your soul slowly evaporate year by year.
Go home jew man, the US is the jewish promised land. South Africa isn't meant to be ruled in the near future, only to be destroyed.
>living in asian society is like having your soul slowly evaporate year by year.
Sounds like browsing the web.
Chinks because they construct their societies and don't simply destroy others' just to get richer.
sort of.
asian societies are very desensitizing if you live and work in one.
everything is set up to be as predictable, stable and deliberate as possible.
culturally people here do not understand sarcasm, satire, irony and take everything literally and at face value.
theres no grafetti anywhere, theres no spontaneous music being played, there is no spontaneous actions signs of affection with people.
I don't want to say that we are soulless, because we do feel emotion, its just that the system is built for maximum efficiency so it creates drones out of us.
Asian society can be summed up as, watching a news anchor wearing a typical business suit positioned perfectly in the middle and telling you the average temperature of the day with a expressionless toneless voice.
I'll die on my feet not live on my knees
no one wants to rule over your shitty resourceless earthquake prone island full of pedophiles and depressed salary assholes.
just make my products and fuck off when you get the money.
we'll bomb you to shit if you try nanjing again.
There is no home. Being a white man here and a South African or Jew anywhere else kinda makes me a permanent outsider or drifter. The whole "colony in Africa" thing has made us like that as well.
I don't in general like the American Jews. Not only do we come from different religious traditions, we're also culturally rather different, and I'm pretty sure I couldn't walk through immigration straight into wealth and success by shouting "I am an African Jew, brothers!".
Japanese live on their knees and palms of their hands, Mr Jougekankei-san
Chink here, and I would say you are right on. Asian society is just fucking boring. I don't care if we have less crime rate if the price is being soulless. 90% of the chinks I met in china wear the same faggot ass Korean haircut, play the same faggot ass LOL computer game, lick the same shit government controlled medias feed them. I will never go back to china.(sorry white bois)
As a Chink I prefer to be ruled by Kikes because I LOVE Jewish food!!!! It pisses me off that it's getting harder and harder for me to find Jewish food in Toronto.
i fucking hate chinks but jews are worse than chinks somehow
Which wants to keep whites around?
good goy!!
when are you having your circumcision?
fuck off, we'll more likely just finish off what the Americans didnt.
Chinks, because they're unable to be as insidiously subversive as Jews.
living in a first-world asian place like HK or Singapore is like living in a sterile hospital where everyone wears a facemask and you and everyone else is waiting in line.
Australia is basically already ruled by the Chinks. They bought up all the property and businesses and now put advertisements for jobs up as "fluent in Mandarin required", yet no one gives a shit because only white people can be racist apparently. The fact I've applied to these jobs before and told by their HR team (all Asian) that I basically didn't get the job because I don't speak their language is absolutely ridiculous. This is for publicly advertised engineering work.
You can go to our Asian towns and see entire streets of businesses with looking-for-help signage without a single bit of English in it. It's fucking disgraceful yet no one seems to care.
Pretty sure there's legislation against this, but the news is too busy calling out bogan family No.29 for being "neighbours from hell".
america nuke nipon twice and it still better than your vertical shit hole
your skyscraper is shit all the way up
poo poo poo
pray for a nuke so you can try build a city that is not an open sewer
I'm white I'm here on exchange they give me money for making their universities look better
If you bomb this place while I'm here I don't blame you please do never wanted to come here just wanted their governments shekels.
FYI if it makes you feel better hong kong bro I constantly bring up NankingNoReal with them here and they get extremely awkward about it
Also subtle little cuts like "Man why doesn't Japanese food have any flavour like other Asian countries. Do you guys make nice noodles like in China?"
chink is worse than rat
please spit on chink for me aussie
fuck off nip
youre just the white mans bitch.
we'll fucking nuke you harder so you'll become our bitch.
that is how japanese mentality works, they only respect people that fuck them in the ass.
Based HKbro is taking no shit from the nips
what about jinks, user? Have you heard the legends?
Based nip.
JEW 1000x over
fuck China
I didn't want to cry this early in the day
Don't fall for their trap Ausbro... Remember Darwin
When do we get to rule ourselves
>The unis here are flooded with chinks, mostly Cantonese
>Tfw every Cantonese chick I've ever met or seen always say how superior white men are and always have white boyfriends or husbands
Why do you guys put up with that race mixing shit?
>This one Cantonese chick at work ranting about how racist her parents are
>They came over to visit and kept calling all the black people and aboriginals "black ghosts" in Cantonese
>Her mum asked why all the black guys look so much like monkeys
Why are Cantonese so based compared to mainland chinks? Is it from all the British blood and culture?
Chinks are basically jews except there's like a billion of them and just about 16 million kikes. I choose kikes.
please do not make me laugh disgusting chink
you cannot kill nipon. nuke or not.
nipon will come again stronger and when we do we rape your woman and kill your men
rodent scum cannot best nipon
when will the eternal chink ever learn???
No offence cunt but you guys killed like 2 people and a bunch of cattle. That U-boat hiding down near Sydney Harbour was more of a threat than the bombings.
jews better than scrawny jackie chans
>When the inferiority complex gets to an all time high
I'm a kiwi not actually nip... If you're studying at an AUS university atm by the way check out their exchange program you can study here for free pretty much their government needs us to make their universities look good lol
Le happy merchant
There's always a third option
move to Israel. we have the best Kosher Chinese food. nothing even compares.
Not if you're an old cunt like me. As soon as you hit 30 your chances of travelling to Japan outside of a short holiday are pretty much nil.
>Tfw was going to take a year off work to go there and teach English for dat subsidised long term holiday
>Just turned 30
just go as a perverted ol' sex tourist
You could still teach English here if you wanted for a year dude...
If you have a college degree just check out the JET program you can make it happen
I think they're both good leaders tbqh
>bear bile
Jesus fucking Christ. Chinks are subhuman hive insects.
Jews are white (and based), so Jews are the obvious choice here.
It's not up for debate.
Once you hit 30 you can't, I already tried. Maybe if I had experience and it was my main profession, but for those any-bachelors-and-you're-in programs, 30 is the cut off point.
>A literal Jew telling goyim to go to monoethnic countries and breed
You can't make this shit up.
would there still be apartheid if it wasnt for a few rough Jews?
>you cannot kill nipon. nuke or not.
heh, guess the radiation really fucked you up huh?
There is LITERALLY NO WAY Japan can pick a fight with China.
Trust me, Chinese people anywhere in the world is itching for a fight against the nips. Even if we get destroyed in the process, we'd be extremely happy that the government declared war with Japan.
I would donate a lot of money to the war effort.
Sounds like your typical Communist society if you ask me. Well, same as here anyways on the sarcasm part
are you the same guy who calls everyone white and based? your name is tyron obongo kongo isn't it?
also turks > whites
this mean to be for this guy
Chinks and kikes are like bread and butter. The kikes need chinese food and kids to make their products and chinks need kikes to invent shit that they can copy.
Israeli Arabs have better lifestyles compared to most other Arab nations.
Chinks live like shit in their own countries
Jews are Anti Christ-so ANYONE but Jews would be better.
I would like to see China-Japan standoff again
>unironically theist
Nip bloodbath inbound
All nips JAV actresses become comfort girls kek