What does Sup Forums think of the complacency of the white middle class in the decay of race relations and the mass cucking of white America and the white world at large? Why do white collar cucks so overwhelmingly grovel at the feet of the minority classes?
What does Sup Forums think of the complacency of the white middle class in the decay of race relations and the mass...
That's part of it but it's not the answer. What the fuck is wrong with white people?
the jews
>it's the kayaks
Don't ask me why. I know why.
Why does Sup Forums hate William Pierce?
Two reasons:
>This place is full of alt-lite and "civic nationalists" that find him abhorrent
>a lot of people (myself included) that are ethnonationalists and traditionalists aren't big fans of the advocacy of violence
You're pretty much spot on. Probably one of the reasons Eastern Europeans are more aware of themselves and their identities and less open to giving away their countries.
>advocacy of violence
I was not aware of him advocating violence in any other way than self defense.
Is this just because of his ties with "The Order" or has he actually said anything of the sort?
if you actually studied him a bit, you'd know that he does not believe that violence is the answer.
He implies there WAS a time for violence, but it truly has passed. That's why he was building an empire, writing books, making music, building a religion (cosmotheism)...
Read the Turner Diaries.
He wasn't an advocate for thuggish violence and he despised those types but he was an advocate for eventual violent ethnic cleansing.
That was just a scam so he could get himself tax exempt.
>he was an advocate for eventual violent ethnic cleansing.
[citation needed]
Turner Diaries is a work of fiction btw. It's not his "blueprint" for taking back the country. Nice LARP story though, but that's all it is. Listen to his broadcasts to understand his real policies, they are different and much more in depth and thought out.
also, predicting terrorism and violence ≠ advocating it
Nah. Read about cosmotheism. It fits. en.wikipedia.org
the rest of it is simply the naivety of decadence.
Decades of diversity and protected class awareness training...
Obviously we've been subjected to a decades-long program of literal psychological warfare. Our Problem is mostly one of misidentification of a natural enemy.
Where's that citation?
Also don't speak for all ethno-nationalists, since obviously you're not one.
You say "this place is full of alt-lite". Yeah, YOU'RE the alt-lite, either that or a complete and total shill.
>not wanting to genocide people is alt-lite
Truly a pathetic dodge attempt. Do you actually think you've successfully pivoted away? Where's the citation? Back up what you said. Instead of backing up what you said earlier, you say more inane and untrue garbage. Fool.
Yeah, whatever dude
This is one of the most one sided blowouts i've seen on Sup Forums in a while. It's kind of sad in a way, honestly. Take some time off Sup Forums and do some actual research, stop conforming all of your beliefs to those of Murdoch Murdoch.
Kek. Whatever LEAF
This is probably an appropriate starting point for you. It roughly outlines his true ideology:
Nigga, I'm just trying to keep you bumping the thread. If I hated WLP I wouldn't have started a thread about him. Also are you the WLP Leaf guy that's made these posts?
Yeah yeah I actually wrote out a post calling you out on your baiting me. Decided to delete it, because if you were baiting me, I know why, and it's for the greater good. I was just practicing not swearing in my posts to you, and practicing defending WLP for real life in case I ever need to.
Nah that was some other leaf. I know who you're talking about though.
It's good to know there's multiple of you.
Yeah at least two of us lol.
Anyways, I think we should alter the NatSoc general threads (which have gotten super stale) to have a much greater emphasis on Pierce, with a better video selection, and posting him near the top not under his own category, not under "american natsoc".
Might do that right now. Thoughts? Suggested videos?
Also I got really fucking triggered and reported you when you called me a LEAF. It's probably going to get me banned instead lol. Sorry.
So if I stop posting it means i'm banned.
p..please respond. i'm gonna feel like shit if they actually 3day'd you over that post.
but i'm also gonna be paranoid that you're trolling again by making me think that you got banned..... fug
Because if you complain at all kikes like Gnome Chumski call you le Hitler
>Anyways, I think we should alter the NatSoc general threads (which have gotten super stale) to have a much greater emphasis on Pierce, with a better video selection, and posting him near the top not under his own category, not under "american natsoc".
It'd be nice if we could just have /pierce/ generals but Pierce threads tend to not take off due to the short attention span of people here and the large chunk of people that are just LARPing edgy faggots.
>Might do that right now. Thoughts? Suggested videos?
I'm not sure what's currently on the natsoc threads (the pastebins keep changed so whatever) but a few of my favorites:
Also I think seeing him as a normal human being in: youtu.be
>Also I got really fucking triggered and reported you when you called me a LEAF. It's probably going to get me banned instead lol. Sorry.
>So if I stop posting it means i'm banned.
Kekk'ed. Hopefully I don't get banned myself. Then again it wouldn't surprise me since I dared to make a thread about politics and current events that's half way serious.
>p..please respond. i'm gonna feel like shit if they actually 3day'd you over that post.
>but i'm also gonna be paranoid that you're trolling again by making me think that you got banned..... fug
This post just reminded me of when I was a teen and would have these chicks that I met online or talked to mostly online and I'd fuck off and they'd desperately message me and grovel. A-Are you a woman?
I meant
>a-are you a grill? pls respond
Hmm maybe we should rebrand the natsoc general or make a new natsoc general as "Modern NatSoc"- something along those lines.
And of course make it a hidden WLP general.
Nice. Hey, on a semi-related note I've been trying for some symbols for a hypothetical organization (probably going to use it in some media, probably just writing if I ever get around to putting some of my idea on paper) and I've been trying to get some opinions. Here is one version.
*some of my ideas on paper
Would be nice to get reuploaded, unlisted Pierce videos to a youtube account with an avatar and name anything other than those in pic related...
Here it is just one it's own
Here it is just on it's own
And finally this
Without even looking at your work, i've thought about symbols a lot.
I typically end up frustrated and coming to the conclusion that the swastika is irreplaceable. The life rune does look not bad either though I guess. Then I wonder if the symbol is even that important and that we associate how "beautiful" a symbol is is actually based on what they represent.
And now looking at your work. I like the circle superimposed over the cross. The symbol in the middle looks like a guy standing with his legs spread apart with his handson his hips tho.
>The symbol in the middle looks like a guy standing with his legs spread apart with his hands on his hips tho.
It's an Anglo-saxon rune, the gar ie spear
This one has too much going on but the mix of concepts is pretty thoughtful. (cross, celtic cross, white circle - [nazism]
How does it look without the black border around the circle?
Oh yeah, also when I think of symbols, I remind myself that i'm quite a terrible artist, and not a great judge of art. So I just try to stay out of the flag design discussion and work on other things- there's a lot to be done.
Like this?
Also specifically it's supposed to be a Sun cross mixed with a cross. The celtic cross is a variation of the sun cross essentially
I wanted to avoid symbols that immediately scream
Without compromising on meaning. I don't think the GLR approach works with the kind of people we need right now.
>I wanted to avoid symbols that immediately scream Nazi!
Yeah yeah me too. But in doing so, but still trying to create a meaningful and powerful flag, when your ideology is essentially nazism anyway?
I predict that when we have won the ideology war, once we have the masses on our side, then there will be nothing wrong with bringing back the swastika. So i'm just focused on winning the ideology war.
Well my symbol isn't even meant for use as part of an organization, just visualization/for a faction of people in a fictional piece of work I've been debating on putting together.
Ohhhh I see. Yeah that really does change everything. In that case it's totally appropriate, looks good.
So yeah I think I like this one the most.
If it's really easy to play around with, maybe try rotating the cross (the symbol with or without it, maybe with) not so it's like the confederate cross, but halfway there, so it's asymmetric. Then widen the lines of the cross, or flare them out wider, kinda like the Japanese Imperial flag.
Just some brainstorming...
I'm not sure what you're trying to describe here
Brainwashed by media and Government Controlled by kikes. This is why the white race is dying. The only people that can truly be called Human allowed themselves through cowardice to become slaves. Might makes Right, the White Plight; They won't Fight this Blight.
Got carried away a bit here but this is kind of what I was getting at with the cross. And I didn't quite get it exactly how I meant. So if you were to take this one and shit it leftwards a bit, that's more what I was thinking....
Kinda autistic tbqh. I'll try it out though
If it's for fiction then it can be autistic - fiction itself is basically autism in text form
entire symbol itself as a flag
wait I fucked that symbol up... you know what I meant
i need to stop
Like this?
Actually that looks alright. I was thinking more that the small diamond shapes should be on the top, if it's true to the symbol. But doesn't have to be.
Anyways heading out for now. Probably see you again in the next WLP thread. I'll play along with the baiting next time if you do the same thing.
Good luck