Commies get their threads, let us have ours.
NatSoc Should Not Be Obfuscated
Communism is for fags.
Heil Hitler
Socialists need to be thrown out of helicopters along with the commie faggots.
Everyone in a higher position believed that aryans are from atlantis and we need to breed with our own races to get onto a higher psychic level.
The jews were identified as the enemy because they've always been the ones hindering us from reaching this goal and it still happns to this day with globalism and mass migration
I don't understand how you have the patience to raid threads with this shit. I've raided maybe twice and it's fucking agony with the captchas.
WTF is with its face?
Why do you hate us?
Yeah? Are you a niggerkike?
And this is meant to do what? Make us angry? Teach us a lesson? Half the retards on here get off to this degenerate shit.
What board are you coming from?
someone somewhere is unironically actually seriously autistic enough to go 10 times thru these annoying captchas posting stuff Sup Forums is into to "derail" a thread
bravo retard, bravo
>Teach us a lesson
Hitler Started The Second World War. No amount of History Revisionism is going to change that. Hitler Like Many Dictators Before Him and After, was power hungry, egotistical, narcissistic who used the situation to his benefit. In his Final Days he had nothing but contempt for the German People For their so called failure for not living up to his delusional Standard. So much so, that he started to Praise the Slavic People for being more Superior to the Aryan Race.
Define start. Having your hand forced to shoot someone who is murdering your family doesn't make you a murderer.
>Define start.
Breaking Multiple treaties with France and Britain. The Breaking point being the Munich Agreement. In which Hitler gave his word that he would not annex Czechoslovakia. He Broke the Treaty and His Promise on the 15 of March.
So you blame Germany for requesting back land it was wrongfully stripped off in the treaty of versailles?
Murican education
It was a war between ideologies. The situation was worse than it is today and your ideology of racemixing to keep us dumb won
Ideology generals are fucking stupid and natsoc is literally a meme. Hitler completely destroyed his country with that nonsense
That Land no longer belong to Germany. It belong to a Independent Country.
>Hitler completely destroyed his country with that nonsense
No, the USSR did.
>War of ideologies
Not it wasn't you idiot it was a war of $ and resources like every other war. Unless you're going to tell me Soviet Russia was ideologically disposed to their allies and vice versa which they weren't
We have them. Natsoc general.
>Invade country
>They invade you back after you lost disastrously
The polish invited it's anhilation on its self by the miss treating of Germans in the lands they got from the versites treaty. (No hard feelings polbros nobody is innocent)
Because poland took a piece they didn't deserve.
We had negotiations with poland about the 'german' clay (which is obviously unrightful) and the trading route which was meant to connect our territories through poland and they refused every option therefore we tried to force them to give up on it.
The last solution was not giving a fuck and invade them
No Leader of any nation would give up land. Simply because its next door neighbor believe it is their "Rightful" land.
Save the white whale
>Know that they will invade you once their war machine is fully operational and they will steam roll you
>Have no choice but to attack them whilst they're gaining traction in hope to stop them
>Winter hits 2 months earlier than it should
>You get steamrolled
>They then proceed to fuck the entirety of east europe raping and killing everyone.
The communism was an issue for every party involved in the war and the main reason england/france/usa massively supported hitler in the beginning - i assume you've never done any research on the world wars?
Saudi gave a shit ton of desert to the UAE because the king asked, which then turned out to have a ton of oil.
Israel gave massive chunks of itself to Egypt.
Hitler was trying to trade it. He offered parts of the annexed czecho territory and germans in danzig were mistreated BUT poland would have been weakened massively by such a deal and didn't believe in nazi germany keeping their promise of not attacking them
By the way, of course i meant that it's rightful polish clay but the peopke were mostly german
>Israel gave massive chunks of itself to Egypt.
You mean the Israeli Military Occupation of Sinai? in which was condemn?
88 brothers!
This. They are bunch of mixed niggers who have been kicked out every nation until now. Fuck the jew down the street. It's the Jews who control the media and wealth of most nations. Sieg heil.
I'm so glad I discovered Sup Forums before i went crazy! I have been a lone redpill for so long! Having to live with this truth and having nobody to talk too! I was not even anti Semitic just a conspiracy theoriest. Does Sup Forums remember the moment they became a thought criminal?
I remember the first thread I ever made on Sup Forums about 6 years ago about the feasibility of anarcho-pacifism. Jesus christ I was retarded.
To answer your question. Yes.
Hail Victory
In school when we were taught that everyone in nazi germany was evil and decided to genocide a race for the lulz
I always had this feeling... well... now I know that feeling was right. Heil hitler. Fourth Reich when?
>In school when we were taught that everyone in nazi germany was evil and decided to genocide a race for the lulz
They didn't even bother to come up with reasons for germans for doing it or answer questions that might make them look human
It's because they were more human than the individuals who run Germany now!
Of course every time I post. A thread gets slid. Fucking mods.
I used to be a full blown commie! Kek l would never have thought in a million years I would unironically support national socialism.
When you really look into it. National socialism is the only.
Sup Forums is a NatSoc board and always will be.
Would you be inclined to share your experience my good man?
It's ok user it more embarrassing that I accept the excuse I was giving at the time. Something along the lines of "because he didn't get into art college"
They don't want the Nazis to be humanized. They want to make them cartoon supervillains, people who did evil for evils sake and villify them to the point where even starting a debate on whether they were that bad will get you immediately shunned. The Nazis are low hanging fruit for every movie or book writer who wants a realistic villain that everyone can agree are bad.
There has been a very deliberate effort ever since WW2 ended to stain the name of National Socialism so badly that the average person cannot even conceive of the idea that they were anything other than mindless mass murderers. Many people consider the Holocaust to be the greatest atrocity ever committed in war, despite the fact that war has been inhumane forever and history is littered with genocides and torture committed by warring peoples.
More a case of becoming disgusted with everything else user. But it is the only.
I've always had this admiration for hitler. Even before when I was taught how "bad" he was. Finally in the recent years I researched. The elitist jews, the bolshevik, the russians. Even Churchill, had an admiration for hitler. The United states right now, is how pre Nazi germany was. Except it's the entire world now. Degeneracy, at its highest. Homosexuality is at a peak. Men being fooled that they are women within a man's body... it's all in the food and alcohol. I may sound crazy. But isn't convenient that Nazis which is derogatory term is associated with racist whites? It was never about that. It was about being there for your comrades. Being there for your people. I am what you would call a native american... and even I can see the degeneracy of society. I see it all the time. It sounds like a meme. But it is THE jews. They own us native Americans with casinos, alcohol, and all kinds of other degeneracy. My experience... is they owned my people centuries ago.
Sieg Heil brothers
BTW I am tired as fuck. I might not be as coherent as usual. Sorry.
lil Nazi's need their safespace, fuck of retard if a white world ever comes you'll be put in an oven for being the lowest class of white;American
This isn't a safe space. It's containment. We will just shit up every single thread otherwise.
I have only just realised the Holocaust was fake, the white genocide is not only real but is directly happening right now, and that Hitler had done nothing wrong.
I'm on uni break, and all my friends are working and I'm just at home researching these conspiracies (not a NEET, going to the gym and hanging with friends of course still) - but my mind has been FUCKED. I am watching The Greatest Story Never Told and I am doing the Nazi Salute.
In fact, I had a dream the other night that Germany won the war, and I woke up in the best mood that I've been in in a LONG time. This is how depressed the world has got me, so much to the point where it is my one true dream to live in a country with a sense of community and true purpose and identity. They have deprived us of this very right, and it has been killing me.
I can't talk to many people about this (luckily I have a small group of open minded friends who i am slowly-moderatly red pilling). But yes, until I found out Hitler did nothing wrong, I was in a very bad way. Now I have hope, and am glad to share it.
A /leftypol/ user claims he gained mod powers here. Likely why it's such shit lately. That and the never ending raiding after the election proved we have some influence.
Another retarded socialist ideology.
It's not socialism in the economic sense, more a philosophical one. To each his own, but above all, the common interest before self interest.
Yes. The good of the people. Heil
No its perfectly coherent. This is why I love Sup Forums
And that common interest is judged by who?
Here we go.
Yes it's subjectively decided. But thankfully we live in a society where people exercise common sense so we don't have to live in Ancapistan.
Heil, mein Führer!
>Yes it's subjectively decided.
So, what happens when your brave, fair and smart hero of a leader dies? How can you trust that your new one won't get you into hell?
How can you put so much faith in your current one for that matter. Even if It's ruled by one party, that's even worse. If you think that people will always think for the good of others, then you're pretty ignorant.
>To each his own, but above all, the common interest before self interest
>To each his own
>the common interest before self interest
Pick one and only one
How can you trust your new leader won't get you into hell? If the leader doesn't fulfil their duty, he gets evicted.
The people place their trust in their leader so that the leader may confidently perform his duty to the people.
Monarchies worked pretty well for thousands of years. You're just getting rid of incredibly inefficient democratic law passing measures.
The leader still has to perform their duty or they will be coup'd from office by a military loyal (or revolution) to the nation not to the leader.
It makes sense.
>Do your own thing as long as it does not negatively affect the nations people.
Because our new party* doesn't have all rights in controlling the country. Also, not all decisions are taken by that party, the government is made by a couple of different and competing parties and they make decisions together. We don't have a restriction of "common interest". We can trade freely with other countries, etc. Also, Bulgaria is 'kind of' socialist, that's why there's so much corruption.
You can't rely on a "revolution" for god's sake, the leader also controls the military. If your country needs to have a coup every time they get a shitty leader then there's certainly something wrong in that political system.
Also, Monarchies were god awful. I'm guessing you know the couple of stupid leaders France got and spend the country's money on shit?
It is a symbiotic relationship
You spelt "parasitic" wrong
Monarchies were not god awful. With monarchy you get more unpredictability but faster development. With democracy you get more predictability but slower development.
>I'm guessing you know the couple of stupid leaders France got and spend the country's money on shit?
Is this any different to modern leaders?
Democracy limits idiot leaders but it also limits great leaders.
go to bed Milo you whore
But why yes, safety is the utmost importance in a country, real life is not a game and a bet. You have to be extremely patient when you're dealing with a country so it doesn't fuck up. ESPECIALLY with modern countries.
Yes there absolutely is a difference. There is a difference trying to be a mastermind to exploit a certain political system and just outright taking what you want and doing what you want. It's called "restriction". One is more efficient than the other.
I remember when I first heard of the white genocide I thought it was just skin head proganda. But I couldn't unsee it and now I see everywhere kek.
Good lad. May good fortune come to you.
Authoritarian ideologies are for cucks that want Daddy Government to tell them what to do all the time and fuck their natural human rights while they sit on the sidelines jerking off
One of the things that really irritates me with certain conspiracy theories is that it implicates state actors can, essentially, accept bribes from the private sector and the state actor is then able to use the public sector as a personal army for the private sector through covert means. Although I understand that one can justify this and say that, via taxation, the money is re-introduced into the public sector, ensuring that the personal army request is not one where OP doesn't deliver, I can't help but to feel that the nation, as a whole, is getting ripped the fuck off. An actor for the state shouldn't be receiving what could essentially be argued is a finder's fee for linking the private sector interest with a publicly-supported operation. Or, maybe this is the thought process of a communist. I'm not sure anymore.
hurr durr
Communism is the only ideology that makes any sense wewlad. Yous see communisms is way better than anationali socialism ebcause nationaly socialisme doens;tr geive the workers control of the menns fo production and that is basicallys slaveree your boss neeeeds you but yuo don;r nnedd him and heis basicallt a leach on the worldo and teh joos are the best and will gelp run society once communist revoultioni happens wihgci igs commplet5ely innveniadanble and will ahppen in like 234 years mabye. O mean leekpo at crapalonia adn jewgoslavia there all way betetr thjan america or andy onf those other fprlabian countrys. COMunnimsis ais the best ideolgoy and crapitsalism is basicatly slavery jews are the master race.,
But I thought the Holocaust didnt happen?
Damn, I really like point 12.
also allow me to trigger natsoc pol
>national socialism
>call themself anti communist
>You have to be extremely patient when you're dealing with a country so it doesn't fuck up. ESPECIALLY with modern countries.
>There is a difference trying to be a mastermind to exploit a certain political system and just outright taking what you want and doing what you want. It's called "restriction". One is more efficient than the other.
Still doesn't stop you from getting shitty leaders.
What do you mean explain? Isn't it obvious that stability is more important than faster development? Having your country existing is far more important than developing faster but having it crumble after a while.
>Still doesn't stop you from getting shitty leaders.
So what? That's like saying "Smoking doesn't give cancer to everybody" to a non-smoker. Or "Being obese doesn't give diabetes to everybody" to a healthy person. Nothing necessarily happens, but there are things that have a way higher chance of happening.
Socialism is not communism.
>Isn't it obvious that stability is more important than faster development?
No. Justify your reasoning. Don't go ad ignoratium on me.
>Having your country existing is far more important than developing faster but having it crumble after a while.
Why are you assuming that the country collapses?
>Nothing necessarily happens, but there are things that have a way higher chance of happening.
Yes. I don't see your point. Get a great leader, they do great thing. Get a shitty leader, they do shitty things. I believe that great leaders tend have a much longer lasting impact than shitty leaders. Look at Germany.
>Justify your reasoning.
I did after that, It's your next meme arrows.
>Why are you assuming that the country collapses?
>With monarchy you get more unpredictability but faster development.
>more unpredictability
Unpredictability means less stability. It's common sense pal.
>Look at Germany.
>less than 20 years and it collapsed
Pic related.
>Unpredictability means less stability. It's common sense pal.
Less stability does not mean inherent collapse.
>less than 20 years and it collapsed
I'm talking about shit from 1880-present. Germany has had some very good leaders, and very bad leaders. They have experienced very high unpredictability but they're the economic centre of europe now.
>Less stability does not mean inherent collapse.
Here you go again with that. Nothing is inherent, jumping off a building doesn't mean that you will die 100%, shooting yourself in the head doesn't mean there's a 100% chance you'll die. But that doesn't mean It's a good idea.
Pre Hitler was all Jewish shit. Germany was in a bad condition. Sure, he made Germany great for a couple of years, but that ended quick. There's no need for such risk when you can just have good stability and eventual economy.
That's all from me. I won't just rehearse what I have said already. It's up to you if you want to acknowledge what I have said. Have a good day.
>Nothing is inherent, jumping off a building doesn't mean that you will die 100%, shooting yourself in the head doesn't mean there's a 100% chance you'll die. But that doesn't mean It's a good idea.
Less stability at the cost of advancement is a reasonable trade-off. An advanced society is less likely to collapse as it has developed the infrastructure and tools to be relatively autonomous and self-serving without direct guidance.
>Pre Hitler was all Jewish shit.