Did you guys feel it? Like you were in a daze and just woke up?
The timeline just changed again.
Did you guys feel it? Like you were in a daze and just woke up?
The timeline just changed again.
muh dick
nah fatty you just woke up from a dream
good morning
lay off the shrooms.
I feel it every day.
It's called going to sleep and waking up, dumbass.
I work third shift.
I guess whoevers mucking around with the timeline knows to make the convergence point while most people are asleep
i did notice one of the words in a song that ive been listening to for the past 4 weeks has changed from 5 AM to 4AM
>inb4 its nig speak
its not rap
>inb4 you just weren't hearing it right
Its the second word in the song and spoken very clearly
You're in my timeline now, frog worshippers.
Things are about to get ugly for you.
Welcome to the MOLOCHNIVERSE.
Felt it.
I didn't feel anything, did I get left behind?
Get the fuck back to /x/ we dont want you here
Honestly I'm just pissed off that the effect changed our flag. We used to have an extra star in our southern cross in comparison to NZ. Now we have an extra star beneath the red jack and it doesn't sit right with me.
Just slid here from one of the future Hillary timelines. No WW3, just sablerattling and more of the eternal desert war. We're about to get some embassy action here, by the way. Beware the Vendetta symbol guys.
The in inconvenient thing about this happening is that things go missing, but its still better than being in the EU/Hillary timeline.
I wonder how our libtard alternative selves are getting on over there.
Also Google has gone to hell.
>just sablerattling and more of the eternal desert war.
Oh, that answers that then
here here
I think a timeline glitch happened a few days ago too
It happened on tuesday-wednesday, I think. When I woke up, I coulda sworn that it the day before that was a tuesday, but everything else said it was a thursday. Next day, it was a tuesday.
It takes me at least three hours to wake up fully and its only been 2 and a half so kinda
Quick warning: This is the Pedophilia becomes legal Timeline.
There's going to be massive rasistence and anti-degeneracy groups rising.
if you didn't feel anything you were already here
>Quick warning: This is the Pedophilia becomes legal Timeline.
I crossed over from the timeline where Bitcoin wasn't crashing
last night i had a terrible headache, and this morning i feel a little stunned
>There's going to be massive rasistence and anti-degeneracy groups rising
It'll all work out okay'ish in the end
Will the jews get exposed in the end?
The god of all gods is literally forcing his will on the world so the elect can wake up and do their jobs.
Times almost up..
There will be "alien" UFO sightings all year.
Someones gonna get nuked.
Everyone you know will burn in a lake of fire, for all eternity.
Gods not coming back with a 6 pack and a deck of cards.
Many will die.
Kek. Someone else answer this if you know.
Dumb faggot. That's not how jumping timelines work. What you mentioned means that you came from the future.
does it mean there is actually an /ourguy/ working for them?
he must be sending us these half-obvious signs, so we would know what to do
might be some happening at 4 o'clock, screencap this just in case
what else is in the song? might be a secret message
i never slept last night. i swear if you fuckers are stuck in the world i created you need to pop right off
I dreamt about me dying and reincarnating next to my corpse.
Hmmmm... made me think
This is only just the beginning. We chose the train-track leading to the tunnel, and now we are about to enter.
Don't worry Anons, I haven't slept for two days so the timeline is intact.
Not sure how much longer I can last though.
Why do I feel so antsy
This timelie has changed towards communism - have any of you felt it
we need to stop it from happening
Dude! DUDE!
Fucking same, i though it was just me
What else has changed in your timeline? We must be from the same one
Call some /x/ fags! NOW
>a timehole !
Ahh shit it's just a swirly thing in space
It's 7:23.
I did just wake up.
No user, that means you've been in this one the whole while.
Yeah, I just noticed that the Berenstein/Berenstain universes seem to have reached a point of equilibrium, according to someone, wherein it was the show that was -stain, and the books which were -stein.
don even kid bro
What you call timeline isn't actually like that, all parallel realities actually exist as a static frame at all times, when you take a coin and put it from one to another hand, you've literally gone through billions of realities and came to where the situations are as that.
The idea of 'shifting' through 'timelines' is that you make the shift between two realities distinct enough so that you realize you're doing it.
Timelines like that are spirit or soul limiting it's experience so that it goes through a certain -then formed- reel of frames forming illusion of time.
So like future history is also very undermined since the mass spirit consciousness could at any time decide to make a shift in the reel it's playing, from that point.
That's why some people could effortlessly manage timelines, you just gotta shift to whatch want.
That is not the purpose or intent behind human life on earth though, the intent is to find out what sustains even when we plunge yourself into this much darkness, what allows you to still hold on to light, it takes a top-tier soul to do it.
god fucking damnit i just want some weed so i can sleep again
M-masaka... Sore wa.... RIIDINGU SHTAINA!
I have been having fantastic and bizarre dreams the past two nights, punctuated by waking up 5-6 times throughout the night.
On both of the last two nights, I shot awake suddenly and looked at the clock. It was exactly 12:26 both times, what could this mean?
haha you're all dumb, the fault was as clear as day if you happened to check your phones calendar for the transition into the new year.
Not sure exactly what happened, but a miscalculation caused the calendar to put the 1st of January being Thursday, when in "reality" it was Sunday.
I don't know I noticed it on my phone and didn't care much, the timelines change whenever your current timeline self dies, also.
I woke up with a mans arms around me this morning.
Really nice. Not gonna lie
Not sure, but the australian flag changed and the entirety of south america moved eastwards. Might have been from a different timeline glitch
Jelly. And you guys are from UK too. Not fair
This may be /x/-tier shitposting...but I need to get this off my chest: I "might've" invented a quantum computer based on the concept of a micro black hole contained within qubit producing processors. If the micro black hole is contained with a small nanometer "sphere of influence", then the information can be "slingshot" around the rim of the MBH and, hence, able to have a nigh infinite time to process. Though, to us, due to time dilation, it appears to happen in an instant. In fact, the information arrives (via reverse tachyons) a nanosecond before it left. I did this a few years in the future. Sorry I Rick Sanchez'd the universe.
I saw a dream where i got numbers, it was good.
I was stoned as fuck and came down, maybe that's that.
No you didn't
>thinking you won't go to hell for eternity.
good one moloch... repent while you have the chance.
well shieet, that doesnt count
go sleep more, faggit
Mother of fuck, I think you're right on the Ausfag flag. What's that cumstain right below their union jack?!
who also hears the ringing in the ears? high pitched sound for some seconds
that you should start watching the original gundam show to make sense of things.
idk kek
my post was meant for mr. 41
>what the world read
I give my computer a rim job around its black hole and it dilates instantly.
Larping shitposters should all be shoot in the face
Thats your brain naturally filling in the blanks, it ran into a contradiction and came up with a solution.