If white people are dying (being genocided) because our nations and people aren't redpilled enough, how can Japanese people, one of the most redpilled societies, be dying off too?
If white people are dying (being genocided) because our nations and people aren't redpilled enough...
Their birthrate is in decline but they are not in decline in terms of percentage of their national population, which is the bigger issue.
Ahh, I see, so even though there are less Japanese Japan will still be Japanese. Fair enough.
They lost control of their women but still retained control of their government.
Because they enslave themselves, I lived in japan, they are super redpilled on immigration but have their own amount of degeneracy, women have more balls than men over there...
literally because of anime
It's still an interesting question. Perhaps defeat in war has somewhat destroyed their will to grow. Perhaps they have been too demoralized.
Japan isn't dying at all. It is just in economic depression.
The japanese birthrates are higher than those of say, Germany.
Also, the employment rate is probably higher too, despite all this constant talk of
>muh neets
>muh anime
>muh virgin otaku men
Satan has spoken
There are already too much japgooks, small island has the population of 130 million.
A fucking leaf.
Because little jap girl only crave on superior white men big cock
No asians will ever satisfy the juicy little jap puss. Japanese girl literately belong to white real men
japan is not dying off , you fuck wit
For years we have been wondering how to control the population
WE FINALLY have gotten to a point in civilization. That men and women are having less kids. Naturally reducing our populations globally.
But the globalists don't want that. Less people less profits. Fuck the earth and it's environment. Lets make 10 billion, no 20 billion people by 2020. Think of the profits!
And here governments go and fuck it up, by bringing in mass immigration. Kick starting another baby boom.
The world was finally setting itself onto the right course. And big business who controls governments around the globe. Decided this was a bad thing.
Wanna know who fucked us. Big business and greedy politicians. We need to get rid of lobbyists.
They just replaced 32 guy working office job with Watson, the computer AI. They know that most of the population would be jobless in a couple of decades, so they prevent that by not fucking like rabbits
Sauce? That watson replacement sounds like a big deal
Their population will decline, then it'll rise again. There will always be around 120 million nips on their islands.
maybe because there is more than one element to life and hating jews and niggers doesnt make up for being an anime watching autistic shutin
Thx m8, I'm preparing for the robot run future. Curious to see how Japan deals with it
half of 30 year olds are virgins in japan is why, also this
What you are witnessing with current day Japan is homeostasis of the population. This should be considered normal, and not alarming. Capitalism doesn't like slowing down, hence the financial "crisis".
Folks need to learn to calm the fuck down.
They aren't dying off, their population may decrease but the country will be fine and preserve itself. If anything the demographic situation will spur increased innovation in order to increase productivity and due to the lower labor supply increasing labor prices. Japan may very well be the first country to heavily automate and become a sort of post-industrial utopia relative to the rest of us.
Being an island-nation, being under-populated seems to be better than being over-populated, otherwise you would be living off a clip.