Rationalize your transphobia
Pro tip: you can't
Rationalize your transphobia
Pro tip: you can't
I don't want humanity to die out due to degeneracy.
How do trannies do that?
Poor little trannies don't harm any one
Per definition a 'phobia' isn't rational.
If Morality was rationalized we'd live in a lawless society based on survival of the fittest and all Trannies and faggots would fucking die out.
There's nothing to rationalize if it doesn't exist.
It's not a fear you fucking cuck. And look up that word. It doesn make any fucking sense to phrase it like that
Teaching that you can get anything you want if you try hard enough to be true makes it happen is what's gotten us this fucked up to begin with.
Its still voluntary genital mutilation at the end of the day.
Prove me wrong.
I'm angry that lefties exploit mentally ill people just so they can brag on social media about how good and morally superior they are. Trannies need mental help and medication, not to have their bodied mutilated.
Post her feminine penis pls
Hatred and fear aren't synonymous.
What's wrong with that
The problem with normal genital mutilation is that it's involuntary
Cool. You solved the S E M A N T I C S. Now rationalize your hatred of trans people
>Therefore I will mutilate myself to conform to social constructs I so vehemently oppose
It is a mental illness that needs treatment not special privileges or Executive Orders.
Which special privileges do trannies get?
>Now rationalize your hatred of trans people
I don't have to justify or rationalize shit, friendo. You don't hold me accountable for alleged hatred of other people so go fuck yourself, toothpaste. :)
I wouldn't call it that. I fear more for the people that call themselves gay, tranny, bilingual or whatever tag they want to use so they can feel like a snowflake.
Shits a mental illness and they are only making themselves worse and closer to suicide. Rather than seeking help, idiots on the internet applaud and celebrate people indulging in their degeneracy and self mutilation because they are afraid to hurt someones feelings which in-turn makes them look bad.
tl;dr: Parents need to start acting like parents, not friends.
>Rationalize your transphobia
>thinks people are afraid of them
When tranny gets hormone treatment, do they smell like a woman or do you still get the musky man scent?
Just wondering, because with today's technology it's getting harder and harder to spot the Apache Helicopters and Firetrucks amongst the crowd.
I'm scared you guys, what if one of them whips out a dick that's bigger than mine?
>Participating in competitions that are gender specific when clearly they are physically not of that gender
>Executive orders granting transexuals the right to go to whichever toilet they desire
The general fear of upsetting people who are mentally ill and therefore allowing them to do whatever they wish, should rightfully be opposed and these people should be institutionalised.
The voices are still atrocious.
>bigger dick
Not possible once they have hormone therapy.
The thing is supposed to shrivel as a result of that shit.
>He thinks trannies undergo surgery to commit fraud in sporting tournaments
>He thinks trannies undergo surgery to go to another toilet?
>not being afraid of the most brave people in the world
>mfw in 10-30 years all the MtF trannies will start getting male pattern baldness
My best friend is trans. She's pretty 'redpilled'. I have no hatred of transies. I only worry that it's forced on children.
Depends on the person and how successful their transition is. Also if they've already gone through the 'wrong' puberty.
Europeans are trash.
This place was much better when only Anglophones posted here.
mentally ill people tend to lash out. either on themselves or others
just looking out for the safety of the general public here
Having individuals that deliberately mutilate themselves while being in perfect physical condition is a red flag as ever I saw one.
After realizing life isn't like their Tumblr fantasy world with no way back now they often kill themselves (which is probably the only rational thought they'll ever have).
You want these people to be rolemodels for the next generation, el oh el.
Meanwhile there are 8 year olds being brainwashed by their surroundings and little boys going 'I want to be a girl'. Liberal parents, as retarded as they are, give these kids hormone treatment already at young age, completely fucking up their childhood bc Ben's 'little weewee' needs to be a 'girly thingie' according to the narrative.
And no, we don't fear trannies, we are worried this is going to be the new 'trend' amongst young kids. Whatever an adult does in his/her time is up to him/her.
>Europeans are trash
>T. European
Post op trannies still have something like a 50% lifetime suicide rate.
The thousands of dollars of cosmetic surgery and thousands of hormone treatments are not helping them be content with themselves.
By enabling and encouraging their self loathing body disphoria we line the pockets of the plastic surgery industry and big pharmacy with money of the mentally ill and emotionally vulnerable.
Do trannies imagine what being an elderly person would look like?
I'm sure theyd hate the image.
The United Cuckdom is part of Europe no matter how much it makes you cry
btw did the local council and representatives and legislative authorities and police service approve of this post? are you sure that's not an illegal opinion there, m8?
They claim gender is a social construct, it's not. It's a biological construct.
Prove me wrong.
Wanting to remove functioning bodyparts isn't healthy behaviour.
What's your opinion of transabled people? Should doctors be allowed to amputate their limbs?
Not even a real country lmao
Kill yourself already you repulsive fag abomination. You are shilling every single day. I pray a Morrocan sandnigger beats you to deah with a baseball bat. Disgusting sodomite freak
pay debts
What did I do wrong
I'm not promoting trannies. I'm just wondering whether you guys could rationalize your tranny hatred
>Irrational fear
>Of a mental illness that drives people to hideously mutilate their genitals and/or to take drugs that deform their breasts and make them into weird sexual chimeras
Do you think before you type? There's no such thing as "transphobia," because there's nothing irrational about fearing and hating a disease like that.
>Sup Forums
>reason and rationality
why have arguments when you can just scream at gays and negros on the internet
I am not attracted to men that think they are women
I don't give a shit desu, just don't convince everyone that you are part of the norm: you're not, you're a tiny minority who wants special laws to prosecute anyone who disagrees with you. For all I care, I could become a surgeon or an endocrinologist and make money off your quirks.
>Oh, i cut my dick off and now everybody has to treat me like a saint.
I don't care about peoples sexual orientations generally, i hate that everyone has to be so fucking open like anyone cares.
I don't feel a need to tell my friends and family that i watch teens get throatfucked until they puke.
I don't hate trannies. They are mentally ill people and belong to the psych ward or in the circus.
where the fuck have you been lad?
quick nuke this shithole you bastard
Trannies have an extremely high suicide rate, because they chose to change their biological gender by injecting hormones of the opposite sex and removing their natural genitalia, causing major psychological issues, simply because they want attention. You could be a normal homosexual, but instead you are such a fucking special snowflake that you decided to destroy your body just so you can look like the opposite sex.
Oh also, the suicide rates for transgender are as high after surgery as they are before.
They are also as high in "progressive" countries like Sweden or Germany.
LGBT is not about sexuality, they are just a bunch of antisocial retards who want to change the laws of FUCKING BIOLOGY just to make themselves feel better about failing to integrate into a normal society.
Some greek user mentioned something about them being banned from 4chinz for some reason for a while, don't know if this is true or not though, but I haven't seen any Greek posts in a while either...
hatred =/= recognizing a mentally unstable person
>Which special privileges do trannies get?
the privilege to deny reality and science.
>nuke this shithole
Nah it's not a complete shitpost thread it's not worth it
Some ISPs have been banned
>tfw i almost took a shitpost seriously
The privilege to have a dick, balls, loads of fame and fortune, and plastic tits and be woman of the year for bravery over a teenager fighting for women's rights in Saudi Arabia.
These are mentally ill "people" that needs to be put down or locked up.
lel wat? You mean rationalize my fetish for them, right? I can and its a sad story. Fuck them
I blame my high school crush/first kiss turning out to be a bit raised by his lesbian parents as a woman. I didn't know until we were fooling around and I grabbed man junk. Slapped him n got in a huge argument. Broke up right there, but it confused the shit out of me and 16 years later I'm still not over it. Now I have a hard time staying up for a normal woman when before I only God hard as a teen for vag.
Fuck those degenerats. They ruin lives
I assure you majority of people here don't even feel hate for trannies You're probably some fucking normie from outside who was told that we hate everything. All we do is just label them as mentally insane and pick some fun at them sometimes, that's it.
Get your facts straight.
This, in my family we just felt sorry for these people. Gays too, some people just really need help.
suicide risk higher than any other minority.
Normal stable women have a suicide risk of 0.2%. Trans are at 40% and higher, even after perfect transition.
Normal women are stable and dont detransition randomly. Yes some of them do this.
Normal women ovulate and can bring me children.
This. Phobias are emotional predispositions, they aren't rational by definition.
It's not semantics, you asked a specific question and use specific language, if you mean hatred say hatred, if you mean phobia then say phobia, it actually matters.
Most people don't hate trans people, of all the people who don't regard them as their pretend gender, very few of them actually hate them, they just don't consider their world view very rational.
Most of the hate is perceived in the mind of the trans person, even somewhere like Sup Forums which is typically much more anti-trans than other places, you'll find very little actual hatred.
Because it's yet another example of an indoctrinated generation that thinks it can bend reality to their will.
Gooood. All the more boypuss for me. Too many womans, not enough smooth boy puss to go around
Suicide is obviously due to societal oppression guys
not just their money, our tax dollars. I don't believe tax dollars should pay for elective surgeries that cause more health problems than they solve(in this case they solve no problems)
I feel sorry for them because they got tricked by a leftist echo chambers into radically altering their bodies instead of getting over their issues.
As a result when their horrible half-forms greet them in the mirror every day they live miserable lives, and suicide rates are really high.
they make my penis hard and it makes me uncomfortable
Nope. Not any other minority which is "opressed" against comes even close to the suicide rate of trannies. Trannies also need constant reafirmation of their gender. Call them a man and you find them cutting themselves with a rusty razor in a toilet stall.
Had nothing to do with fear it's just I believe in science
I have similar feelings, and I feel happy for people who realized their mistake and reverted to normality.
I remember there even was one ex-tranny who came here for advice (out of all places, kek), and everyone was overwhelmingly supportive and wishing luck on reverting the damage.
I don't want my country to become cucked like yours. Degenerates cannot defend themselves against sandnigger invasion.
>I want a family comprised of wife and kids
>I might fall in love with a trap
>I'll have to sacrifice either my love for her/him or my deep desire to have kids
>either way I'll suffer.
If it is trans is it she or he?
I think they're hot as fuck. I'd never marry one but I've messed around with a few.
that's racist
Traps are gross and their presence on Sup Forums has completely ruined fapping for me. Every time I see a picture of a woman on this site I feel like I need to stare at it for several seconds to make sure it's not actually a man before I feel comfortable fapping. Even then I still feel weird about it, because there's always that remote possibility that I might be wrong.
Bailey Jay looks great in a wig.
>Rationalize your transphobia
For what purpose?
Really? I thought chemical castration prevented baldness.
it does he's retarded, too much test causes male pattern baldness, so i guess the FtM would bald faster than the fucking MtF
Give them the chop or addition and see how long they last without wanting to commit suicide. They will do so no matter how much antidepressants you give
don't be a liberal or a commie.
When I was still studying a house mate of mine used to date a female friend of that tranny, so that tranny occasionally came to our house.
Disgusting person and always whining about bullshit
I'm not scared of trannies.
why you have to shove your transshit down our throats every day? no one cares? you just want to remind us every day that you exist. OOH :D IM SO IMPORTANT :-D only thing you can do is to get fucked? thanks for playing the game of life with us.
Fake people
If you are a man you are a man, if you are a woman you are a woman. If you are a man but don't like trucks you are still a man. If you are a woman and don't like makeup you are still a woman. It's primary schools science and the most basic nature law. I kind sort of understand faggots but this is too much.
I don't fear let alone hate trans people.If anything, i pity them and pray they are going to deal with the mental illness they suffer from.
Behave like an actual human
>Pro tip: you can't
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