>tv licence bill just arrived
>mandatory €160 payment for everyone in the country
Why is this allowed?
>tv licence bill just arrived
>mandatory €160 payment for everyone in the country
Why is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
peasants must pay the fief
what happens if you don't pay?
We don't talk about what happens if you don't pay.
Do not ask this question again.
You have been warned.
BBC is expensive
no kidding
BBC sends representatives to harrass you and they can even bring a police escort to barge into your home and check your TVs
sure is nice being free over here
no they don't
my brit friend said a woman in a little wagon car knocked on his door, asked a few questions and left. Never heard or received mail from him again.
Destroy your television and don't pay the bill
This, its not that hard potato nigger
This. They dont have the power to come inside really. They can ask or make it seem like you have no choice but you do. They have no authority. I havent paid for a tv license since I left home about 4 years ago. Never had an issue with anyone.
We have something similar, we pay for the state channels a small amount each month (5€ or something). In order to force people to pay up the state has "merged" that tax with the electricity bill, so you have to pay both to have electricity. Maybe the bongs have something similar?
Why do you have a tv?
No more potatoes
some woman went to prison for 2 months because she didn't pay the mandatory tv/radio fee
>Why is this allowed?
b/c quality programming ain't cheep
Don't you still have to pay if you don't have a television now? I remember hearing you could cheat it before by saying it's just use for videos or games, but thought they heard they did away with that.
No. They have a tv tax called a 'license', and when you have a device that receives live TV broadcasts you need to pay it..
>quality program
pick one.
There is literally only one good show left, Doctor Who, but the new companion is a nigger, because of diversity..
So 160 quids, so Jimmy Savile can molest your children after Top of the Pops.
Just don't pay?
>There is literally only one good show left, Doctor Who
It's been shit for years now
The quality of the show decreased dramatically but it's still better than anything America made
There are dozens up dozens of youtube videos of people telling the inspectors to fuck off. Provided you don't give them access to your house doesn't seem like they can do a thing.
Britain is too cucked to do something about actual criminals, how do you think they're going to deal with people that don't pay for a tv?
the BBC has a branch that will send threatening letters and try to search your home
however they have little offical power and need to prove you are stealing live tv.
basically dont be a pussy, sell your obsolite tv and use a pc. brit tv has been fucking trash for a decade anyway
Shit might be better than liquid shit, but it's still shit
It's RTE here not BBC.
1 month of reeducation camp
We would have riots if they tried to do this. Here they tax the cabel company and they pass the bill on to the consumer in higher costs. That way the average joe doesn't understand that his bill is so high because of taxes
plus they don't get to have all of our awesome commercials
In Denmark they have to pay a TV license fee every 6 months and it's £150 each time.
That ane match if the day.
Literally 150 quid a year on match of the day.
That's communism.
t.communist removal pro
well at least the blonde one from this year is an improvement to the nigresse from last year :^)
nope. But the new doctor is nice. They must kick Moffat tho
Not free in murica it's just included in gov taxes :> although much less.
They can use investigative powers to find out if you're watching TV or not either online or on a TV set and the next thing you know you get a magistrates court summons.
If you don't attend that they can arrest you.
I watch time team on YT
>when will they US adopt progressive policies like those in Europe?
And how, I must ask, you want the poor Queen and her descendents to make a living?
On my phone, what flag is that?
another potato famine
Dominican republic
>TV license
I thought we were the only ones!
Should have known all our methods of jewing the population are copied from other countries.
Rihanna Kingdom.
Holy shit, they have internet? Wow
Fellow phone fag! I think it is Panama.
Most of Europe has one
Thank you U.K. for continuing your support of the BBC while I use a vpn and check the box "I have a tv license" to watch it for free
I know no one who pays
They can bring a police escort, but they can do fuck all without a warrant, which they would only get if a TV had been seen if you answered the door.
Just write the TV licence people a letter in the UK telling them you do no have a TV, you are revoking their implied right of access to your property so anyone coming will be trespassing and tell them you will be charging a handling fee for any further correspondence.
Then they leave you alone.
Other than the fuck around to get a fire arm and the low level internet snooping, UK has much better civil liberties than most of EU.
Yeah, I'll bet. Terrifying.
What a great way to spend tax payer money.
>paying for watch the electrical jew.
t. BBC
demonic republic
Stop paying. Srsly.
Only reason they're being so repressive about it, is because they're dying.
BBC is complete and utter shit anyway.
Try living in cuckmany.
We pay 18 Euro per month, even if we don't own a tv. If you live anywhere, you have to pay the fee, because you could've used the internet to see their programm now. Fml.
Also the top news anchor get a 400 k pension when they retire and get paid even more when they are in charge. Because of that one third of the money goes directly into the pockets of the state propagandists. And dont even get me started on the shit quality programms they produce.
I thought our artisjews tax was robbery(it's an extra private tax for anything that can store data(hdd, cd, pendrive etc), because it may be used to store illegal contect(torrented music and movies). But at least we can torrent anything without getting fucked in the ass, but you guys can't even do that, even thought that you pay for it anyway
>mfw they had this in Hungary in the '90s
they realized it didn't work
he's ireland not uk
>utter shit
>not utter shit