Wearing a sombrero was out of the question but this stinking haji is allowed to wear a fucking diaper on his head
You whites better get your shit together
Wearing a sombrero was out of the question but this stinking haji is allowed to wear a fucking diaper on his head
You whites better get your shit together
Other urls found in this thread:
sikhs are brotier, wearing the turban is earned. no problems with it.
You shameless cucks..
I don't know whether to slap you across the head or feel pity for you
those turban guys absolutely hate the mudslimes, its sikh bro
its like how the koreans hate the japs but they look similar
Nice meme fuck off
Shit meme. kys
underage b&
sikhs carry daggers around specifically for emergency muzzie killing. the only other people I know who do that are neo-nazies
fuck off faggot Sikhs aren't retarded unlike you/
Don't blame us when this country falls to pieces, it'll happen by your own self destructive design.
It seems like your behavioral traits have taken a turn into a bizarre form of extreme illogical submissiveness
Literally ask anyone in the military this and they will call you a fucking idiot.
As soon as someone enlists and puts on a uniform their sex, race, religion and political beliefs all become AMERICA AMERICA AMERICA AMERICA
Same goes for here
t. active duty adf
So quick question
Aren't western armed forces supposed to have a standardized uniform? Why does culture have anything to do with this? Why can't these people just not wear the damn turban while serving in the army?
>it's ok cause muh sikhs are gud bois they dindu nuffin
That shit is fucked up, it's the goddamn army, and we are supposed to be afraid of those dick-sucking liberal faggots?
they earned the right in WW1. you guys used to have ethnic soldiers with funny hats too, till stalin killed em all
t. assblasted non-sikh non-brotier run of the mill poo on leaf
I still hate the irish more in regards to random bombings
Mufti day
BASED remover of kebab, triggerer of newfags & edgelords
You people are hopeless, good luck.
Next time you decide to blame a group for a decline in order and unity, don't bother looking for a scapegoat
remove kebab
we'll always blame you, OP. you always suck dicks
SIDF found
>he hates Sikhs
I can't. Because Gurka's are Sikhs and they've fought for Britain for centuries. It took us so long to beat them back in the day we went "You fight well, wanna fight for us?" and they went "Ummm." and we went "Well we're heading to India and it's full of Muslims, wanna join now?" and then they did because Sikhs hate Muslims.
try going outside sometimes buddy
Sikhs hate muslims too. They're on our side.
>not knowing these spicy curry men live to kill for their friends
do you not want good soldiers or something?
Sikhs are lads in my book. If you disagree, fair enough but I believe they stand by us as friends and strong rivals throughout history with the same enemies.
Sikh are the most redpilled ethnic group on Earth.
I've been everywhere, as part of my job, my background and my hobby
This is just an embarrassment, the pride I felt for this country is being chipped away
That doesn't look that bad desu
>the pride I felt for this country is being chipped away
sounds like a personal problem. maybe a trip off the side of a bridge would cure you?
>they earned the right in WW1.
They also achieved more in WW1 than the Americans ever did.
>stinking haji
Sikhs doesn't go on the hajj.
>that whole post
pic related
It sounds like a problem that's out of my hands.
Can't do anything but watch it go under, it's a shame and it saddens me to see it happen
what you want to say is "I'm too lazy to attempt to improve my country in any way that doesn't involve shitposting on a cambodian basket weaving forum"
Lol, you're funny
we good with sikhs bro.
Its a turbine dude are you dump?
>le hat tip maymay
Doesn't even mean anything at this point.
Bong here. I can unironically say that sikhs, at least those in my part of the UK (Berkshire aka migrant central outside of London), really are bros even though whites are a minority here. Most sikhs even voted Brexit.
Didn't the British done that first long time ago
That's a Sikh you spaz, they're alright.
The real problem is the jihabs they're allowing. Letting ISIS into the military is NOT okay
The Sikhs aren't going to cause our country to "fall to pieces."
They actually acclimate to other cultures pretty well. Leave the Sikhs alone you fucking muslim nigger (we know who you are, Achmed).
>extreme illogical submissiveness
Oh yeah, man. You're like being totally submissive if you allow me to wear a hat that you don't like.
Army vet here.....religion or not this nigga is out of uniform. There's a reason why there's "uniformity" within the military and that's to be the same as one another to fulfill an objective like the Borg. I'd dismiss this dude if he can't clear and seal his gas mask properly.
>welfare vet here
Fixed it
Nothing wrong with Sikhs, infact I feel sorry for them.
The amount of shit they probably have to put up with on a daily basis, people confusing them for muslims etc.
Fuck off, Sikhs are bro-tier and are the GOAT kebab-removers.
I completely agree with you.
The turban is fine. It's the length of beard that isn't in this picture. The NYPD just said it's okay to have a blue turban for Sikhs but their beards have to be be very short and well groomed. This guy's beard way too bushy for the service. No where in their religion does it say how long the beard should be just to have one.
>Because Gurka's are Sikhs
Gurkhas are based as fuck (just like Sikhs are), but I'm pretty sure that most Gurkhas aren't Sikhs. Sikhs are mostly Punjabis. Sikhism is very much an ethnic religion.
Literally the anti-hajji.
I understand regulations were changed fairly recently.
Reasons why vets are having problems with this
>aviators: NEVER.
>funny hats: only if brown
ITT Mad muslims.
Sikhs integrate well into the society, always cheerful people and will help you when you need it the most.
Die JIDF shill. Everyone on Sup Forums knows that Sikhs are fucking legit and not Hajji camel jockeys.
Well it's fault when he's dies where a helmet would have saved his life
>is allowed to wear a fucking diaper on his head
Maybe this wouldnt happen if you didnt use shit camo
I met a Sikh in my time in the Navy. Cool dude didnt wear the turban.
He did however wear a bracelet at all times. Funny thing is, he works at Gitmo now.
OP (You) are retarded and your post is too.
>t. 9th grader
mods ban this underaged faggot
>Gurka's are Sikh
Both are different, but both are fierce warriors. The chose to
To understand why Sikhs and Indians hate Muslims, look at the atrocites the muzzies had done on Indians.
Pic related
>Bhai Dayala was one of the Sikhs who accompanied Guru Tegh Bahadur when the latter left Anandpur for Delhi on 11 July 1675, the other two were brothers---Bhai Mati Das, a Dewan and Bhai Sati Das, a Scribe at Guru’s court. Along with the Ninth Guru, they were arrested on orders of Emperor Aurangzeb at Agra. On 9 November 1675 A.D he was put into a big cauldron full of water which was later heated to the boiling point. It is said that in the end all of his skin was peeled off the bones in boiling water and he died.
> he was put into a big cauldron full of water which was later heated to the boiling point.
The did not convert to islam and this is why they had to face the atrocities.
What's funny is that the muslims of India claim to be arab descent but none of them are arabs, they were all once hindus, sikh, buddhists whose ancestors converted.
None of the arab world believes that the indian and pakistani bangladeshi muslims are equal to them.
When 3 guys from India went and joined ISIS they were given menian tasks of cleaning toilets (how ironic I know) supplying weapon.
They were the lowest in the pack. Same goes for pakistani fighters. The mujahid, nor ISIS think they are real warriors.
and these mudshits will give their lives to the people who think they are low.
Battle of Saragarhi
The British Indian contingent comprised 21 Sikhs of the 36th Sikhs (now the 4th Battalion of the Sikh Regiment), who were stationed at an army post attacked by around 10,000 Afghans. The Sikhs, led by Havildar Ishar Singh, chose to fight to the death, in what is considered by some military historians as one of history's great last-stands.
The post was recaptured two days later by another British Indian contingent.
>21 Sikhs
>Over 10,000 Afghans
Mudshits still got rekt.
>Around 9:00am, around 10,000 Afghans reach the signaling post at Saragarhi.
>Gurmukh Singh signals to Col. Haughton, situated in Fort Lockhart, that they are under attack.
>Colonel Haughton states he cannot send immediate help to Saragarhi.
>The soldiers decide to fight to the last to prevent the enemy from reaching the forts.
>Bhagwan Singh becomes the first injured and Lal Singh is seriously wounded.
>Soldiers Lal Singh and Jiwa Singh reportedly carry the dead body of Bhagwan Singh back to the inner layer of the post.
>The enemy breaks a portion of the wall of the picket.
>Colonel Haughton signals that he has estimated between 10,000 and 14,000 Pashtuns attacking Saragarhi.
>The leaders of the Afghan forces reportedly make promises to the soldiers to entice them to surrender.
>Reportedly two determined attempts are made to rush open the gate, but are unsuccessful.
Later, the wall is breached.
>Thereafter, some of the fiercest hand-to-hand fighting occurs.
>In an act of outstanding bravery, Ishar Singh orders his men to fall back into the inner layer, whilst he remains to fight. However, this is breached and all but one of the defending soldiers are killed, along with many of the Pashtuns.
Sikhs are brotier. We need to work together. if a Sikh asks something white men should do as told. It would be better if our countries were filled with Sikhs.
>Gurmukh Singh, who communicated the battle with Col. Haughton, was the last Sikh defender. He is stated to have killed 20 Afghans, the Pashtuns having to set fire to the post to kill him. As he was dying he was said to have yelled repeatedly the Sikh battle-cry "Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal" (Shout Aloud in Ecstasy! True is the Great Timeless One). "Akal," meaning Immortal, beyond death, the Supreme Creator God unbound by time and non-temporal.
>Having destroyed Saragarhi, the Afghans turned their attention to Fort Gulistan, but they had been delayed too long, and reinforcements arrived there in the night of 13–14 September, before the fort could be conquered. The Pashtuns later admitted that they had lost about 180 killed and many more wounded during the engagement against the 21 Sikh soldiers, but some 600 bodies[ are said to have been seen around the ruined post when the relief party arrived (however, the fort had been retaken, on 14 September, by the use of intensive artillery fire, which may have caused many casualties). The total casualties in the entire campaign, including the Battle of Saragarhi, numbered at around 4,800.
Indians don't bother me
I have respect for all the various Indian cultures, with Sikhism being the highest on the list
Them wearing their Turbans in uniform doesn't bother me, they've earned the right to wear it and It respects and signifies their culture
Same goes for all cultures really. They can wear traditional wear in my countries uniform if they want to, in fact I'd prefer they do. The only cultures I really have a problem with and believe must be expunged and barred from Australia is Islamic culture, Sub-Saharan African cultures and African-American thug culture that refugees love to imitate.
What I have a problem with is people thinking they are Australian and acting like the definition of Australian culturally is someone that owns Australian citizenship. They are not. They are Indians living in Australia. The will always be Indians, and there is nothing wrong with that, the Indian and the European can coexist on this land, but It must be made crystal clear that their culture, while welcome here, is not *the* culture here.
Fighting in our armed forces does not that change that.
Based Pajeets
>Worried more about a hat than the actual dick-sucking liberal faggots in the military.
Hillarious to see you digging through old shit like this, money drying up? I expect better bait out of you guys.
>Wearing a sombrero was out of the question but this stinking haji is allowed to wear a fucking diaper on his head
Those bastards are the closest modern equivalent to a Spartan warrior and they despise Muslims. That dude wearing a diaper on his head was raised to be a Muslim killing machine , and he could seriously fuck you up.
he is a fucking Sikh. they are good dudes. fuck you.
don't they carry ceremonial knives to stab muslims with?
I don't agree with it.
Just so you know he's a Sikh dumbass, not a Muslim.
I like these threads Sikhs are easiest the bait. All you have to do is post some rag headed Sikh vermin and call him a moslem and they come running into the thread like a headless chicken.