who is hollywood trying to fool by producing those futuristic movies with all white casts?
future belongs to blacks and indians yet they cast blondes who by that time will be long extinct
who is hollywood trying to fool by producing those futuristic movies with all white casts?
future belongs to blacks and indians yet they cast blondes who by that time will be long extinct
why do you think the whites are in space m8?
He's sort of right.
Came here to post this.
Just a fancy way to say everything is going to shit
Yeah but was that movie any good and we're there any politics in it?
How is unrealistic that there are no muslims after WW3
These movies do great in the US but also especially in China where they don't accept diversity garbage. You should look at this movie as a fundraising opportunity to further propagandize the moral goodness of white genocide in later projects.
no it was shit
Really? Are they going to hang shit on this movie for not having diversity?
What's next? MOON didn't have enough spics and wogs and bloody poofs.
Fucking Cast Away should have been more diverse.
Fucking, fucking, Vladimir and Estragon in waiting for Godot should have been recast as blacks to represent their oppression.
>Fucking Cast Away should have been more diverse.
SJW just dumb enough to fall for that.
Because the whole Hollywood is white. there are too few decent dark-skinned actors.
pick one
Holywood is ran by kikes
Survey after survey says that audiences prefer white actors. Its just a simple matter of aesthetics.
That's why every fucking movie has at least 1 nigger and a raghead in it.
my point is they still look white (unfortunately). There are few black actors to play leading roles. Most they can do is be figurants and just nig around like they always do. And when they're in leading roles, the whole film is usually about nigging around.
Human future is a fantasy
because a movie set in a future containing only a race that will be >4% of world pop. at best is like having native americans be vocal points in movies
Look Goyim,
selling something to a large group of Goyim is all about apealing to anyone without pissing off everyone.
Compose a cast with no white actors, white people can't stand it.
Compose a cast with no colored/multigendered actors you get called a racist.
It's a n art form really.
do it like empire.
only whites casted are hot blondes getting split-roasted by multiple bbc
the dirty jew is right
No way.
German audiences hate documentaries.
Can't have a future when your race leads all others in disease and famine
You are funny, you should be gassed last (unless you remove kebab, of course)
It's a look at the future we could've had.
there was a nigger tho. died as a typical nigger character
Who the FUCK would watch these series if they were filled up with niggers and asians?
>all white casts?
Haven't you seen the film?
The captain wakes up about half way through and he's a black man
he dies half an hour later after laying on the exposition
>future belongs to blacks and indians yet they cast blondes who by that time will be long extinct
Whites will go extinct but then genetic engineering will make the upper caste PoC gradually turn white as they choose the best genes for their children.
asians are rich and theres billions of them, nigger men are all in jail so black women are lonely and watch lots of tv if i was a director i will make lots movies with indian/chink male+nigger female.
it will make dosh by giving confidence boost to the males and nigger women gonna feel desired
>Whites will go extinct
that's a meme
It's almost as if multiculturalism is an impossible dream
Whites are the only ones who keep pushing forward. No whites = no progress. Asians will fuck each other up and China will collapse into a lawless shithole, India will be back at it again with their caste system, niggers, even american ones, will go back to being lazy monkeys. Arabs might do some good but not until they move away from their retarded religion which is not going to happen anytime soon.
if whites are extinct there will be no reason to look like ones
Shitskins in Europe will eventually turn into white people
Whites and Asians are going to be the only ones in space, at least at first. Maybe an Indian or two.
Why? Because they are at the top of the social ladder. Whites especially have the most adventurous tendencies. Niggers would NEVER go on any sort of expedition until they knew it was safe, after other races had already done it.
I love you, Philippines. Can we rent Duterte after he cleared out the corruption from your system?
I agree Castaway could have been more diverse, Wilson should have been portrayed by a basketball-American.
>after he cleans out
even if he lives 200 years he wont have enough time
Maybe we should get copies of him then?
>Tfw you realize why no other advanced civilization has contact humanity
>As soon as society advances to where we are now they destroy themes levels with sjw nonsense, liberal policies, and massive immigration which eventually bring all scientific progress to a stop and self destruction of the entire species
>We will never reach other planets
>Op is half right. If white people are gone no more real innovation and inventions to get us into space like in sci fi movies
Really makes me think
not that easy, it was his life and experiences that made him who he is today. a simple copy wont have the same grip. pray for him to live the longest possible and do what is in his power
With whites out of the picture chinks would take over.
Sup Forums is really retarded about this tbqh
Sup Forums is retarded about many things but this one stings the most
in 2100 there will still be around billion whites as there is today.
in 2100 whites will still hold more power and wealth than any other ethnic group group
And believes can change so much in ~80 years... so so much...
chinks are pretty much drones man. they really don't innovate well. they take others(mostly white) innovations and copy them, just well enough to be functional.
Top kek
desu i would take a chinese chick instead of niggers
what was the reason they woke up?
Voice of authority