When does body hair become degenerate?

I like my women COMPLETELY hairless from the neck down. As for my body, I just trim my pubes, and I bet I would trim chest hair if I was one of these greasy Italians who looks like he's wearing a sweater.

But I've heard some guys shave everything from the neck down now, and I find that degenerate.

The only degeneracy is when you start worrying about what is and isnt degenerate all the time.

The true Alpha doesn't give a fuck about anything. The Alpha believes what he wants, does what he wants, and fucks what he wants with this confidence.

Wax only if you've got a body you're proud to show off.

Otherwise, trim.

Women not totally shaved (waxed, really) is degenerate, but men are the opposite. It's manly to be a big fat hairy beast

>women completely hairless
No such thing.
And well, trimming pubes is ok. Trimming the area between the balls and the ass is also important.

I have a really really hairy friend. Have you ever tried to clean mermelade from a carpet? Well that's how he tells me having diarrhea feels like, so I feel bad for you hairy guys in Sup Forums.

I should also add getting rid of all pubes makes you dick look bigger. So if you a tiny dick, like everyone on this site except me, you might want to do that

Uhh women can definitely get completely hair - maybe not your Mexican "women."

Also build my wall.

Having ass hair prevents chafing though. I shaved my ass once and that shit was terrible once it started to grow back.

Now i have a japanese heated toilet seat with built in ass cleaning shower. Much better.

lmao have you even been with a woman?

Can't build it faster than the walls women build for you it seems.

Ye my ex Russian gf had all hair electrically / laser removed.


>The true Alpha doesn't give a fuck about anything. The Alpha believes what he wants, does what he wants

>believing the alpha/beta/gamma/zeta/bananas bullshit

Americans everybody

Lot of Asian women don't have much hair. Mine has very little body hair except for a small patch of pubes, soon as I can get away with it I will be asking her to get rid of that too.

I trim all hair on my body and keep it uniform and very short, especially my pubes.

As for women, shaven underarms is a must. Nothing turns me off faster than fucking hairy pits. Vagina I don't really care but don't expect me to eat you out if that shit isn't shaven. I absolutely hate getting pubes in the teeth and down my throat.

>being this beta

Creative insult there my fat friend.

For women, it's just hygiene for them to shave their pits and legs. That's how it s here, I don't know about your legbeard western women.

How do women get such SMOOTH skin its so pure.

That girl is wife material because she has no piercings on that beautiful skin. Now those are genes I want for my children hot damn!

Have you virgin faggot pussyes ever seen a naked woman with pubes? There is nothing sexier thana woman with hair down there, it's erotic and she looks hot, not like a fucking child or alien. And no, pubes don't get in your mouth when you eat her out you autistic virgin clueless losers. What a bunch of weak beta fucbois...

>As for my body, I just trim my pubes


Shaving chest hair, pubes, etc. is for fags.

I like gingers with hair desu. Don't mind it too much on anybody else either.

>markers of sexual maturity must be removed, they're absolutely disgusting, degenerate, and vile
>I like my women without markers of sexual maturity

Really causes one to consider things. I mean damn, I'm not a fan of armpit hair, don't get me wrong, probably because all the women I grew up with shaved theirs, but there's nothing wrong with bush.

I shave my chest and pubic hair.

My "chest" hair is only growing around my nipples and stomach. Nipple hair is fucking weird and stomach hair looks like an extension of my pubic hair, so I shave 'em off.

Pubic hair is just bothersome when it gets too long, so I shave the region a couple of times in a year.

shut up and tell me name of this fluid druid



You think about that body a lot don't you. I think about my ex and her lasered body, smoooooooooooooooooooooooooth.

I don't understand your autism, mate.

It becomes degenerate when you grow your hair the way your man doesn't want.

>he doesn't like stinky sweaty hairy women

Picked the wrong picture my man

Fumika Baba you degenerate masturbater

So by your logic I can still be an alpha even if I am getting cucked live by Dequan while being fucking sodomized by three weed-smoking traps watching lesbian porn just by not giving a fuck.

Really makes you think

>When does body hair become degenerate?
When you refuse to acknowledge
that you are a mammal.
Lrn2biology fgt pls

When your women have been touched up with so much photoshop they may as well be 2.5d

Ty m8

where'd you get your wash toilet from? I haven't seen them anywhere in staya

>Now those are genes
Plastic surgery is not genes.
That being said, I want to run my tongue between her breasts.

What kind of women do you sleep with that you need disgusting bush as physical evidence?

People have always cut the hair on the head since the dawn of time, this is doing the same thing essentially

Only King Arthur could pull me out of this.

Not sure thats the case with her, but maybe

She has a nice waist to hip ratio desu

>sticking your dick into a rats nest

have I watched too much anime or is she saying "ano"?

Shut up cholo.
1881 best year of my life.

Dolphin-smooth Asian skin is GOAT

AMDF is the best race

so much this.
It is so much more degenerate to tell everyone what makes him/her degenerate and then force yourself to fit some role.
Fuck all this "muh degeneracy" shit, "no fap" and god knows what is the absolute degeneration because it forces you faggots to admit that (((they))) can influence you and your lifestyle.
I don't fap cause I have a wife, I occasionally smoke and drink just because I like it. I don't need total retards telling me whats "alpha" and what not and then see those same faggots making threads about "hey goise I didn't smoke and fap for three hours, how great am I and how degenerate are all the others?"

>betamale porn watchers
>all want their women shaved or waxed

you are the real degenerates

but the only reason to shave is to look a certain way for other people. that's beta.
any time wasted on shaving could have been spent doing actual alpha things instead.
rationalizing it as being something other than beta automatically demotes you to omega.

>gf has blond full bush

Liking shaved pussies is low test and you know it

All I do is trim some of my body hair, which is pretty nice because it takes a long time to grow back. Mostly by my abdomen because it can get long if I don't trim it for months. I don't care to be hairless.

However, if I had a hairy back I would probably wax that.

>and I find that degenerate.

I find it generate

OP likes dem mootstaches



No, shaving your entire body feels liberating. Like a pure baby born in the cosmic plasma

Some body hair doesn't bother me, especially during the winter. On the other hand, this being the CURRENT YEAR, there's no biological need for it anymore.

>Sup Forums
>that flag

I think you mean boyfriend you speedo wearing clown

Go home, grandpa

I really hate how hairy my legs are, and i desperately want to shave them.

I don't know if i should, would i come off as a homo?

south Brazil is white

>not owning it and wearing shorts in the summer
Don't do it mate.

I wish it was more appropriate for me to shave as a guy. I genuinely want to be hairless body hair looks like shit.

>wanting your gf to look like a child

waxed is degeneracy


Ah, so you got your pubes permanently removed?

>body hair looks like shit.
Only if you can't grow a decent amount.

hairless is the worst of all pubic hair options
even that ugly strip some people do is better

pic related, pretty close to perfect

>Can't build it faster than the walls women build for you it seems.

Now that's just fucking disgusting.

I've got a somewhat hairy back which I would consider waxing if I wasn't such a lazy piece of shit. It might look kinda weird tho as I'm furry from top to toe (literally)' I'm quite the hairy fuck for a swede. For that reason I only trim my pubes allthough I personally prefer to have them completely shaved. Gotta löve that smooth feeling down there!

I suppose body hair is a male trait.

More hair = masculinity

less hair = femininity

Chicks with beards don't get much action.

I don't see the appeal in becoming an extremely hairy person... Just looks fucked to me

This pick here is what having a beard has turned into and I just do not want to be associated with that shit

I shave my pubes but I prefer it when my girlfriend has a little bush neatly trimmed.

How are you guys even able to shave when your police don't even let you have butter knives or bicycle wheels?

That's actually not true. Freak show performers in the olden times got amazing amounts of action. There's deviant fucks for all things.

This. It's cringy as fuck.

shut up you bearded lady, won't fall for your shilling

People have always been spergy about their beards. Hipsters just take it to the next level.

I am so fucking hairy I am ashamed of my body. I am a beast.

I recognise that bulge!

I like bitches with massive bushes. That whore you posted looks like a Nipp, and they always have massive bushes.

I wanna cum in her Jap ass

If you don't give a fuck during that, you're pretty alfa.

Hairy women are my fetish, but all the women with hairy pits and full bushes are libtard SJWs. I like smelly hippy girls :(



>from neck down

You mean from the eyes down. You don't want her to have a moustache and beard do you?

>he doesn't want to rub his dick on a feminine beard

Come on now mate

You can't do a 'Lion King' without the full mane breh

>shaving as a man
Absolute degeneracy.

>COMPLETELY hairless from the neck down.

Should be the same with men too desu

Body hair is disgusting

So the back of the head doesn't get any hair?
That edgy teenager haircut isn't nice

Even head hair is degenerate imo

for women?

>clean mermelade from a carpet

Women, men, animals

fat working-class anglo detected