Why are young men dropping out of society?
Why are young men dropping out of society?
Anime waifus
because its easier than to man up and do things by yourself for yourself
they are next in the row for the oven after racemixers and other beta fags
Because it has shit all over them to the point where there is nothing left to offer them.
life's too hard for pampered brats
to be honest, women are enemies.
Because it's scary
Society has gone to shit and mens natural instinct is to allow it to collapse so something good can be built again.
Its the natural cycle and our place in it.
alienation from their own people, culture, norms etc.
Because we are "the beautiful ones"
We grow up with way too much toys and no problems to pay attention to the needs of societies.
We think way too much about ourselves an not about others.
Im one of them by the way, and Im happy with it.
Why work my ass hard if one day I may loose everything in court, become miserable and die? Fuck that. I will enjoy life as much as I can before I drift into the abyss.
Natural evolution of society. It was expected to inevitably happen at one point, either this early or when the VR technology is perfected.
It's the brief flash before the blast wave of the nukes of mass-robotization, immortality and singularity hit us
>lucky strike smoker
Mein nigga.
Because the majority of elevens are probably autistic. Also 3D is shit.
too much jesus
not enough jesus
They aren't. It's just the lonely people on Sup Forums
Go get a shit job to pay off the crippling college debt for the degree you didn't need so you can afford to borrow money for the increasingly expensive housing to raise your empowered wife's kids so she can divorce you and take half of your shit.
Or stay home, barely work if at all, play VR, and jerk it to Malaysian finger puppet girls.
My last gf hurt me too much and I have an alcohol problem.
working from home doesnt help aswell
No its because their is no benefit anymore. Why get a job when retirement seems like an impossible dream. Why meet a girl and get married when there is a 60% chance she will leave you and take everything you own.
>$450 health insurance /month
>$1250 rent
>65$ internet
>600$ food
>300$ car payment
>125$ car insurance
>250$ gas
>115$ heat bill
>30$ trash collection
>30% taxes on 75k a year
its more economical to do drugs and live off gibs than being productive
I pay an eye watering amount of tax for things that are actively against me.
This isn't a case of things that I don't like but understand the need for, like schools and the police. It's the rest of it. Not only do I have to live alongside people who want to destroy me, I have to pay for it.
No reason to stay in it.
>No jobs
>What jobs there are are being taken over by women and imported third worlders
>Getting married is simply placing a gigantic sword of Damocles over your head and your future wealth
>House prices have become so ridiculous that home ownership has literally become impossible
>Media and political establishment constantly telling you that you are public enemeny no 1.
Thus things like video games and weed are more rearding then being put through the meat grinder of society which no longer offers many or any rewards to speak of
This man is a sad, waste of life and is not representative of all white men.
I am a white American in his mid 20s (.25 Ukranian, .25 Irish, .5 German) and I have a good stable job, a net worth nearing 6 figures, many women who can't resist my charms (or my vibrant, royal, blue eyes). I go to the gym every single day, I have long hair which I keep clean, I'm 26 and I look 18 which makes me appear nonthreatening, and at the end of the day, even if you take all of that away, I will never be as pathetic as this Canadian faggot who thinks he's representative of me. Fuck your dying mother and fuck you.
To study the blade.
the only thing I want out of this world is waifu technology
Holy fuck you are totally doing it wrong on all counts. Literally everything you have I pay less than or nothing at all. I probably have nicer things than you. Wow.
pham, you have activated my fee fees
trying to fix myself tho.
im too good to rot at home.
this. im an ex pat living here in Colombia because making it in USA is playing on Extreme Mode.
Work in US for 4 months, come home to colombia for 2, rinse and repeat.
>Literally everything you have I pay less than or nothing at all
so you're black or a single mother?
Lack of necessary for qualified human resources; replace with robots.
>having a mirror
Hikkikomori status revoked
>why do x if it has a chance to fail
>why meet whimminz if x% are whores
and these people wonder why they got nothing good in life
and if you cant find a normal wife then you shouldnt procreate
>Know the feel
>Don't see anyone for 3 years after we split
>Siblings always telling me to try again
>Sister set me up with a surprisingly cute girl she knows last week
>Goes okay
>Find out through secondhand texting she doesn't want to do a more in-depth date because we didn't fall madly in love at first site or something
>She apparently tries 3 or 4 Tinder dudes each week looking for "the spark"
Game is hard
No I'm this guy Seriously, $65 for internet? Why? $1250 a month for rent?! How many floors do you have? And why isn't heat included in your rent? That's a basic standard for most places. $600 for food a month? You must have a family, in which case you're not "dropping out of society" you sad sack of shit.
prove me wrong
protip:you cant
Almost there buddy.. just swap the e for an i ;)
Oh, look it's this thread again
Nebojša ne seri
>and if you cant find a normal wife then you shouldnt procreate
So you agree, then.
>tfw gf I thought I knew and trusted for years dumps me over text after I asked about the rumors of her cheating.
My dad's blown his chances of decent retirement after three divorces.
Hey look guys, it's another neet pretending to be productive! Everyone wave and say hi!
I'm a virgin with no friends
i dont live in some fly over state.
Towns with high QOL tend to be expensive.
10 years ago you could have bought the place I stay in for 180,000. Now you can't find its equal in the town for less than 1.5 mil.
literally me if I was a jap
I inherted vast amounts of land and capital. I did everything I could legally to pay the minimum and it still cost me £18 million over three years and about £4m a year after that. That's on my own wealth, disregarding all commercial interests.
Fag packet maths, but I've paid more to the government between the ages of 32-37 than a town of 7500 people.
Because the burdens and pressures of society are much greater for men and we have idiot SJW leftists going on about how priveleged we are just for being men.
Though if drop out of society instead of using this as fuel to better yourself you cannot be described as a man. This is one of our additonal pressures.
I live in NY and I wish I had prices like that. The only Internet here that's cheaper than that is too slow for anything and $1500 for a studio apartment is considered a good deal.
Insurance is a scam, if they paid out more $$ than they brought in then they'd be insolvent. You don't need insurance unless it's legally required by law.
Most major cities have good public transport too.
Quite doable.
There is no such thing as feminism in Japan.
Why live in a world that keeps you down and make you feel like shit to make itself feel better?
No stupid I'm not a neet at all. Here are my stats for you:
>$220 a month health insurance
>$975 a month rent which includes trash pickup, heat, hot water, regular water, and cooking gas
>$200 a month gas
>$50 a month internet
>$150 a month food
>$17 electricity
>No car payment because I didn't buy a new car like a peacock faggot
It's not society's fault you suck at life.
Lol your anger betrays your lies kiddo
oh and my car insurance is like $100 but only because I had a few speeding tickets recently it will go down by half in about six months. Bite my ass, loser.
Pretty much, there is nothing awaiting you if you are low tier citizen, might as well roll up and die.
Having a good insurer is worth it if you have things outside of your immediate environment.
That said, most insurance schemes are there just to provide a legal requirement. I learned this when working in the USA, insurance is cheaper there than it is here but it doesn't cover you for anything.
Literally nothing about that post is a lie. You can accept that some white men are winners and will bring the white race from the depths of hell, or you can wallow in self-pity like a cuck. The choice is yours.
>220/month health insurance
you're fucking black.
How do you get cheap insurance.
I go through the Obama care shit, can't find a single plan under 450$ and they all have $7000 deductibles
That's all less than we pay in Australia. And I'm not lavish.
>study hard
>get good grades
>get degree
>nobody will even interview you despite being qualified
>girls only interested in men with status
>see successful people get there through connections rather than hard work
>become cynical and lose hope
>go to internet for escapism and social contact
>eventually find way to the chans
>get redpilled about how shit things really are
Gee I wonder why men are dropping out?
But where is the economic rationale, statistically you'll always lose. It's just like the public hospital system - 90% cover the 10% that use the bulk of the resources
>you're fucking black.
No I'm not. I opted out of things I could pay for out of pocket like dental or vision. That's how your premium goes down, see?
It's simple. Women's standards for men got higher, yet our standards for them have gotten lower, but have failed to match with their plunging depths.
no, thats bullshit. I opted out of everything possible. Lowest it goes was 450$ with ridiculous deductibles. You got some affirmative action plan for being black. just admit it
>three divorces
All of the insurances he listed are mandatory. Obamacare makes health insurance so bad here that many people just pay a massive tax penalty as punishment for not having it cuz that's cheaper.
If you have a good degree and a decent transcript I recommend HM Forces Reserve in some capacity. The connections to be made are excellent, as are the qualifications and clearances. Reserve Officers have a very tight network the world over.
If you're interested source a Reserve unit (MI and Infantry are always popular) and go in for a chat.
because society usng worth it
Nope, I swear to you. What's your deductible? I'm at about $7500. Blue Cross Horizon. I live in New Jersey.
hiki is the only way. the only thing i absolutely cannot stand are normalfags and society is filled with them. maybe my moral compass is fucked up after a lifetime on the internet but to me they are the lowest scum on this world and i can't bear to be around them.
I decided to drop social aspect from my life entirely
I will finish my studies and get to work in my field, but all my spare time I will dedicate to shitposting and vidya
I tried to find women to have in my life, but they do not want me now, so why should I want them when I get good job?
>maybe it's because every job has 50-100 applicants
>and that you need to drive and move in to a new place where the jobs are
>and that because of this every employer is picky
>entry-level shelf stocker, minimum experience 10 year shelf stocking at NASA
>even if you're qualified you can still be unsuccessful because only one person is employed lel
>oh btw you didn't get that job my brothers cousin's son needed it :^)
I pay a relatively small amount to insure things that cannot be replaced or have a great deal of public use. There's also the problem of owning old buildings, as attempting to do that without insurance is a minefield.
It's also some of the best socializing you can do anywhere. Due to the work type there's usually good bants to be had.
Anime is corrupting the minds of the youth
You go to the gym and look 18..... so you run on a treadmill and are a skeletor...
Ps i know youve never been in a fight cause you woldnt have long hair.
Autism. Many such cases. Sad!
I'd drop out and become meet if I could tho
> I am too smart for this degenerate world, if only we lived in my fictional idea of Prussia or Nazi Germany
get the fuck lost, special snoflake
I've had my ass kicked a few times, honestly. I do weights and treadmill I'm not some fucking cardio bunny. And I'm sorry you're mad I have good youthful genetics. The women don't seem to mind though.
>She apparently tries 3 or 4 Tinder dudes each week looking for "the spark"
damn, wat a fkn slappa
Under rated post.
It seems like all this trans shit and "I indentify as X" as of late is people unwittingly preparing for the shift toward fully emursive VR. As reality becomes more and more virtual, it truly will become a socal construct, as the liberals say. Who/what you identify as will actually have some baring within that realm of existence. Spooky
Horrible dull jobs that pay the bare minimum and destroy all a persons free time while they dont even get any money to spend on themselves because the amount of bills you have to pay these days is retarded, and if you dont pay for shit you dont even have you get fined to pay even more
I see you confirm my hypothesis that shitposting>society
What about going into HR lad?
o look, it's that serbian hilary shill
What does the society have to offer for me anymore.
>not brother's cousin's wife's son
They also gotta be a gay nigger. One company I interviewed at recently has multiple diversity hire policies and programs, an office of diversity, and even lists how many blacks and women they have on their board of directors and how many LGBT owned wholesalers they contract with on their site's about us page. They also have an affirmative action CEO.
Guess how I know I won't get the job even though they loved me at the interview?
You're dammed if you do and you're dammed if you don't.
Men are explorers and pioneers.
If space exploration expeditions started today would you guys join?
Human resources
young-middle age white men are because they are tossed aside by the new world we live in, they do not fit in a special interest group.
look at suicide demographics
I feel you, Piotr. But...
Grills don't want to date the engineering student when he's sleeping on a futon and eating cereal three times a day. They want the finished product. Do what my grandfather did and what I intend to do. Marry a 18 y.o. virgin in your late 20s
Sure if they would have me.
I don't understand what you mean by this
The world is a shitfest that i don't want part of.
>oh btw you didn't get that job my brothers cousin's son needed it :^)
lmao this. i took a 2 year education to work as process operator on factories. go to work for 3 months, co-worker is a 19 year old son of a guy who works there. he has no education. gets permanent employment.
Because they have anxiety issues due to the excessive degeneracy they involve themselves in and which makes them unfit for general decent society. They are also huge cowards.