It's awful, it's a "hate crime", the culprits should be shot, we all agree.
But I keep hearing that the terrorist organisation "Black Lives Matter" did this. Is there any proof that these people are part of the organisation?
Did BLM do this?
Theyre niggers and they arent slaves = BLM
I sure hope the Aryan Brotherhood gets a hold of these fucking coons in prison.
Aryan Brotherhood? Are they accepting new members?
Black lives matter isn't an organization. I guarantee you every thug nigger in America would claim allegiance to BLM in the context of portraying it in a positive light. However, since it actually is just a mob of unruly niggers, they don't have to claim responsibility for the niggers that make the movement look bad because "no one told them to do that". Kind of like the Dallas shooter - he crossed the line so he's *obviously* not related to BLM in any way, so it shall be with these vermin.
This was caused by white racism and trumps rhetoric. If you can't see this you are simply blinded by your nazi beliefs
I thought the Aryan Brotherhood was only superficially racist and was mainly focused on selling meth? I doubt they'll care that much.
Honestly, I work with retarded people for a living and just anecdotally speaking most retarded people come from shit families. Autistic people come from all kinds, but retarded people usually come from fuck up parents. Not sure if it's nature or nurture, but the point is I'm certain there's lots of prisoners with developmentally disabled siblings/relatives who will be more than eager to fuck them up in prison regardless of race.
Basically. They used to be a pure hate group, but money over everything famm. They do business with Mexicans .
Let me tell you something. It would never happen if BLM didnt exist.
>Night after election, protest outside of trump tower and in California and my.
>crowd behind newscaster chanting Fuck donald trump fuck white people.
BLM is a terrorist organization advocating and organizing the murder of police officers and whites across the nation. As such, they should be dealt with as any other enemy aggressor that threatens American security, life and property.
Is that the same place where they played the rap song where the hook was literally "FUCK DONALD TRUMP" repeated ad nauseum?
Yeah sure. I'm WuTang Clan. You just have to say you are for affiliation. That's how this works. Besides BLM started as a hash tag. Not an organization. And before anyone links a bunch of BLM wiki bullshit. I don't care. Just degenerate niggers that want to be "a part of sumptin bigga den us. All i wunna sey is dey don really care bout us."
niggers and cucks with a hashtag aren't an 'organisation'
I agree. I just want to know if these guys are one of them.
I'm not your goyim, mate!
And Soros' money, of course.
"Fuck white people, fuck donald trump"
>torture video is literally verbatim.
>BLM is no way responsible or had influence on the 4.
BLM is literally the mild form of black panthers, but for retards.
The only thing these niggers are accomplishing is getting whitey even more riled up and prepped for their inevitable extermination
Actually, I can't see whites losing a race war.
Oh, did you mean THEIR extermination? Oh, ok.
Apologies, that's what I meant - niggers are the ones that are going to be exterminated
BLM is basically a black supremacist organization that wants a race war to dominate white people.
They aren't BLM, but this is the kind of shit that they support. It's like a muslim killing for Islam, he don't have to be a member of ISIS, but he's still doing it for them.
>13% of the US population
They'd be lucky if we deported them to Africa where they belong instead of just exterminating them.
African blacks have enough nigger problems as is.
Zulu is warrior race, not ordinary niggers.
>African blacks
I wasn't calling them niggers.
I'm calling the pygmy tribes that moved in when whites built up South Africa, niggers.
Anyone who likes to suck and fuck in prison. Hung black men preferred.
Saying BLM did this is an InfoWars-tier disinfo technique intended to prevent the goyim from seeing what's really going on.
Blaming BLM sets you up for failure because then white people will look for BLM's response. And guess what, BLM leaders will disavow. Many whites will accept that and prepare to move on.
Meanwhile, we're missing the reaction from the average street dindu who is chimping out in joy over the attacks and would outrage even the most bluepilled white person.
That's why the entire black race should have been blamed to begin with. Not just part of it like BLM.
Make no mistake. We're not in a whites vs BLM war. If you could push a button and kill all of BLM would that solve the problem? No.
We're in a war with the ENTIRE black race. White people need to be thinking of being in a war with the black race as a whole. Not a subsection like BLM. That's just misdirection.
this would be the perfect post if it weren't for your attention-whoring namefagging ass
Black Lives Matter is an ideological movement - not a registered, organized entity. So, yes. An argument based on the videos and results can be created that this was BLM.
so if a white gang tortures a black retarded teen and said "Heil Hitler" you wouldn't wonder if they were actually 'Nazi's' because they didn't have official funding or role in the hierarchy?!
Look you guys are SO WRONG about this. One actually has to ask: who is the real victim here? If you examine the privilege of the heterosexual white male and the societal marginalization and economic oppression of the people of color in Chicago it's hard to feel some sympathy for the white guy. "Boo hoo some white male had his hair cut and had to drink a bit of toilet water" Look, none of that is gonna kill him. Those 4 people of color still face much greater disadvantages. They are MUCH MORE LIKELY to get shot by police! This is because of the racist policing in Chicago that unfairly targets people of color and women. I think the real victim are the 4 people of color and the real culprit is white society. I think it's normal for those teenage POCs to take out their rage against the unjust white supremacist heteropatriarchal cisnormative consumer capitalist society that marginalizes them so much and reduces their culture to a commodity. For me those 4 people of color are the real unsung heroes of our time. Young niggaz with attitude, that's healthy. I can't wait until white people are finally a minority in America.. fuck white people, fuck the police.