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According to my sources, Mexico has overtaken Canada as the most pathetic country

Under Budget, Ahead of Schedule!

Kek, he's really MAGA

Can you please show me the tweet that started all of this.


Where is Mexico's backbone? Have some control you fucking animals



Ah I see thank you. I remember Ford was going to build more plants in Mexico but it halted.

Trump will Make Mexico Great Again through his economic fixes and at the expense of the corrupt system of the country

Screencap this


Pena means sadness in spanish.

Trump is a master psyoper.

wtf i hate drumpf now

Don't call me gringo you fucking beaner, stay on your side of the god damn river.

try not to spooge yourself,
Captain Capslock

Is that a Toy store?

They were still stealing even though cops were everywhere. The cops didn't do shit.

Thank Kek for this happening. Where's the live stream boyos?

Mexicans gets big tantrum.
Nothings goes wrong today.
But Government put dependency of PEMEX(oil company state) and PEMEX is dirty for retarder manager.

Full Venezuela comes to PEMEX die.

Because is fucking staged ,one week later and you can bet nobody will give a shit, killer clowns are more scary and real than this shit

I wouldn't say it is a full out chimp out when they are just looting in more of a hurry in this clip even when the army is there


> Will somebody blame Trump for this?

Mexico has its own problem being flooded with browns from Central America. The solution? Wall. And for the ones already in the country? Ship 'em north.

If civil war begin everybody will blame Trump for this

It's looking like only specific chains of stores are being targeted. Could be some form of economic warfare.

So much for racially pure countries being a good thing.

Look at all those hard working, CONSERVATIVE hispanics.

Mexico is full of low I.Q. brown midgets

Can any mexi bros tell me if PRI canditate colosio would have helped the country if he didn't get killed back in 1994? Or would he just become a typical puppet? Please answer me....


Isn't it interesting that a failed narco state that routinely murders people, skins them alive, beheads them, is treated well by the US and is left alone with no intervention, while "failed state" was used as a motivation to invade a bunch of countries half a world away.

Rlly mke me thonk.

You have to go back too okay, fucking beaners

Dear Donald,
Fuck you
Love George Soros

>because of tweets

Not everything revolves around Trump, memtards.

It's because of the raise in gasoline prices. And the taxes too. And because of PEMEX, the state gasoline distributor, will be dismantled and replaced by multinationals.

But who am I kidding, this is 2complex4pol.

17.00 pesos for a gallon of gas that's more then 5 gallons of milk.

tbqh I would like to loot some place as well, It seems to be very fun

>Trump destroys Mexico
>creates hundreds of refugees that invade America
Did people seriously expect any different from (((Drumpf)))?

>falling for memes
It's over a 20% gas price increase.

Like how (((neo-Sup Forums))) always said

What do you think the wall is for?

Don't you think it will be kinda hard for trump to deal with Mexico collapsing and the spics fleeing over the US border while dealing with the war with Russia that's about to kick off when someone misinterprets aggression?

They're blowing it all up right now. Get ready for it.

Wow you're so woke dude. Can i suck your dick?

They will send them down instead of up. Argentina is the new mexico

makes a person think

For laughs and giggles. Or do you seriously think a shitty wall (and part fence) would stop a mass immigration?

The (((establishment))) sees pic related coming.
If (((they))) don't get us focused on an external threat of some kind, (((they))) know the people we come for them.
Trump is the best person to have at the helm during this time.

i know its a meme but still

spaniards =! mexicans

we are probably whiter and more catholic than you burguers anyway

They won't be travelling one third of the globe to get here. Europe is probably closer anyway, isn't it?

There's nothing for Trump to deal with, looking at his current game.

Mexico having a bad time means more people wanting to leave. And there's no meme strong enough to cover their southern border. There's no stopping people with nothing to lose from crossing that border unless Merica pulls off an Israel. But that means losing all the moral authority Merica likes to use when talking down other countries.

If America's posture is now to fuck with its friendly neighbours, then it needs to be friendlier with it's long time enemies, like Russia. But that is giving Russia power over America. Imagine Russia and Mexico aligned and angry towards America. That's just bad.

>do you seriously think a shitty wall (and part fence) would stop a mass immigration?

Yea. Also a shit ton of armed ICE agents would help too.

but (((they))) cause the debt crunch problems by controlling the issue of currency. I mean (((they))) literally caused the great depression by issuing lots of easy money on margin loans and then quietly cashing out right before crunching the money supply. Crashing the economy so they could buy half the country at 10 cents on the dollar. Did the same thing again in '08

Audit the Fed is the thing they don't want you thinking about. The government nationalizing the federal reserve bank is the one thing (((they))) can't let happen.

Is it just me or i'd love for u to live my life and fuck girls with the BAC the big aussiecock

>t. 5.1" average

What did he mean by this?

Praise kek and witnessesed. Hope u are right Hernan

>kiwi memes

Red dawn when?

Def better than salinas

My bad it's actually 5.2

>OP doesnt know how to use then

I believe you should have put 'than'. Amiright?

>tfw i'm actually 7"


>101 How to move business to other countries.


It's 15.00 mexipesos a liter, around 56 pesos a gallon

actually it means shame you friggin gypsie

well you got alot of chinks in your country so thats why its orange :)


Probably, every western nation is slowly getting cucked by them, Australia in particular because they can come over here and breed like flies

tfw 8"8

Christ, i hope you have put it to good use because i haven't.


Why not both?

actually America is worst

Won't happen.

Ameriniggers like to pretend that the U.S. doesn't control our politicians so they can blame everyone else for their immigration problems.

Our retarded leaders would never retaliate against their masters.

Government companies are shit. Didn't these faggots learn anything from Venezuela and Brazil?

>implying this isn't an effort to get the us to accept Mexican refugees from the bloody civil war

>believing "polls" even after everything.
Here is the reality:

It's Penya not Penah

It works for the Jews in Israel

If they even try that you would have 30-40% of Americans screaming for the military to be put on our borders

It would reduce it big time.

Its the first step. You remove the easiest routs first (literally walking across the desert) and then focus on other avenues such as visa over stays, and who gets a visa to begin with.

>tfw this shit never happens near me

looks fun 2bh

We can't even get nigger justice half the time
We are pretty cucked mate

Donde tengan tacos de moronga

>Government companies are shit. Didn't these faggots learn anything from Venezuela and Brazil?
The Socialists always think "this time is different".
They are literally mentally ill.

>in Israel

you're not Israel though

Amerishits like to suck jew cocks

not to mention the kikes in Israel would never take advantage of the situation and hire cheap slave labor at the expense of their own countrymen

only the goyim acts so impulsively

I laugh at this shit, you guys destroyed your own country and you wonder why nobody wants you guys here, cause everywhere you go you mess it up, whether it's disneyland with a trip with family, to living with you people in California, to your own country vato. Why are you guys like this man? A lot of countries dont have half of what your country has and they flourish, but you guys? Man you will be known as the beggar country for a long long long time to come. Why would you want that stain on you?

For a guy to talk and have your money drop to shit, is very sad, to be that scared.

Holy 7's

Praise kek

>Get a chance to claw your way out of the darkness by getting it on Trump's good side.
>Still refuse it all-out like a faggot.
Stupid beans.

>that ID

Don't even start with us you nigger loving faggot, we have a shitastic govenrment that has had its grip on the country's balls for a century. Even then we do not allow the shit that you limp-wristed brainwashed zombies do.

Even if every single wetback magically vanished the only difference is that homosexuality and degeneracy will drastically increase in your country. You slowly watched as your own country burned while Obongo fucked you all in the ass, had it not been for Trump and Assange you would be choking on kebab cock right now.

Hell, back during the FBI audit hearings it was revealed your own country has its very own shadow government pulling stings and you faggots are too busy to care.

Get off your high horse Jamal, the only reason your country is what it is can be traced to the globalists kikes and their need for a strong arm that keeps the zog war machine going.

Before I thought maybe he had reason to do that, but at this point it makes no difference hwo builds the wall when the talk of a wall alone is making these mexicans tremble in fear and have their country tank even further down. That's what Mr Fox is not realizing here, he is in no position to say anything. 2017 is the year Mexico falls, and maybe this is a good thing, sometimes quick pain is better than decades of pain, but I still think mexico will fail regardless, just look at the condition the country is in, what a shit hole lol.

im sorry man you mexicans are cool, except for central american trash, but you guys are gonna have your own problems with them when all of that part of the country goes to shit.

We are used to syrian refugees, well the future is all about south american refugees, basically people who couldnt make it on their own which is a disgrace.

>mixing half merlot half untreated sewer runoff
>it's a pure mix u guys
There's an implicit iq requirement as well Jimenez

Wow I thought Mexicans were lazy but there was one guy running while four brand new car tyres. Pretty impressive lads.