Brit/pol/ - THICC British Babe Edition

>BETRAYAL - Andrea Leadsom: "We'll make a loophole so that mass immigration can continue"

>Household debt at its highest since the 2008 crash. Keep taking out those loans goyim

>Dirty opportunist scum: (((Soft brexit))) will be an (((economic success)))

>The free market doesn't work - and at last Labour is admitting it

>Wales get cucked - "Immigration should be devolved"

>Queen Elizabeth "nearly shot" by Buckingham Palace guard

>700 patients die because of the SNP and their shit handling of the NHS

>Pro-EU Tory ambassador accused of leaking Brexit plans to the EU before quitting

>Thanks Theresa - Britain will be Europe's most populated country by 2050 because of mass immigration

>Cameron's shadow of failure looms over Brexit

Other urls found in this thread:

Imperial Leather.

First for Catholicism.

Lego Batman

Cucktholics cucked again

Name fags are cancer. no exceptions.

Is this your gang sign?

Second best, as always, taig scum

Start drinking ARYAN BLOOD.


Hob Nobs

dam post more BABES

>>The free market doesn't work

when did this become /socialist/?

She's fine, isn't she?

Quite possibly.

Think I just joined a gang lads.

Prison shower cucks gang.
Motto "born to drop it"

very soft looking

When the Thatcherites grew up

You say that like it's a bad thing user

So if we're a cucks gang then we're not the ones getting bummed? You really should've thought that through.

None of us like the current pope.


Rare thicc babe user. I've seen the pic in the OP posted around the internet for years. Who is she?

>None of us like the current pope
That's heresy according to your own wacko creed you moron

your gang your rules

i didn't mean to, i'd like to give her a squeeze

Why is the nigger on the British side?

Exactly, wish more Brit/pol/ posters would understand this.

My gang, my rules.

My Brit/pol/, my rules.


Post more thicc women

What are we watching on the telly today, lads?

Hope you've got your TV Licenses.

he's not wrong.









>the best time to post in britpol is when the tripfags arent here


No it isn't. You're not forced to like the pope, you can dislike the way he behaves or dresses or talks to the press, you just have to respect the teaching authority of his office when he exercises that authority officially.


Finally going to do it lads, I'm finally going to come out to my parents.

Any tips to smooth the blow?

Just checked the internet and it turns out you're in luck.

Cucks can get bummed.



Don't use your teeth.

Some folks are born made to vote Remain
Ooh, the red, white and blue Brexit
And when the band plays "Ode to Joy"
Ooh, they point the finger at you, Lord
It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no racist Leaver, son
It ain't me, it ain't me; I ain't no bigoted one, no

Some folks are born wooden spoon in hand
Lord, they don't help themselves, oh
But when the taxman comes to the door
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no conservative woman, no
It ain't me, it ain't me; I ain't no bigoted one, no

Some folks inherit a great country
Ooh, they send you down to Downing Street, Lord
And when they ask you, "Please lower immigration?"
Ooh, I only answer More! more! more! yoh

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't racist leaver, son
It ain't me, it ain't me; I ain't no bigoted one

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no bigtoted one, no no no
It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no bigoted one, no no no

Next door neighbour died last night, i live on an old folks estate, feeling bad for his widow. Should i pop a card through?

Take some Picts, Celts and Silures
And let them settle,
Then overrun them with Roman conquerors.

Remove the Romans after approximately 400 years
Add lots of Norman French to some
Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, then STIR vigorously.

Mix some hot Chileans, cool Jamaicans, hung Dominicans,
Trinidadians and Bajans with some Ethiopians, Chinese,
Vietnamese and Sudanese.

Then take a blend of Somalians, Sri Lankans, Nigerians
And many Pakistanis,
Combine with some Guyanese
And turn up the heat and de riddim.

Sprinkle some fresh Indians, Malaysians, Bosnians,
Iraqis and Bangladeshis together with some
Afghans, Spanish, Turkish, Kurdish, Japanese
And Palestinians
Then add to the melting pot.

Leave the ingredients to simmer.

As they mix and blend allow their languages to flourish
Binding them together with English into a grey paste.

Allow time to be cool, brother.

Add some unity, understanding, and respect for the future,
Serve with justice and no hate speech
And enjoy.

Note: All the ingredients are equally important. Treating one ingredient better than another will leave a bitter, racist, unpleasant taste.

Warning: An unequal spread of justice will damage the people and cause pain. Give justice, reparations and equality to all.

Daily reminder that all trip fags are just one of YKTD multiple personalities.

They've probably already guessed.

just tell them you support UKIP instead of saying you actually like the conservatives

they'll probably take you to an EDL rally in Leicester

>Switched the number of posts by this ID between YKTD and yourself

You fucking swine

Not just me who thinks this.

Nice to know I'm not the only one suffering what is almost certainly a paranoid delusion.

That would be nice, also go for a cup of tea

A pure white European bloodline over 2,000 years strong with roots possibly tracing back to the Anglo saxons; their sons working, fighting, and dedicating their lives to their women and their country,

Ruined by a single faggot

Buffalo Bill is based on YKTD, Anthony Hopkins if from 2 valleys over and knows all about him

Didn't realise everyone migrated
Looks like Sturgeon is now getting on the Soft Brexit™ train, at least for now

Why is there so many faggots in these threads?

I'd pop round and see if she needs a hand, unless you're too shy for that, then pop a card through

Morning, Lads.

It's refreshing to see Brit/pol/ experiencing a Renaissance. Also, dat fukken thiccness.

it makes sense. how can 4 or 5 people share the same shit personality?

Is outsourcing manufacturing to china even economically "necessary"?

The total labour cost of manufacturing a smartphone domestically instead of in China couldn't amount to more than £50 extra on what's already a multi-hundred pound figure, and that's without factoring automation.
Now, you've got safety to think of too, which might bump it up a little further, but then you could also factor the incentive for more automation which would bring things down again in the long term.

The sums just don't seem to add-up. (Unless you take the seemingly insane claim that the price would double if they made the things in the USA instead of Asia.) Which is making me think more and more that de-industrialisation has been a policy decision instead of a simple effect of market forces.

Because Britain is a nation of gays

See? The Yank gets it
Anonymongs BTFO

YKTD is not Preuße. He would legitimately need sectioning if he was because at night its only them talking to each other

Even Adam Smith recognized you've got to intervene sometimes.

South Wales, Swansea, YKTD, countless Anonymous


He needs sectioning, him and all of his narcissistic personalities.

He needs to be sectioned. Who disputes this?

>Looks like Sturgeon is now getting on the Soft Brexit™ train, at least for now
I'm not sure whether she's sold out, or she knows something we don't.
This would necessitate a total rethink of their independence strategy and kicking it into the long grass (Maybe more than a decade, after which the possibility of them losing power crops up as a wildcard). Gambling on a ~6% swing (I mean, they did nearly 15% last time) to independence would seem preferable, especially since the opposition parties are all basically dead.

No one is saying he doent, you guys bullied him into changing his sleeping pattern though, which is funny

Have a thicc

> Pays TV licence to watch Come Dine With Me.

Scotland will never be independent.

>tfw I know YKTD is in this very fucking thread, even posting about HIMSELF, because he's posting the same pictures with the same filenames as last night

Fuck off Owen, seriously.

Come dine with me is quality television lad, don't know what you're going on about

Also anyone in the mood for some hollyposting?

If Sturgeon takes the present path with the battleground as I see it, I'm inclined to agree.

Thicc - aka below average brittish woman?


he started it. now i'm changing mine. it's not the timing of his outbursts that offends me. it's his very existence I cannot abide.

What's wrong with her?

Cuntdown's on

Reading it, she's saying they're willing to put it on hold for a few years, I'd rather she put it on hold forever though

Overall I feel it's in response to what the Scottish labour leader said:

>The absolute fucking STATE of using privatisation in uncompetitive, nationally-crucial sectors


>wake up
>missed calls, texts and even emails

Fuck off normies


It shows that the black bloke was introduced to white culture, and the white girl was introduced to black culture.

Note: Amazing architecture on the UK side, shitty tree in desolate savanna on the african side.

Sounds like a declaration of war desu.

They could all be under instructions to come here and cause trouble.
Or just suffer the same emotional problems.

>Ruined by a single faggot

You assume he has no brothers.
You should try thinking more and judging less.

>Expecting a reasonable response from a Lithuanian

That's true actually

Used to date one, then she became a fat lesbian SJW

Count Step Every Make

ideal THICCness imho tbqh lads


How the fuck do you even know when you can't see through the hijab?

Who is this?

my gf


Count Step Every Make?

How the fuck do you even know when you can't see out of your squinty little eyes, Chang?


Do you walk backwards down the stairs?

Yeah... it's a famous phrase?

Seriously you haven't heard this?

Placing it on hold amounts to the possibility the next try is in 30 years, if ever. It's a big gamble. To get a referendum you need the SNP in power, and there's always the risk they lose power. Unlike Labour we've not really seen what happens when the SNP lose power and go into the wilderness - though if we have their 1979-1997 period to go on, it's not going to be pretty. On top of that, the fact the issue remains in the national mindset is a massive disincentive for the UK to do anything except try and wreck the Scottish economy to make the case harder in future.

I think by-default Sturgeon would oppose the claim the UK is Scotland's most important union, since she's in the party with the sole purpose of breaking it up.

On the other hand if you lose two in short order, game over. Maybe she's got something that shows the case is just too risky to blow their last chance on right now, even if the party utterly imploding remains an alternative possibility.

Maybe if they're smart, they'll throw the 2020 election and take an artificial sabbatical, instead of outstaying their welcome. I've always wondered about tactically losing an election. (Major could've done that in 1992 for example - boom, Black Wednesday is Kinnock's fault.)

In all of brit/pol/'s history, how many users do you guys reckon have offed themselves?

Must be in the dozens by now

: (

It would have been better if they took out some muslims before killings themselves

Friday afternoon fitties
