W-why are we losing so many allies?!
divide and conquer
Isn't it that people who have non-white family members probably don't want you to kill them?
Did Sup Forums forget that it was a right wing libertarian board? All the nazi worship is supposed to be ironic and a cover to scare away the stupid normies. Racial realism is completely ok. But acting like outright nazi genocidal maniacs is nothing but a PR nightmare and it plays right into the hands of the left and their "alt-right" narrative.
Who gives a fuck again? Nobody here cares about this race-mixing, buttplug-up-the-ass faggot.
Welcome redditor
Nazis were the worst thing to happen to white people.
he can be funny but he owes his current livelihood to a Jew (((Ezra Levant)))
if you expect him to ever talk about the JQ you're deluding yourself
Why is it ALWAYS, without fail, a goddamn fucking leaf?
He was a fellow travler, not an ally.
You must be new here
>"white countries are the best, name a country better than american and it'll be a country with more white people"
>"wh-what do you mean white nationalism? i h-hate nazis! I'm inclusive! its just about western civ!"
No one cares
>muh libertarian values!!!
>muh PR!!!!
You've been trying to appease the left for the last 20 years with that shit, how's that been working out?
No, what we oppose are the useless stormniggers.
He's Canadian.
I'm sure you could find a retarded kid with downs to take his place, and the retard would make more sense.
Honestly I'm more upset Chris Chan didn't like Nazis.
Why it's always a fucking leaf? You guys are a fucking living meme.
underrated post
McInnes was always a disgusting degenerate you idiot.
>Gavin "My gaping Anus is the size of a fist" Mcinnes
If anyone ever unironically cared about this faggot before I feel bad for you.
To be clear: Gavin is a degenerate half-nigger that promotes degeneracy and destruction of society. He loves drug abuse, cheating on his wife, displaying his over used asshole to other men, etc.
He's a grain of salt.
Unfortunately it attracted stormnegroes as well. They think they are going to "redpill" people here and "organize" a retro pijama party.
Unlike the anglo who colonizes and civilizes, the Teuton is a parasitic species who leeches on the success of other people.
He wants to be mainstream. It is a bit retarded to associate yourself with nazism if you're are aiming to be a mainstream pundit. Gavin is good job at what he does, he uses the word inclusive but if you watch his podcast he is a 100% race realist. He is a poltard in everything but the JQ and the irrational Nate All Niggers view. He drops constant redpills and has a mainly liberal audience. Gavin is doing a lot of good for america and the white race in general, giving that i really cant understand the irrational hatred from 2x /pol and others that is directed at him. People that hate on Gavin are the same that hate on literally everyone who is pro-white and has a little bit of exposure. It's like they expect them all to be 2000% 1488 at all times and to share their exact world view on everything. They dont seem to realize that anyonr that fits their ideals to the T like that could never get any kind of exposure, to act like that in public is to completely discredit and marginalize yourself and at best make your irrelevant but at worst to hurt your movement and views. Fucking stupid purity chasing fucks.
His married a shitskin. Why in God's name would you think he's a Nazi?
Oh right the alt right is retarded
Nail, meet head. I listen to this guy from time to time and he is verifiably stupid and completely inconsistent. The fact that people take him seriously is a sad statement on the state of things.