Why does Indian food look like shit?
Sometimes you feel like going out and eating on the street
You are what you eat
Oi shutup mate, Indian food is nice as fuck tbqh
I'll have a chapatti assplatti please.
Yeah but you can't beat a good butter chicken.
Indian food is tasty as fuck. Op is a fag.
t. pajeet awatakamaoriname
>israeli food
That looks good
Our food is a mixture of all surrounding Mediterranean countries. It's really amazing.
they spice everything into sloppy curries so you dont notice how rotten the meat is
Traditional Jewish food is tasteless garbage though.
Israeli food is bland disgusting garbage, and comprised 99% of potato and chicken fat.
>inb4 hurrr we wuz falafel
Indian cuisine(s) are a complex and delicate tapestry of flavor and texture, each with its own unique and rich history dating back thousands of years.
enjoy your stale cracker bread
Are you shitting in our streets now too?
you must be older than 18 to post here
>Our food is a mixture of all surrounding Mediterranean countries
So like territory, you take from others?
shit looks like i was too late with the inb3
>Our food is a mixture of all surrounding Mediterranean countries
AKA the countries that greater Israel is going to ethnically cleanse and destroy like Syria.
cause it's all soggy vegetables and spice.
as long as they give all of the Arabs citizenship
they're losing the demographic war because no one finds them sexually appealing, including themselves.
most of the birthrate comes from terrifying UltraOrthodox baby mills (aka "families")
All food looks like shit when you take a picture with flash against an unflattering backdrop. I bet it tastes amazing.
they should've overtaken your salafist country, too.
no it isn't
maybe because you're used to the taste of poo it doesn't mean it is good for others
you kike
I've had isreali, I've had Indian, would rather have indian.
Lots of flavor doesn't nessecarily cost much bretty good.