-Name: Colin Taylor

-Name: Colin Taylor
-Born: October 1990 (26 years old)
-City of residence: Philadelphia, PA
Account: @occupydemocrats
-Job: Managing Editor at Occupy Democrats
-Education: Bachelor's degree at Bennington College
-Phone Number: (802) 322-6958
-Address: 2126 Latona Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146
-Known relatives: Whitney Taylor Dunsmore, Melanie Taylor Castelli

Is this legit?

Now, somebody just go and kill him.

If you can't do that, send him a live snake or mix his water supply with poison.

W-what am I supposed to do

Literally who?

HOLY SHIT, I went to school with him.


Wtf is your problem

Who Is This? Why should I care?

Yep, that's about what I expected he would look like. I hope 8ch is doing God's work.

Should I call?


Disregard i figured it out


Negative? not worth proceding to raid?

This can someone explain why an aquafresh proxy posted some random tard info?

collin detected

Someone vocaroo a phonecall with him, lol

Occupy Democrats more like complain about Trump.


Who is this and why are people salty about him?

fucking degenerates

Is it Colin? You tell us?