Are they real or made up?
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No evidence yet. Have to wait a week. Then another. Then another.
Fake news.
So the cyber police didn't run a backtrace?
Hi Ivan! How many roubles are you getting from this post? I heard the shilling rates are going down
Hi cyber leaf go fuck yourself with a rake!
russian government sponsored hackers are real, but they had literally nothing to do with the election.
Still waiting on those proofs.
Russia doesn't do any hacking.
It has zero cyber warfare capability.
Don't ask for proof.
You know it's classified.
Nice reverse shill Dong Fag.
Calling me a shill.
Where's your proof?
Really makes you think.
Someone more talented than me needs to shop those screens with Sup Forums.
No this is a huge conspiracy because obama is butthurt that putin is manlier than him
Why don't you calm down before your CO makes you run a lap around the barracks you welfare queen.
They use hacks in my videogames so there
Like CNN uses Fallout 3 hacking footage for non-dramatist news reals? Ok Mr. Crumpet.
>tfw your society elites fall for the equivalent of a nigerian prince scam
Really cooked my noodle
>gmail team
>CO makes you run a lap around the barracks
>welfare queen
Who do I work for btw?
Would be nice to bill someone for some expenses.
I'm convinced that Russia has hackers working for the government, just like many other countries. Because why wouldn't they? If you do it right, it's usually impossible to even prove from what country the attack came from, let alone if the hackers are working for the government or not. It's low risk, high reward. That's why they don't show real evidence, because it simply does not exist. All they have is circumstantial stuff like "Russia wanted Trump to win".
They are just distracting it from the contents of the emails and more importantly using this excuse to do more damage to Russia while they still can.
it's a scapegoat for the gross incompetence and corruption in the Democrat party
You must use allot of lubricant for those dragon dildos can just imagine.