Do you guys believe that if these recent race relations carry on that it will end up like this?
Do you guys believe that if these recent race relations carry on that it will end up like this?
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It seems as if thew more the non-Hispanic whites are being pushed, the more aggressive and authoritarian they become, as if they were somewhat awoken from their globalist perspective.
Merkel and the democrats are losing power and supporters very fast. Hopefully it will lead to pic related.
No. If war does take place. You can sit back and relax knowing that the first to go will be liberals. Just let their pets eat them alive.
White liberals are gonna get fucked up so bad.
We obviously hate them for a variety of reasons and don't care what happens to them, and the blacks will take full advantage of their naivety and white guilt and use them horribly.
I'm white, I don't care.
Uppity niggers didn't even start a race war when Dylann Roof offed 9 monkeys
>That post
>That flag
>[Card number protected]
makes you think
nah, niggers/BLM shit is done once Trump takes office. He give the police free reign to do whatever they need too.
Race relations in the late 1960s through 1970s were worse than they are now and somehow the country made it through that. I think that what put a stop to all the black power radicalism that was growing in the 1970's was the injection of crack cocaine into the ghettos. They stopped fighting whitey and started fighting each other.
So we either need a new crack alternative for the ghettos (maybe flakka will fit the bill) or we will probably continue to have worse race relations eventually ending in balkanization and real widespread violence.
BLM shit came and went with king nigger Obama
I saved that name from when CNN linked Sup Forums and normies flooded in in the "alt-right" craze. It was glorious. I have the link to the archived thread if you would like it.
How much do I have to pay to see the related pic, master?
Kek, where you in this thread too?
How new are you?
History repeats itself
And the souls of the dead play this wicked games without rest
There will definitely be civil war in the next 2 decades
Would the generation born in 1945 have thought that current year degeneracy would be possible? No.
Who knows what will happen when the pendulum has swung more to the right. I hope for reconquistas, as there have been plenty of historical precedents.
Deus vult.
not in the US there won't be.
to much mixing here.
Not old fag nor newfag. Was here for about two years.
You know shits gone down hill when even the Jews are longing for the rise of Nazis again
we need to use AI in the race war. Get coding bong
A civil war doesn't have to be a race war.
Unfortunately our AI leader Stephan hawking is too busy telling us aliens are not nice