Heritage thread

Heritage thread



this might be a disappointment, but this is what your heritage actually looks like.


How do two Germans give birth to a turk?


How do two Germans have a Roach?


They hatch from eggs

Both of your german grandmothers fucked turks?
I call shenanigans

You're a wog. Not a true (Anglo) Australian.


That's Jews.

Greeks are Wogs with Italians sometimes be referred to as such. The Flag indicated place of birth and accent.




not gonna use the fucking template coz i'm too lazy but i'll let you know that i'ma pure slovene for at least 5+ generations all checked

Adoption? Either this or OP is retarded.

>tfw high school dropout

bcaz yer a fookin newfy

Your mum is a whore.


ricky detected


so sorry, just imagine, you could have possibly been white

I think you're supposed to split your flag between your parents nationalities. Or just use your dads.

top kek
>serial killer
>train robber
so, he's a slav
you must be a disappointment to your parents.

my "dad" just had french nationality I think

>you must be a disappointment to your parents.
fishing is literally the entire culture of my island, 80% of the people who live here enjoy fishing or know people who enjoy fishing

Daddy didn't stick around? Do you look like an afro arab?


I can't edit shit
Dad's whole side: German
Mom's mom's side: Slovak
Mom's dad's side: Polish

hey faggot even if your african parents were raped as babies, theres still not enough time between 1994 until 2017 to squeeze in 3 generations.

so your flags are wrong

not bad

I never met him in my life, and I don't look like a sandnigger, more like french with yellow skin, and of course I have brown hair and brown eyes

t. Morty



Yeah I guess you're right

white immigrant reporting in.

This is a fucking eyesore, mate.


I made mine in MS Paint because I hate myself.

flags are finland and sami

telling you to use this m80 and make it more accurate


Great-grandfather was three-fourths Native American, his father was half-French.

I take it that your dad is black but mother is white and they met in Malmö.


Should I kill myself?

Don't even really know much info whats the best way to find out?

> inb4 ask relitives, due to war and family break ups from further generations I can only get so far

Gee would've never guess the former.

give me your skin after you died plz

A Redhead and Brunette cannot produce a blonde child

of course they are women
are german women the most cucked whores on the planet? do they vote 99% left?


jejs at least you are in the right place mr kangz

you can use skin whitening cream you know?

skin whitening cream does flush down the turds floating around in his gene pool


pics of ur mom?

it's for faggots

That means you're almost a whole 10% subhuman.

Purge the weakness/fraction of nativeness from your body.



She was red-blonde

Suizid ist die beste Option Brudi

No thanks, I'm sure enough people fap to her pictures already, thanks.

rate me

>i have to go back

he could still live his life with more confidence, there is no point in arguing whether or not his genetics suck because france is importing somalis by the boatload




Turk or greek




On my italian side. Great-grand father was an alcoholic, collecting the shit of people (literally) in a early 20th century italian village, grand father was a shepherd who then came in Belgium to work in a charcoal mine and my father is a "self made" wealthy society owner office job).

I'm a underachiever in constant depression.


You say that but whatever the hell is in that 10% has kept my grandmother, mother, and I (with the 10%) from ever getting a sunburn. I never burn no matter how long I am out in the sun, I just nicely tan.


>train robber
>serial killer
god damn user thats pretty cool tbqh

How does this work.

GG from my dad's side of the family is still alive, she was 20 during the London Blitzkrieg

Tanned Germans

No they met in Stockholm and no black.

Well, at least you got the only useful 1/10th their gene pool has to offer.

And probably not the alcoholism.

mummy was a coalburner, frog


did your parents run away from the war?

who tho?


Fish on Leaf. I love (to eat) fish.

Your grandma's a hoe

t. Sven Cuckson

Such cool mixes of diffrent countries and i stuck with Sinhalese lankan as far back as i can trace

Well, they married in the 60s, not the 40s like you probably think

Op are you me

[hard huehuehuehue in the distance]

Have you ever watched an alien movie? Pretty much like this.

Only hoes fucked nazi officers, get fucked achmed.
All right better.