Im a white male muslim

im a white male muslim

No one cares.

kys. sage.

Ok :(

Ahamullah durka? Sherpa sherpa backala durka?



Pick one or suicide bomb somewhere for your precious allah

This is reddit, not everyone is nice and clean on Sup Forums.

Would you kindly kill yourself?

Thanks in advance

Isn't **


fucking look at yourself you're not white


No pubs chin/neck beard no Muslim you're a poser

When you kill yourself, will you do it without taking innocent civilians out too?

Salam alaykoum brother. Great to. See. You

motherfucker looks like a member of the elven shitting race

To a man, white Muslims always have some issues with self-esteem and are desperately needy.


I won't ask you anything when I'm gassing you for being a traitor

don't encourage him to kill himself, muslims have a funny way of doing that.

How old are you?

Do you pray? Do you go to the mosque? Do eat pork? Do you gamble? Do you watch Porn? Do you have tats? Do you drink alcohol? Do you do drugs? Do you enjoy music? Do you go clubbing? Did you have sex?

Kek nice

>To a man, white Muslims always have some issues with self-esteem and are desperately needy.

He is contemplating drastic measures, beady eyed network should be on alert - if not beady eyed reaction shitpost.


youre alright, danebro

that is horrible wallpaper for a bathrolm what the fuck

you staying in a 70s motel?


Not white.
Go to the desert where you belong faggot.


Does not compute.

Since i was a young boy my father has imposed his religion onto me. I was home schooled because we live in the west and my father wanted me in an environment that was free from anything Haram. I couldn't associate with Jews or Christians, anyone who ate unclean animals, or any girl. As a teenage guy going through puberty this was naturally a living nightmare. After years of begging from me and pressure from his colleagues, i was finally allowed to attend a very nice coed high school. The only rule was that i had to keep avoiding anything Haram. Being free for the first time i started to celebrate. Ate bacon my first day, had Christian friends in a week, and within the month i had even met a girl. I was shy and awkward as i could possibly be but she liked me and thought i was funny. She was a little too hipster punk for me, listing to music i've never heard and using words like tubular and bae, but i loved it. Within two months we were dating. It was going great until my father heard about it. The Christians and bacon he could overlook, but the women to him were really wrong. To him this was too much and he even claimed me of having sex with her. As if it couldn't get any weirder he actually demanded i show him my penis to prove i haven't been having sex. I had to ask him twice to make sure i heard him right. It was awkward but living under his roof i had to do as he commands. I started to go out with her on dates and every time i came home i had to whip it out for dad. It might be insane, but i actually am ok with dicks out for haram bae.

What will you do when Muslims kill you because you're white in the upcoming caliphate?