well Sup Forums?
Holy shit
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He wins, I guess we should just have our police stop doing their jobs and stopping violent criminals.
Wow, stop blaming an entire group of people for the actions of the few
Blue Lives Matter
How many gang deaths in Chicago alone?
And im sure niggers in chicago have killed more of each other than that number
Hes right Police should stop trying to help and let them all eradicate themselves
Just out of curiosity, how many people have been murdered in just Chicago and New York so far this year? Anybody know?
how many of those nations are as big as the USA and have such a large black population tho?
Nobody gives a fuck about this white guy.
>Listening to the ramblings of someone that calls his mother a whore and pretends to be black even though he is white.
exactly, take the cops off the street and watch as it becomes
"16 people have been killed breaking and entering"
How many of those 16 were in possession of a weapon and threatening police and not complying with demands to surrender?
Wow it's almost like we're a different country with different demographics and population and culture.
Wow it's almost like half of the countries in Europe would have killed many more brown people in their country if they weren't such cucks and practically do nothing but shake their finger at islamic gang rape.
Just wow.
Never trust mulattos.
Our popo shot one criminal dead and now all the Muslims are chimping out
and nothing of significant value was lost
maybe niggers should stop breaking the fucking law
Maybe we need to talk about the violent negro problem.
How many other countries have this many niggers?
t. talcum x
why is this "nigger" so obsessed with death?
Turns out there's a lot of people in America making the place a shithole.
Their efficiency is commendable.
Maybe there are a lot of criminals
>after a night drinking guy tries to attack police
>gets shot and killed
>niggers catch wind of this, rally troops
>protest imminent
>*cue looting*
>5 more dead the next day
sounds about right
Mulattos are nothing.
They are forced to pick one side or the other and go very overboard trying to stick themselves to that group even though they'll still never fully belong to it. All the while still never truly feeling any loyalty to that group either, so they just end up resenting everyone and are only in it for themselves, especially if it can be at the expense of everyone else.
They probably deserved it lol.
Nice count. Keep killing niggers for the new record, dear policemen.
Fuck Shawn King and fuck white people!
he's not even a mulatto he's full whitey
He looks like he has some black in him to me. Got proof?
It's a big place with a lot of people. Let me guess, those other ones he's talking about are small European countries with tiny populations? You can't use statistics like that.
>Implying Shaun King isn't a Meme
Look at the headlines next to the names, I think they all deserved it.
Source of that number.
Also why doest he state how many crimes have been committed by blacks in 6 days of 2017
Answer is always 60%
Where is da proofs
He looks white, both parents are white, and his birth certificate says white. He just claims his mother cheated with a black man.
He's the one that should be providing proof.
He didn't mention race, though.
We are 365x bigger than most nations
I hope they were all black
Faggot, 16/369 million = very close to zero
At least 365x bigger
Only 16?
have you ever considered that those people deserved it?
Take away the hair cut and he looks half hispanic at most.
Niggers aren't people.
You know your black power movement is going under when you need to get a white boy like Shaun King, aka Talcum X, aka Shotta Snowman, aka Cottonball Killa, aka Marshmallow Mangler, aka Snowflake Strangler, to prop you up.
I don't think he understands the size of the US population.. also, niggers man.
As long as they only shot niggers and spics, I'm good
What OP doesn't understand, every other country hides their true homicides statistics
Stop breaking the law, asshole.
if niggers stopped being nigger there might be One killing.
niggers are the problem.
were did that image come from?
>current day of the current year
There is zero context to any of those 16 killings. This is what deceitful reporting to support your agenda looks like. It's textbook.
That'd be because most criminals in other nations don't carry firearms and use them on police
Though he should factor in population size too
>More than any other country this year
The US is one of the countries with the highest population through.
Shaun it's noon,
Stop drinking about posting yourself.
He said more that most countries kill in a year. But I really don't see how their under-performance reflects badly on you guys...
>1000 people shot by police in the US
>population 320 million
>2000 people shot by plice in Brazil
>population 200 million
Oh wow, USPD BTFO amirite?
most nations are hardly even the size of one of our 50 states
wigger confirmed as a retard
>1 post by this id
>ppl will reply anyway
Trips of truth
Kek has spoken
Praise kek
>Never trust mulattos.
Along these lines, it always seems like the most militant, angry, violent, #woke niggers are mulattos. I wonder why that is. Maybe because they have just enough of white intelligence to care about larger issues, but still have the black half to chimp out about everything.
how many people have black people killed in 2017 so far?
He's actually completely white. Both parents are white as snow. His brother is white. He just shaves his head and shaves his mustache in a style only niggers sport to try to pass as part black.