Sorry no black chicks

>Sorry no black chicks

Do men in America really say this?
Wouldn't know because no blacks here

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I'd say about 80% of men are not attracted to black chicks.

There's no such thing as an attractive baboon user

Yeah, plenty do. But before you act surprised, keep in mind that 98% of black women in America look nothing like your pic.


Somebody photoshop her to have white skin

All african americans have negroid features.

there are communities and subgroups in africa that were never brought to america as slaves.

a small minority of these groups have caucasian/poo in loo/asian type features.

which is what is in your pic provided. ethiopian and somalian girls have caucasian-ish features but they live in their own communities in the US, and are muslim for the most part so fucking them is a near-impossibility.

only half-breed slave descendants can have attractive females. pure blood slave descendants are ugly as fuck.

98% of blacks are subhuman mongoloids, there's so very few based black people. They're all ugly though, even the ones with strong caucasian features.

No I mean literally, she starts flirting and you say "No blacks"

No black chicks but I'd fuck a Drow any day.