CNN's Don Lemon On Facebook Torture Of White Victim: Wasn't Evil, Just Bad "Home Training"

>CNN's Don Lemon On Facebook Torture Of White Victim: Wasn't Evil, Just Bad "Home Training"

See? Them good kids, just don't gots enough training.

Other urls found in this thread:

>need mo money fo dem programzz

>nigger apologist
why is he still allowed to show his ugly face in national TV?

I'm glad all the nogs are literally Dindu nuffinening. Hopefully this is another thing that helps wake up white America

>a nigger jew-puppet defending other niggers nigging


Let's torture Don Lemom

no, i was trained to be good at home

>bad home training

I do decleah! Thiss negroe's gotta point! We'll whip 'em younguns into shape!

>white victim
>not disabled victim

if you want to truly redpill libs and make them feel bad these ultra conservative sites should address the victim was handicapped

i remember when Don Lemon told niggers to pick up their pants, stop littering, read a book, take a shower, raise their kids, and not do drugs.

I can't imagine being a shill that has to go against my beliefs.

anyone else watch this 50 year old nigger get shit faced on new years? takin shots, got his ear periced, tried to MOCHA'D his married co-host?

Only saw highlights. Not very professional IMO...

yeah there is now way id let my kids watch that. i thought that fag hag and mr Vanderbilt were bad but jesus...

every nigger

>nawh this aint no hate crime fuck no whitey
>dey was stupid for taping it yo

and these are the niggers who actually made it to the media

>not evil

Uh huh

This man wants to see you and your family murdered and tortured.

Just remember that.

Bad home training makes it sound like it's a dog that shits on the floor. Freudanian slip?

I gotta say looking at the ghetto degeneracy is astonishing when you aren't used to it.

>kidnapping and torturing a mentally handicapped kid because his skin is white isn't evil

If this had been 4 white culprits and a black handicapped teen he'd be calling for their heads and talking about how racist it was and how it's a hate crime.

It's a 2 way street. This was a hate crime and it was heinous. All 4 need to get life in prison with no chance of parole.

Good news is that they're literally facing 50 years worth of charges each.

On Facebook, there was a lot of black people shaking their heads at their fellow people.


He's right

Same with Dylann Roof

Double it

They need to be brought to heel.

>openly admits googles have to be trained

I mean, has Don Lemon just taken enough shit from black people saying he ain't "black enough" that he's racing to the other end of the horseshoe now with his apologist behavior?

yeah, he's a piece of shit and deserves death. we know.

better keep it private my niggas

>...and you'd wonder, at 18 yrs. old, 'Where's your parent? Where's your guardian?'

FFS, is he still drunk?

It's not even torture because torture = power + harm. So even though he was harmed, he couldn't have been tortured, because he was born in a position of power.


he probably believes he wont "reach them" if he condemns them
and let's be real here, a nigga's gonna watch out for other niggas, he thought it would be better for all of them if they stopped being thugs, it was always selfish.

They was just getting they life in order. Goin to church every Sunday.

so when this nigger faggot is linched we can say "it wasn't murder, just bad journalism."

They were probably trying to take that tortured white soul with them so he, too, could get his life in order.

Many such cases.

Admitted niggers need to be house trained like dogs.