When did you realize that climate change was a meme?

When did you realize that climate change was a meme?
> Muh Ice caps
> Muh warm winters
> Muh carbon emissions

The liberals sure produce shit memes

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When I went to order some more servers from Dell and there on the web page was a little green thing you could check off if you voluntarily wanted to pay carbon offsets for your server.

>hey want to pay extra for no reason?
>just click here!

I never really believed it but when I read the UN's state of the climate report for 2016 is when I realized it's completely unscientific cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/2016-State-of-the-Climate-Report.pdf

Shortly thereafter I was listening to NPR and they started spouting off about how we all know that global warming is a given and it's time to pay our carbon taxes to fix it.

>oh ffs these people are serious?
>oh by here we go

But every once in a while NPR will come up with something truly lucid. Now mind you this incident was years later, after the science was settled, and you were a holocaust denier if you didn't agree. The lovely hostess merrily declared that Al Gore was donating another $300k to "help prove global warming"

>i thought there was no more debate
>i thought that science was settled

It's not a meme, it's just a constant of living on a planet hat always changes

The only question is human involvement, and there is probably some effect we have on the climate but nobody really knows how muh or if it's a big deal at all.

As for a warming earth Iran been warmer and colder before with human habitation and warmer periods actually are better for human civilizations than colder

The most dire prediction is moderate sea level rise over the next century, that isn't a crisis it's impossible to change the earths warming treats so the only answer is to deal with what happens as the climate changes.

But overall we will be better off with warmer climates, millions of acres in places like Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and South America will become more habitable and more than make up any desertification that occurres

And even some desert areas will actually become more habitable as there will be more moisture in the air feeding snow fed rivers and causin rain.

I argue global warming is good, if the world was cooling I would give people permission to panic

> Blue pill
Keep watching CNN tho familia

Did you even read my post

So then one day a friend sends me a slide show from one of his professor friends that allegedly proves global warming. It would have been neglectful of me to not have a look at it.

Sadly it was such a clusterfuck I had to spend all afternoon following up on the citations and reading the actual published science to figure out what exactly the argument was. Easily half the things I read would not pass muster in my field. OK, fine, some people made some interesting observations and made a decent case for further study, but that's really about it. Almost everything else was a real stretch of the imagination.

No because I'm not a cuck

So then the Russians hack the Copenhagen Treaty. (For some reason this one goes unreported, but of course as we all know they hacked the election.) Within the first seven pages of it

>they just admitted they need a climate deal to set up a global government
>not to save the environment or anything like that
>thanks for writing that down, eh

When they started to shill leftism in my high school science classes.
>"Just because fox news gives equal time to climate change deniers doesn't mean 50% of people are deniers."
>"we've done studies when human eggs are fertilized and then destroyed etc etc"
>ask some question and finish by saying then decide to abort the egg or not
>literally says "why would would you even question that, it's just a clump of cells"
I had been a pro-science, agnostic, AGW/Peak oil beliving, neutral on abortion libertarian til that point. Decided to become a full on anti-intellectual out of spite.

Now another friend linked me to some work by Mike Ruppert. At that point, I finally was exposed to a reasonable argument about the underlying economic forces that would result in "peak oil" and that it really had nothing to do with running out of oil or some silly thing like that.

But why did it take so many years to be exposed to a cogent argument? Mind you this same friend had also recommend a documentary by the name of "Smartest Guys in the Room" which is really interesting when you realize Ken Lay was one of the guys who came up with the carbon trading scam at a UN conference in the 90s.

Sup Forums logic

Climate change is totally real, 9 out of 10 scientists says its real, why would you deny science Sup Forums?
Give me one reason why climate change isn't real, pro tip you can't

You are an illiterate retard I was saying that climate change is objectively good for humanity and that there isnnonway to know what humans have done to effect the earths climate

And then you're like holy crap why is the government covering up the BP spill? And the Fukushima spill? And their weather modification programs? Why is Monsanto literally paying Blackwater to troll my /fit/ about GMO safety?

These are serious questions, but oh no we're all supposed to be freaking out about carbon dioxide instead? And taxing cow farts? WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE

yeah no

Here you go!

>ITT: Two to three climate change-deniers pat each other on the backs as they use anecdotal evidence to prove that a concept is fake over the course of a 100 post thread, 90% of which, will be posted by themselves.


> Believing the climate change meme

And then you have to ask yourself, if these people are serious then why are the funding all kinds of out of control pollution in China while at the same time telling us we have to shape up? That stuff blows over here, you know.

What? Incandescent bulbs are illegal now? You want us to use Chinese CFLs instead? That don't even last as long as incandescents because they're Chinese crap? OH THAT'S GREAT LET'S SAVE A POUND OF CARBON DIOXIDE IN EXCHANGE FOR POISONING THE EARTH WITH MERCURY

climate change is real but the "action" that is taken against it is a big meme.

For example, people used to turn off the lights for one hour in the year. Wow great success. We ALMOST saved the environment.

And now I will buy some trendy products.

The climate always changes it isn't static

In the last 12 thousand years we have been in a warming phase with a slight dip in the dark ages and another slight dip in the 1600's-1800's

>The extremely complex and ever changing systems of the Earth that keep us all alive such as climates, ecosystems, and oceans are just a meme

Look, it's not up for debate. The climate is changing, along with massive species die offs and acidifying oceans, means that humans are in for a nice treat. You have been tricked by your own biology, faggot. Humans evolved to deal with imminent and local threats, not slow, but steady changes in the climate and ecosystems. You will eat your words when massive starvation, famine, and disease strike this planet. No one will be saved, especially cushy first world nations like us.

OP I have studied it and used to be a devote believer. I have written papers on it, urging Geo-engineering that would replace the OZone and actually cause more radiation on earth.

For me, I noticed a trend in the same pseudo-Science groups telling the first world to stop having kids because of climate change and over population. Now these same groups telling people, you need migrant babies because low birth rate.

I started slowly realizing there was a political agenda. I literally used to believe the Al Gore movie where he flew on all those Jets bitching about carbon footprint.

I used to say "it's natural and accelerated by mankind".

My first red pills came, when I started really looking at Obamas climate deals with China. Why disable US and enable them, if climate change is real and we live in a globally connected world, if you enable china to produce more pollution over X amount of years, but you disable and tax your own country. If we live in a global world, the pollution in china will effect our climate change.....

Shady shit man.

There is also the aspect that you cannot fundamentally get funding to go research to disprove climate change, without being connected to the oil industry. Science is about disproving things. If someone who doesn't work in the oil field tries and devotes grant money against the Climate Agenda they will be classified as a fringe scientist against science and blacklisted. And that is counter to science.

Climate change, is political. And there is a hidden agenda. (And Geo-Engineering is being done, and we are not fully aware of consequences yet.)

being in the scientific research field of work and realizing that the only way to be successful is to sell outlandish ideas to idiots with money and then nigger rigging the research to "prove it"

That was fun. I always used to turn on every light I could find and even set up extra lights during that hour.

And then you really have to think. When was the last time politicians did anything competent or knew what they were talking about? And these are the people we're listening to to save the earth?

If ever we needed Carl the Cuck to ask a poignant question it would be about this.

I know right? Next the conservative right will prove gravity was a lie or that people die from being shot.
Right? RIGHT?!

Well, there's also the time we had to make powerpoints using the scientific method to explain something. I made one showing """"revised"""" NASA data on global warming and listing all of the predictions that didn't come true. Could tell the teacher was seething and I got a C for "hypothesis and conclusion not strong enough". It was the best researched thing there, this Mexican kid who sat next to me and made a fucking solar powered fan from a kit got an A for basically copying the instructions down onto powerpoint.

This thread has redpilled me on just how retarded this board is, climate change is real, and human actions are mostly responsible. Yes earth's climate is dynamic but the temperature gradients are paranormal for people on here to say its just nature being nature.

Folks don't seem to get that even though most scientists are well-meaning people who want to advance the state of the art that even Congress was able to discover by following the money back in 1984 that there was a very long history of the funders steering what claims were believed, which of course were beliefs that were convenient to their private purposes at taxpayer expense.

Fortunately some of us are old enough to remember being told we had to use geoengineering to stop global cooling and that increasing carbon dioxide would be a great way to improve crop yield to feed the growing population.

most of Sup Forums is made up of edgy contrarians that reflexively take the opposite position of the one that is most popular at any given time

Confirmed for being a retard, you think that our governments complete ineptness at dealing with climate change isn't real? Carbon credits are a fucking joke, it's a shell game for first world countries to just move their industrialization to third world countries and say "See!? Look! We're not polluting!". The climate change denying faggots on this board fail to realize that we have already lost the war on climate change. Western civilization failed to make the transition to anything even close to a sustainable civilization. I bet you're one of those faggots who thinks "Bah, whatever. The oceans reefs are dying. Who cares?". I promise you faggot in your measly pathetic life time, you will care. For every single species that dies on this planet, there is a ripple effect that affects the local and then global ecosystems. And species are dying out at 1000 times the natural rate thanks to human industrialization. There is nothing I have said in this post that is up for debate. Go ahead and look up the Sixth Mass Extinction, of which we are a part of right now. Colossal fuck ups from our governments and leaders are only the beginning, the starvation and disease hasn't even started yet. Anyone on this board who thinks we can't go back to the Stone Age is a fool, human civilization has collapses many times before, and will do so again because of the gross mismanagement of our planetary resources. We could have become an interstellar species, but instead greedy ((((people)))) thought it would be better to blow up goat herders in the Middle East so they could get "rich".

All I'm saying is that despite the cool technological trinkets and comfy lifestyle that Capitalism has given us, it was never meant to be a long term system. And we are not transitioning. And civilizations who do not change and adapt die out. It's very simple, there are dozens if not hundreds failed civilizations that we have proof of, and, you guessed it, climate change. Read a book, faggot

This is the one Sup Forums standpoint that I will never fucking accept. As a chem grad student with many climatologist associates, I've read enough papers to know it's real, but what Says is true.

Sometimes I even think that big oil shills are in here.

lmao. climatologist... you do realize they have to produce (((research))) to put food on the table, right?

I don't know if it was really "meant" to last or not. I would say we have many internal parasitic forces to worry about such as the ones you point out, or how Warren Buffet used his ownerships of the freight rail systems to hide the poisoned fracking waste water until the regulations allowed him to dump it back in the ground.

I recall John Maynard Keynes was once asked if his monetary system would work after WWII. He basically said, "well, we'll all be dead by then!" He was also a gay pedophile who like how you could get boys for cheap in Monaco.

why don't your climatologist associates allow their raw data and raw models to be accessed by skeptical scientists?

Yes, and if you think that they can just make stuff up, especially with how much scrutiny the field is under, you're delusional.

Come back to me when you're an actual STEM student. I'll bet you're an undergrad, at most.

But they do, here.

Which climatologists and specific papers are you referring to?

That would open them to Russian hacking.

wait so what did u get from the reading? so far im on page 3 and it sounds like a paper on how to disprove global warming

Just take one semester in geology or ask a geologist. A real geologist. This shit happens like clock work. The earth warms up, cools off. It happens.

Human time is not the same as earth time.

USA the only country on earth that denies science

michael mann is the most famous one.

>be leading the polls for your country's premiership
>speak out against muslim terrorists
>get convicted of hate crimes
literally can't make this shit up

Yes we are still coming out of an ice age but still don't know if we are going back into an ice age? That's why the powers that be had to rebrand the meme from global cooling, to warming, and finally to change.

Al Gore scared the shit out of me with that crazy CO2 graph of his.

Now it all makes sense. Man made climate change is the Catholic Churches new age neo-Pagan technocratic fossil fuel grabbing religion employed through their proxy fronts the UN, NASA and East Anglia University. The original idea was hatched at the Club of Rome by some Malthusians. By first taxing, then controlling and eventual rationing of all fossil fuels on earth, the powers that be can drive earth back into a dark age while enforcing it with a mechanized global police state powered by the remaining fossil fuels they seek to control. These are horrible times to be alive really, 21st century is going to be painful for most.

Pretty much. When I finally got annoyed enough to look into the matter, that was one of the key clues in noticing how many major world issues go back to the Malthsusians and eugenicists, now rebranded as transhumanists, which are roughly the folks I work with these days.

And once you get there you pretty much have to go out of your way to not wind up back into crazy mystery religion stuff. At that point what really is true matters less than how cults operate.

It's not worth the risk of it actually being true and all anti-climate change shit being a disinformation campaign by the Koch Brothers.

i have a masters in materials engineering

now im a financial analyst making beaucoup bucks

Boy, lots of shills today. Didn't you guys know Hillary lost?

you sure you're not the guy on the right?