Trump supporters are the niggers of white people

Uneducated, anti-intellectual, and vulgar.

You're not even capable of realizing it because of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Prove me wrong faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh man, you have devastated my feelings. I can never recover from this verbal holocaust.

nonsense, I have a beautiful garden.

well not right now, but it's almost time to pull up the cover grass

>mfw niggers still don't understand soil
>mfw they eat cookies from it
They could literally make bricks from the dirt and fire them in the earth- and build houses, trade, etc. But they don't. They're niggers.

>Prove me wrong



Literal Niggers voted Hillary
Stay cucked you fag

The only victims of hate crimes are normal white people. Everything else is proven to be hoax.

> breitbart

Lol, ok. Why don't you link RT while you're at it.