Why women whine and complain so much?

Why women whine and complain so much?

They don't, you just pay attention the loud attention whores. Naturally smarter women have better things to do with their time than constantly rant online or even in real life about their feelings about society.

People want to be He-Man because of what he does and what he represents.

Literally, the only thing Barbie got going for her is that she's pretty.

Why does the sun shine

Why does the rain fall

It's just the way it is

Untrue, little girls look up to Barbie because she is sweet, friendly, caring and passionate about whatever activity she is currently involved in. Her attractiveness is nice, just like He-Man's (would a kid enjoy playing with He-Man as much if he looked retarded instead of handsome?) but both are irrelevant.

He-Man is a male power fantasy.

He doesn't give men unrealistic, unhealthy, and unfair standards of masculine beauty. He is proof that men want to dominate everything, especially the realm of Eternia and poor Skeletor.

>not wanting to be SkullFace


I'd fuck the dogshit out of any schumer desu

men try to climb the mountain women try to tear it down
>tips fedora.jpg

guess which one society think it's harder to achieve lol

Only power of woman is whining,this is why then hate man whining.

I liked He-Man but I never wanted to be him

the left of course since women feel forced to look like it even though they are all fat by 18-/19, the right one is a male power fantasy

it's true though. that's why there are so many obese bitches running around.

It would have been a hopeless endeavour anyway.

"I'll get you next time Heee Maaan!"

I feel poor for britbongs though, since I am a swedecuck I've met a lot of them and all the males are fit and looksmax meanwhile the females are chubby and disgusting

Because they want attention

Why do you think they live?

Because men cave and give them what they want.

They try to get somone else to tear it down.

But Barbie has done every career on the planet on top of looking gorgeous

So they will shut up.
Aaah the power of whining
Mexi-bro above is right.

Being myself a gal, I just don't give a shit about how a doll looks like or shitty stuff like this. Waste of time.
Girls that complains about it did NEVER suffer from REAL life problems. In fact I'm pretty sure most of whiners among em are just well-born, spoil rotten degenerates in desperate need of "problems" to find a meaning of their boring lives.
Typical nowadays decadency.

Why women whine and complain so much?