The Chinese are smart. Why didn't they discover the new world?
The Chinese are smart. Why didn't they discover the new world?
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They were isolationist
They didnt see it coming.
Fun fact, Asians colonized Madagascar before Africans did, despite it being right fucking there.
Also, Who discovered the new world? There were people living there... people who originally crossed from Asia.
yes but why
Western civ has fiery temper to conquer the unknown, Chinese just want to lick the boots of the imperial family.
They did.
The east remains a mystery to us due to constant Mongol invasions and the fact that even our own written History has been deeply altered.
They only had Cheng Ho. Thats it. AND the exploration was limited to coastal line.
The West first signs of renaissance gave us the Sextant and Astrolabe which were essential for any deep maritime navigation.
The Chinese did not have these or the mathematical background for it. I am not calling them dumb, just what it was.
I will call them dumb, if you'd like
>entire culture around art of fighting
>utterly suck at it
They dont suck, their technology and society were always a sight to see, and you are wrong about being a culture around fighting, far from it. CHi8nese always disliked fighting, preferring fortifications.
Read Montgomery concise history of warfare for example.
I hate it when the some fall for Orientalism and praises anything East.
they could never agree on which way to better control/harvest the population as a resource, too busy fighting each other for dominion over peasants and divine right
The only Chinese history I know is the end of the Han and the three kingdoms. Which is just a lot of endless fighting and political backstabbing. When exactly does the culture shift?
I'm only joking, I watched Tiger and Crane fist earlier.
My man Edmond Dantes respects the Orient, and so do I. Though I consider their people on the insectoid side.
Also the Chinese clearly sailed around the world in ancient times. I'm not fooled.
>The Chinese are smart. Why didn't they discover the new world?
I don't know about the Chinese, but Asians did discover the New World.
Anytime they got close to it like with Europe, some different guy would come in and change everything to isolationist.
The Tang and the Sung were a glorious period of stability for the Chinese. Incredible society, urbanism, a strong bureaucratic and meritocratic system, you had exams to choose top bureaucrats.
But they were always stable all throughout History, and the 80 year long siege against the Mongols is a History of pain and sacrifice always forgotten.
The Mongols really fucked them over and Islam as well.
Chinese historical cycle is generally a short periods of infighting followed by an extremely long, stable reign, then repeat
>sailed around the world
You have no idea what it fucking takes to sail around the world. user pls.
They had a big fleet and even went to east Africa,
but got to busy keeping the Mongols at bay
So the goverment decided to put the ressources away from the fleet
I bet you think Egyptians built the pyramids. You people sleep through life.
Again they were restricted to coast lines. It was not fault of the Mongols, they burned their own ships down.
Oh user I know they were built by the Atlantean race.
Where is this image from?
Wait, islam fucked China over? When and where, and by whom?
I meant to say The mongols equally fucked China AND the Islamic world.
Not that I have any pity for the Islamic world, fuck them.
Why should they burnt down their ships?
They weren't white niggers, and didn't need to chimpout like the Spanish did on the natives
They had a fuckton of land and resources already and a land route to trade with india. Why would they bother risking a journey across a massive ocean to find more land and to trade with natives in teepees?
Emperors decision. Read History user.
It was mostly Eunuch civil officials that wanted to further finance tresere expeditions, but it was obvious the voyages were massively expensive.
Expensive, because these were not European caravels, these were a great number of massive ships hugging close to the coastline of east Africa, they were slow and ponderous.
European first explorers, were sleak fast ships, rady for high seas. Many times privately financed ( in case of Portugal Templar money).
Am I the only one ruined so badly by Sup Forums that I immediately thought of 'boipucci' when I read Vespucci ?
The Chinese thought the world was flat until European explorers told them otherwise. They then promptly claimed they knew it all along.
It's fairly possible that they did do it, but they had no economic interest in colonization projects
They didn't even discover Taiwan until after we did.
They WERE exploring, mostly islands in south chineese sea, some even think tgey've reached south america. Their fleet sucked though, mostly because they never had a reason to develop it since there were no maritime trade partners.
Pretty sure some 14th century Chinese pirate did. Was a woman too. Took over her husband's pirates when he died.
Sounds like a typical Chink move
They did that for tons of other western stuff.
google: xi xue zhong yuan or Western knowledge has Chinese origins for more examples.
They claimed to have the first parliament because the word they used for parliament, after Europeans taught them about it, was "discussion room" and since they had rooms in which topics were discussed before Europeans showed up, they had had parliaments for millenia
They did.
Their paradigm is different, note that they call themselves "middle kingdom" and their external relations is tributary system, not colonisation. There is no pressure to go further away to settle.
They had a fit of jealously because of the humiliation during the 19th century.
I think they are learning however.
Give it a few hundred years and soon they will say that they landed on the moon first. Actually, I'm surprised that they haven't started trying to say that space travel was first thought of by Bing Bong Long of the Fouyong Dynasty
I don't think they will ever learn. Their golden age has long passed, and now they are a burden on the planet. The modern age belongs to the Western World, not a bunch of backwards peoples with the inability to properly metabolize food (the reason they are always hungry)
Because we and Spain, the mediterranean master race discovered it frist
China is going to convert completely to Christianity and become the world power.
Christianity destroy every nation it touches. (((They))) created it to destroy Rome.
>amerigo boipucci
show me your vespucci
>The Chinese did not have these or the mathematical background for it.
They invented paper, printing, gunpowder and compass, I wouldn't define them as dumb.
I remember that I read somewhere, I don't rembember exactly what book it was, but it was like a diary of a mandarin or something like that. He said that it was the mentality of Han people that China is already the heaven on earth, the pinnacle of humanity and so there was no need for exploring "lesser" places. But again, this was after they were "discovered", so it could have been bullshit.
Yeah, those pesky Jews are certainly in it for the long haul.
>christianity is founded in the 1st Century AD, and around the 5th Century
Be real. The Romans killed Christians and forced them to fight in the arena. The Romans did not accept Christianity until much later.
Go back to Plebbit with your pagan bullshit. Sup Forums is, and always has been, a Catholic/Orthodox board. We shall take the heathens and burn them, and the Heretics will be subjected to scaphism. Be gone with you. Flee Fedora-Man
Rome fell around the 5th Century*
Nice fanfic pseudo-history. Rome was doomed from the start no Empire can last more then a few hundred years.
China is a world in itself, it's quite literally YUGE and was basically united under the mandate of heaven = no need or desire to explore/expand
Europe meanwhile was overcrowded, full of warring countries and competing interests and thus had a lot of reasons to explore/expand to new lands since it was cheaper than fighting a 10 year war for 2 square feet of land
For some reason, the Europeans were the only ones with a burning desire to discover and traverse the whole world.
Besides the fact most Christian converts were peaceful and maintained more cultural identity then they would under Islamic conversion.
>this much whitewashing
Christopher Tyrone DeNeill Columbus was a melanin rich KANG you fucking racist scumbag
Americas were discovered because Europeans were searching for new trade routes with india. Turkroaches, who controlled the land road, refused to trade with anybody except Genoa and Venice.
If you consider that round earth theory was at the time basically a conspiracy theory that could get you killed by the govt,there was little sense in just randomly roaming the seas.
Nonsense. He was Portuguese.
Why would he call Portugal "my homeland"?
they're practical, not adventurous.
There are probably factors beyond IQ that influence the degree to which a society is innovative. Asians tend to be more conformist than Whites, possibly due to their long history under iron fist rulers like Ghengis Khan. If there is little tolerance for dissent in a society and those who do speak out are regularly killed, those genes die off and this can create a more submissive, less experimental population on a genetic level.
Europe had tyrants of its own, but it also had ancient western philosophy, which encouraged individualism and created skepticism towards powerful government in a lot of ways.
Because they were rekt by the Mongols
Same thing happened to the Arabs and Persians btw
There's a reason the Islamic Golden Age ended in the 13th Century
By the time the mongols arrived in Iran Islam had already conquered India and were pushing into China and South Asia. Chinese meanwhile had done... no expansion. And even then the Chinese Fleet talked about itt was led by a Persian-Chink Muslim.
They were extremely ethnocentric. Every other nation was viewed as a tributary that would eventually bend the knee to China's cultural superiority. Land was pretty rich in resource as well, internal trading was all they needed.