I tried to kill myself with rope before, and I was struggling as hell, my hands trying to undo the rope, my body want to breathe.
>imagine you're gonna drown yourself, and your body will do anything to get air, your hands will do anything to get you out of the water, not just a calm death
>allegedly No, I'm pretty sure it actually happened
Nathaniel Ortiz
You have zero clue what lead her to suicide. Some people welcome death with open arms and contain their primal urges (pic related)
By the fact you are alive your bitch ass didn't really want it
Liam Bell
Maybe you should just accept that a 12 year old has more balls than you
Julian Nelson
Here is some stuff I found:
Katelyn Nicole Davis (Rogers) 2/20/2004-12/30/2016 Mother: Tammy Michelle Rogers Bio-Father: Matthew Reed Davis Step-Father: Anthony Lee Rogers Sr. Siblings: A.J. Rogers and Abbigail Rogers
Facebook post on 10/28/2016 by Tammy Michelle Rogers >The biggest piece of shit DeadBeat Dad ever is Matthew Reed Davis how in the hell you walk past your Daughter Katelyn Nicole Rogers and not even Acknowledge Your Daughter it would of made her day for him to give katelyn 5 minutes of his time to say I Love You and miss you but Couldn't even do that Katelyn is so Heartbroken and Upset Keep In mind I have never kept Him from seeing his Daughter. What a Huge piece of Shit he is to destroy his own daughter because hes a heartlesspiece a Shit. Its so hard being her mother and watching her cry herself to sleep because he doesn't want to have nothing to do with her. Please Pray Katelyn gets over this... men like this should have there man parts chopped off so no other child has to go through what my baby girl has too go through with feeling like she's nothing to him..... Much Prayers Needed for Katelyn..
After this facebook post Katelyn uploads a video of her singing along to "Piece by Piece" by Kelly Clarkson, a song about her father. When she gets to the part where she sings "He loves me." She turns off the radio, looks at the camera and says "no he doesn't."
Justin Collins
He told me to "hang myself" just because I asked him if he would stop being so perverted in front of my younger siblings.He cussed me and called me a "worthless whore" and that I should kill myself.
Is what she wrote in her diary three days before doing so
Lincoln Barnes
Hanging either cuts off your circulation to the brain, or snaps your neck and destroys your spinal chord and you die of shock. It's not supposed to suffocate you?
It would be awesome if this girl faked all this to fuck up her rapist stepfather, though. The family colluding to guilt him into confessing, and then spending all the patreon sympathy cash on moving the fuck out of Smallsville.
Alas, the world isn't so kind, and we've lost another qt goth grill in the making.
Jose King
And there you have it folks, that's the codeword. This "suicide" video is officially 100% fake and gay.