What made white people so successful in the 19th century?

What made white people so successful in the 19th century?

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Being white, mostly.

Dope hats.

self determination and racial/social harmony

we weren't pussies

All inventors in Europe was black, my cousin invented the flag. Prove me wrong.


diversity and multiculturalism

They didn't let inferior races or sexes interfere with progress


This, and lack of white guilt. Also technology kind of fucked up our minds and personal relationships.

Industrial revolution.

Ever see any niggers in those pictures.

Yes nordbro, now I need reparations for all of Norways colonies so bring me your sister and let me give your wife a son.

healthy amounts of racism

Nigger slaves and colonies....;)

Child labor and nonexistent safety regulations.

>complete South Afrika is one country now
We wuz bigga than russiaz 'n shit

No muhha fugga. If Ukraine didn't colonise africa we'd have the best technologies and bigger tvs


Don't get caught using the internet Achmed or you'll get 20 lashes.

The British Empire.

'Allo, Hans, give Namibia back.

They unbanned Sup Forums for some reason.

i agree, if you dont have a job at 15 you are nobody

You mean the 1% aristocratic society? Mostly controlling the wealth in a closed bubble of few families. The peasants were treated worse than animals.

Industrial revolution


Can Arabs stop claiming to know how to build pyramids? My grand-dad built 3 of them!

The remnants of the ancien regime.

This. Leaf with a good post for once.

Egyptians built the Pyramids, they are not real Arabs.

The Industrial revolution and cheap labour, remember in the good old days when whites were living the high-life and only blacks suffered

I built the pyramids!

no niggers

Unless your descendants are white, you did not build the pyramids.

Sup Forums was never banned in Saudi.
The means for citizens to find Sup Forums (youtube, most of reddit, uncensored search engines) however are very limited.

>technologically dominates everyone else on earth
>much bigger % of the population
>still having confidence in the superiority of your civilization because of your insane economic performance and the sophistication of your art, philosophy, laws
>still believe in the ultimate superiority of Christianity and in your messianic mission to propagate it to all corners of the earth

We used to have a combination of material and ideological factors making us the greatest civilization that had ever existed. Now we're pretty much just in the process of dying. We no longer have technological dominance. We've allowed the world population to balloon in such a way that we've been effectively been demographically marginalized. Ideologically, we've sustained post modern and marxist attacks leading to a loss of self confidence in the value of our civilization, which we do not even regard as being specifically European anymore but rather interpret as being the default state of humanity (which is horseshit). We're also no longer Christian, and therefore do not believe ourselves to be the possessor of some sort of ultimate truth to be jealously guarded, protected and generously spread.

We suck so fucking hard right now.

>The peasants were treated worse than animals

You mean, the urban workers
Feudal landlords didn't treat their own valuable workforce worse than animals

Yes it was, when I used to try it never loaded, like the site just did not exist.

I am not a parent, I don't have descendants, but my ancestors, who wus kangs, built the pyramids.

Cant it also look like you're from there if you're using a proxy/VPN?

Is Sup Forums better than the Koran?

And what do you think caused the industrial revolution?

It started with the fact that Europe is easily traversible, that certain beasts of burden were available, etc. Before the 19th century, Europeans weren't the most dominant, and in fact were battered by Middle Easterners and Asians, who held equivalent and sometimes even more modern tech.

Before around the 19th century, most Europeans lived their lives, quite literally, in shit. Plagues and war ravaged them. It's a reasonable conjecture to say that, if the Black Death was a little worse, we'd be pestering Asians about their privilege today.

The political state of Europe just lined up right for a large power grab, the biggest the world would ever see. Colonialism became a big tenant to European identity, which drove physical expansion, and as a consequence, technological and ideological expansion. Sure, you might say "It's all race! That's it!" But really, most average European peasants lived in shit hovels before the 19th century. If genetics played a role, it was in the rare, one-of-a-kind geniuses rather than the average man.

Nikola Tesla

Jared Diamond pls leave

Mostly avoided the stupid brothers wars of the 20th century.



Says who? Death by exhaustion or work related incidents was common back then. God forbid you brake your leg, you can't work for 6 months, you starve to death. Do you really think people worked 7-8 hour jobs back then? They worked their ass off all day and got paid shit for it.

For all the glorification of the good ol' days, you guys will probably shoot your skull off after a week living back then.

white ppl

Cooler climate
Whites do better when it's cold outside.

>Before around the 19th century, most Europeans lived their lives, quite literally, in shit.

One of the big things was the 18th century agricultural revolution in Britain, which made a lot of farm workers unemployed, so they moved to the cities, creating a huge supply of cheap labour. It also reduced food prices as production went up.

Britain also established a central bank and encouraged it to lend money to many nobles who were moving their money from the countryside to the cities, and promoted investment. International power also helped a lot as many materials could be imported.

Britain also had many of the resources at hand for industry such as coal and unlike other countries Britain was relatively safe, so it could afford for experimentation while others were having to make sure not to get invaded.

The lending also went into science a lot, especially to support the British military, which is how the first machines were made and that is how the industrial revolution started.

Harry Houdini


They didn't treat non-whites like equals and had no guilt about exploiting Africa, etc. Belgium in the Congo was the negro Holocaust well before Hitler came along for the "undesirables". Look up Leopold II.

The real question is, why do White people like self-destroying in the 21st century?

>most Europeans

>They worked their ass off all day
No they didn't.
Medieval serfs had more holidays than the average worker nowadays.

Guns, Germs, and Steel

The elites of the whites worshipped the devil and power was moved onto them, don't act like your average white person is anything more than a person who leeches off given luxury even to this day, whilst possessing very low levels of basic skills, only good at overcontenplation of trivial things which he mistakes for intellect, now Satan's contract has expired and he's about to take back what he gave the white empire three fold.

Things like morals, a strong mostly Christian religious core, pride in themselves, and a mostly similar genetic makeup.

the only steel is me stealing your flag and wiping my ass w/ it.

Sure thing, after all I don't think you can afford proper toilet paper in Chad.


Being the niggers and colonising successful nations

bourgeois ethics and capitalism

You're listing achievements and processes, not showing why we were successful. That is based on genetics.

The working class. Mostly Irish, Slavs, and a few Germanic types. You should know, Hans. Just look at how well Germinikstan is doing with all those Achmeds you got building your cars and roads and... oh wait.

>We no longer have technological dominance.
Yes we do, by a huge margin. Nearly every modern technology in China was stolen through espionage.

Edison was smarter


The aliens built the pyramids, idiot. Do you know anything of substance?

This is it.

well after you use leafs, you get bored.

Mercantilism and the right amount of high-IQ/high-creativity stats which led to the industrial revolution.

All the other races either lack creativity or brains and thus they're shit.

We put women in corsets and enslaved them. It was your right to stick your dick in her puss whenever you wanted. If they weren't married by about 21 they had hit the wall and were thrown to niggers to be gang raped.

That classic movie with Mr Darcy, Pride and Prejudice, has the mother desperately trying to marry off her daughters asap.

Being white.

You mean, """Anglos""".
Without England, the whole Europe would remain as a savage shitholes it was. Look what you are using right now, the whole thing you are enjoying every day is invented by Anglos. Who started Industrial revolution? That's right. English men. Almost all modern technologies are originated from England and few are other Anglo nations.

Lack of nigger interference and lack of white guilt.

I miss the days (I never lived in.) when you could call a nigger a subhuman monkey in public and everyone would laugh and at most some people would tell you not to be so harsh on the beasts because they can't help but act like animals.

It was fucking great.

And the hats. And mustaches. Men were powerful back then when we had cool hats and handlebar mustaches.

Numbers confirms

I'm just gonna have to trow this one out there. Reduced role of the church, started by protestants. Anglo and germanic countries developed faster. The more backwards a religion, the less developed a country is. Other denominations of christianity, tend to be slightly more restrictive, but still ok. Of course Islam is the bottom tier.

Reduced rule of the church is only accomplished by more intelligent peoples. Saying its all because of these processes without understanding the actual, deep reasons why we were able to accomplish these things is just magical thinking based on a feeling of inferiority.

>Before the 19th
Try before 5000 B.C. or 2000 A.D. because that's the only time the groups you just mentioned had any dominance in the field of technology.

>even more modern tech
This only happened very early on.
Asia and the ME were richer and first to civilize due to either population size or terrain (pre-dessert lush mesopotamia vs harsh, cold Europe? 1,000,000 million packed into a small continent of 30,000,000 all over Asia?), but they've never managed to out-invent Europeans because Asians lack creativity (they're the niggers of creativity I'd say) and Near-Easterners are pretty stupid.

>if genetics[...]
>one of a kind
No, many because that's what's floating around in the gene-pool.

White people got 1) high IQs from cold environments that require technical proficiency and future time orientation to survive in, 2) individualistic personalities from one family wheat farming (as opposed to the collectivist operations of labor intensive rice farming, like the East Asians, 3) an orientation towards civil society instead of familial one based on outbreeding and 4) the ability of free scientific inquiry due to the underming of the Church's authority due to the Reformation

Cue the Enlightenment, cue Newton, then steam power, then industrialization

That's how

Marxism didn't exist, liberalism was still pure from jewis """"intelectuals"""", condition of living were rising, there was still a lot to conquer and discover and demographically whites weren't threatened by non-whites.

Slavery. The economies of scale you can achieve through slavery is astounding. Most developed countries at one point in time used slavery.


Yeah, on their heyday, Europeans made up 36% of the world's population, vastly outnumbering niggers and muslims. They had the double advantage of numbers and technology, no one had the power to stop their expansion.

what are you, fucking retarded? we put an end to slavery in the 19th century. the British literally patrolled the african coast to prevent slave ships from sailing there

What would happen to you if they caught you?

Baby read Guns Germs and Steel and thinks he's an expert now. If you were so smart you'd know what you just said is far from the full story and partially bullshit.

That`s actually not so, life was getting better and improved, till 1970`s neoliberalism

*real leftist, not just another b8-shitposter*


The middle class existed by this point

Slavery was around for over 10,000 years and neither Africans nor Arabs invented anything with it. On the other hand, Europeans set about abolishing slavery from the end of the 18th century through the middle of the 19th century.

Try again.

We were successfull because of racism.

I am white. I was a good thing. Seperate everyone from each other. Everyone minds their own business, negotiate trade deals.


history is a big list of achievements and processes in a big chain

>because of racism

That`s actually not so, racism is XXth century shit, just as guilt complex

You mean, """Anglos""".Without England, the whole Europe would remain as a savage shithole it was. Look what you are using right now(the internet, www, computer, mouse, keyboard, speaker, lightbulb), almost whole thing you are enjoying every day is invented by Anglos. Who started Industrial revolution? That's right. English men. Almost all modern technologies are originated from England and few are other Anglo nations. Slavs and Krauts only copied us and they are not even doing better than Japs nowadays. How pathetic!