So gun fags, why would a lovely open carry state like Florida have a mass shooting? I thought guns protect people! You said this wouldn't happen in States with no anti-gun laws.
So gun fags, why would a lovely open carry state like Florida have a mass shooting...
Carter Brooks
Easton Phillips
>open carry state
False premise = false conclusions.
Dylan Perry
Guns arent allowed to be loaded and keptvon your person in an airport
Fuck off moron
Adrian Barnes
Daniel Lee
fuck off retard
Thomas Rogers
Floridafag here. Florida is not an open carry state...
Nicholas Turner
>Guns banned from airport
>Killer still brings guns to airport
Ryan Taylor
And OP was never heard from again.
David Allen
Gun free zones create the perfect environment for mass shooters
Cameron Walker
Airport baggage collection - where everybody is getting off a plane so they will have been confirmed by TSA to be safely disarmed.