Russian Orthodox church celebrates christmas

>all women are wearing hijabs

? Russians explain

Women cover their heads when in church dude.

Corinthians 11:5

But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head--it is the same as having her head shaved.

bruh u dont know shit about the russian orthodox lol

Another reason Catholicism > Orthodox

Typical stupid post from Sweden as usual. Don't you have anything better to do while your mum is getting gangbanged by kebab?


holy fuck

that's what older/conservative women wear in ortodoxy and if someone dies those head scarf things(don't know how else to translate) are just black.

If you go to any serbian village all older women are dressed like that.

To visit an orthodox church it is requirement there that women cower their heads and men remove their hats when inside.

But then again you're all turkish rapebabies.

Christians have always had that dumb shit about having cunts cover their hair. Some Jewish shit.

Up until Vatican 2 Catholic women did the same thing, many women still do it as a sign of piety.

Many women that attend FSSP chapels wear a chapel veil all the time.

What hijabs? Its scarfs. Women unallowed in church with uncovered head.


go kiss some refugees feet.

Are you fucking retarded? Head veils are a thing in tons of cultures.

What are those "head scarf things" called in your native language?


isn't there a proper name for those?

Don't bully Sven, he doesn't know much about cultures apart from Islam of course.

Those are bubushkas


This is why Canada is above you, you ignorant fucking Swede.

Delete this!

Fucking puppet pope doesn't even represent half of the catholics. He's not getting any younger though so that's good.

>western europe is cucked
>eastern europe is cucked
>northern europe is cucked
>southern europe is cucked

Who else central masterrace here?

I always thought that meant grandma lel

It's not a hijab Jamal, it's a fucking headscarf. Women wear them only when they enter the church, while all men must remove headdresses.

>not eastern european mongolian slav country

Same here desu

They're also not allowed to show their legs.

Traditional women cover their heads. It used to be the norm not too long ago, until feminism turned Western women into whores.


the more you know

Still whiter than hungary

Hell our negers, while i'd rather see them dragged back to the hell holes they came from, are more civilised than you slavs.

Southern Baptist here...
In some churches women still cover their heads like Moses told them to do.

You can go back to prepping the bull, we got this.

>It's not a hijab Jamal, it's a fucking headscarf
But they're the same.
I thought it just referred to the kind of old women who wear them.

and you right, i dont know what they talk about. Its headscarf.

isn't it called a babushka?

>/po/ doesn't know what a rusian babushka is
You're all so fucking retarded

It's called a babushka, shawl, Pashmina, dipshit.

how many Russians give a shit about this stuff?

A Ukrainian cleaning lady once said that in their country there's no such custom as in Poland, when people actually prepare for Christmas, like clean their house etc.

Woah you're the first tough guy I've ever seen on the internet

dipshit is a weird name for a head scarf

It is Paul's command, and only in church for modesty. Muslim is for society. New post communist Russia is the true hope of Christians.

I could have read 10 chapters in Judges today and I'm here shitposting.

You must be 12 years old. Even the mother of Emil i Lonneberget wears as scarf. You should know that.

fucking retard

Catholics aren't Christian

It's not a hijab. If you go into a church, a man should have nothing covering his head while a woman should cover her head.

Long hair is sufficient as a head covering

Wearing headscarves started because of Christianity. In olden times people believed that since Mary was a virgin the only way she could have possibly had a child was through being fucked in the ear by god jizz. Since no man likes being a cuck woman were made to wear head scarves. So wearing a head scarf is probably as orthodox christian as you can be.