So chicks really dig bbc after all?

So chicks really dig bbc after all?

And people still say women arent all bi

Can you blame them for not wanting the white pencil dick?

Given that lesbian is at the top of the female chart, I'd imagine that a lot of women looking for hardcore porn videos are probably gay or bisexual women who are more interested in the pleasuring/humiliation/whatever of the woman on the receiving end than being attracted to the black guy himself.

But who knows.

I would fap to traps but it does not mean I want too fuck one

>rape on neither side

doctored as fuck/10

There's no category for that m8

Jesus, (((our greatest ally))). You don't take your own stuff! Dealer 101.

most women don't watch porn


stop the thread guys.

How do they now your gender based off your Ip address?

Some people have accounts. Maybe even a lot of people

then the categories are doctored as well

>women search for "anal" more often than men

Yeah this chart is bullshit

>making accounts on porn sites.
Only a few people are retarded enough to do this.

Also This, Women have little interest in anal.

Nevermind I can't fucking read charts apparently

Link to source?

>watch porn
>98% of the time fap to something on front page or browse through a few pages of whatever is featured.
>2% of the time actually search for something

The vast majority of porn is white dick, the reason its not featured in the search histories is because women don't have to search for it.

>top categories are lesbian related


kek looks like we're getting cucked by other women more than we are by black dudes tho

Lil' white bois just can't compete anymore.

This data is highly suspect. Who honestly identifies anything about themselves on a porn website? I bet half or more of the lesbian love loving ladies are actually 14 year old boys who just discovered girl on girl action.

>believing jewish (((((((((statistics)))))))))
>thinking a website can positively identify a gender when almost all porn is viewed in private browsing modes

>taking this crap as a real study
Sup Forums pls

Girls like lesbian porn because they like watching pussy getting eaten, but most straight porn focuses mostly on blowjobs (if there's oral at all)

White bois btfo!!!!!!

They took verified women's accounts.

Some sites ask if you're male or female to provide better results. Sure you could lie, but you'd have a shitty experience finding what you're looking for

>men prefer cartoons to niggers

fucking kek

fpbp, women are bi

Nigeria has proxies? Wasn't aware they had electricity

Old-ass image from Sup Forums, circa 2008. Check out what she's watching.

>women who have verified accounts on porn websites
>not being significantly more whorish and promiscuous than the average female

Why do so many women search "Japanese"

That's some old ass vhs sourced porn video downloaded with kazaa lite.

the mens favs are pretty funny

Yeah kind of, like I fap to sloppy asians all the Time, but not sure if I could fuck one lol


Yeah, I really doubt these results are reliable.


I mean, verified men that hace accounts on pornhub only compose a fraction of the traffic, and these men are not at all representstive of society because of how fucking immersed they are in porn

I can only imagine how the girls are

that guy could be any race

I don't understand how they make these statistics. I mean, I don't fill out a survey to watch porn, how do they know who's male or female based on just an IP address? Are they operating on only registered accounts? If so, only the MOST degenerate of either gender are counted. Otherwise, how invasive of spying does pornhub do against its users?

How would you write "so fucking hot" in the comments without an account

Porn is a problem.

People leave comments on videos?

register users

think about what kind of disgusting fat bitch actually has to look for porn instead of stepping outside and having hundreds of guys lined up to fuck her.

Yeah, you're missing out on the best part.

-extreme gangbang

Disgusting. Women are all whores

The reason lesbian is #1 is that straight women don't watch porn since they have sex with Chads multiple times per week. Lesbians still have to perform the insurmountable feat of attracting women, so they are in a similar boat to men and have to watch porn.

They guess.

After refining a method they can look at known samples blindly and consistently get within a certain margin of error.

Whats the difference between a gangbang and an extreme gangbang?

>step dad and daughter
>step mom
>step sister
>step mom and son

i guess im not alone afterall.

>implying those are actual women and not ladyboiz/straight men/faggots or zombie accounts